A/N: Hey guys. Thanks so much for all the reviews! I have over 200.
Real quick guys, my poll, I added another possible story. Its super good. Also, I decided that i'm going to start 2 stories rather than just one so you now have the option of picking out your 2 favorites in the list. So go back and re-vote or vote if you have to!
Well enjoy the last ending!
Alternate Ending 2
"Ok, Sakura..." I said to myself, sitting on a nearby bench under a cherry blossom tree. It overlooked a sparkly lake, the seemed to ripple at the speed my heart was going. "You just punched the boy you were or are in love with because he called your father that night at the club, who almost killed you, out of jealousy because he was in love with you?" I sighed after getting all that out.
:+:God, what have I gotten myself into?:+:
:+:The worst thing about it? I still want to be with him.:+:
I sat there in spite myself, feeling utterly alone. My world, well what was left of it, was crumbling beneath my feet. I had no family, no one to trust. They all just stab me in the back. It was very overwhelming, and I was sure that I would pass out sometime. I growled silently, feeling the wind wisp at my face. Stupid "father". Stupid Gaara. Stupid patheitc Ino. Stupid....Sasuke. Stupid heart...stupid love. I sighed. I guess, it wasn't so bad...was it?
"Of course it is. How could I let myself be so vulnerable to these people. I can't trust anyone. I just...I can't." I said outloud. I walked down to the lake, gazing at myself, feeling the sorrow rip at my chest. This hurts so much. I trusted him....I trusted them all. How could I be so stupid?
"It's not true you know." A voice said from behind me, making me jump. I looked to the left, seeing his face boring holes into my reflection.
"What do you want, Sasuke?" I asked, my voice completely void of any emotion. He staggered back, clearly surprised.
"What...what you said, it isn't true. You CAN trust people. Sakura, you can trust me." He took a step forward, his hands shaking. I took a step away, closing my eyes, inhaling deeply. It took me awhile to be able to clear my head, but I turned around, my eyes lingering on the ground.
"It is true. You have some nerve to talk Uchiha, after what you just told me." He didn't respond, and as much as I wanted to look into his eyes, I knew that I would forgive him, so I kept them safely staring at the ground.
"I know...but I had a reason. Sakura..I was. scared. About losing you. I didn't want to risk that." He made a move to lift my chin but I slapped his hand away, growling.
"Oh, like you weren't already doing that. It was your fault that I almost died. Does that mean nothing to you?" The pain was growing, much to my disappointment. You will keep your calm, Sakura. You will not let him control your emotions.
"Oh course it does! I eat myself alive for this Sakura. You think I purposely did this? You think I wanted your father to kill you?" I flinched at his choice words. Taking a chance, I stared into his eyes. They were unreadable. My gaze narrowed, betrayal bitter and apparent. He inhaled sharply, taking a step back. I took a step forward, slapping him hard across the face.
"I trusted you. Sasuke, I trusted you with my life, and you tried to actually end it. I trusted you with everything. I believed in you. And now this pack of lies spew from your mouth. How can I believe anything you say when you keep things from me?" I said, angry. My tone was like a sword, cutting through the void. How ..Sasuke? How? He began to tremble, causing guilt to rise. But I ignored it. This...I couldn't. Not this time.
"Sakura...I...I did it..because I loved you. I never lied to you. I just kept that from you. There's a difference." His voice was desperate, causing me to take a wary step forward. I wanted to rest a hand on his cheek, to stop his pain. But I couldn't find it in me to do so.
"Sure. Just like everyone else that stabbed me in the back." I hissed. Tears stung my eyes, and I didn't try to fight them off. They slipped down, bitter and furious. He went to wipe it away, keeping his hand firmly on my cheek. I ignored it at first, until I let myself settle into it more. He smiled at me.
"No. You don't get it. I love you. Im IN love with you. I only dated Ino to erase those feelings because they felt wrong."
"It's wrong to love me?" I snarled, ripping my face away.
"No! No! I mean't that I didn't think that it was right. Were best friends, I didn't think it was suppose to be that way." He said quickly. I sighed, turning my back to him. I clasped my hands together behind me, staying quiet for sometime.
"Sasuke..." I said after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. "You hurt me. And I can't believe you. I guess, this was meant to happen you know? But don't fret. I just need time to think." Pause. "So, I'm moving out...tonight." And I heard his breath hitch.
"Sakura! Come on! Don't you think that's going over board?" He panicked. I let more tears slide down, feeling the emptiness in my heart and words. We were utterly dependent of each other. But I needed to break free. Away from him, away from the people who are close to me. I'm done with being hurt. I need time and space. I need myself.
"No. I need space. I need it now." I took deep breath, turning around. "Sasuke...I love you." I hesitated at the last part, making sure of myself. A tear slid down his cheek. The grief of what he did was visible on his face. And regret.
"Sakura, please. Don't leave me..." He begged, taking me into his arms. I tried to squirm away, but his grasp was too tight. So I stayed still until I finally hugged him back. My tears soaked his shirt.
"You are the greatest friend." I whispered. Ironic? I suppose, but all things considered, he was the greatest friend I had aside from recent screw ups.
"Your even better." He whispered back. I felt the pain tear at my heart as I pulled away, taking a step back. I took another deep breath. If I don't do this now, then I will always be chained to you, and I can't let myself be like that.
"Sasuke...you are an amazing person." I said. He nodded, smiling a hopeful smile.
"Then stay with me. You know you don't want to leave. Sakura, stay with me." He pleaded. I wanted to. It made me almost rethink my decision. But I.. I closed my eyes, lowering my head. A hand flew to my chest, in a tiny fist. Sasuke. I shook my head.
"I'm sorry. But I can't." I looked him directly in the eyes, being serious. His widened with surprise but he said nothing more.
"Where will you go?" He asked after a minute, his voice raspy.
"Neji's." I bluffed on that part, I didn't know where I was to go, but he was the first person who came to mind. I don't think him or Hinata would mind. Sasuke growled.
"There's nothing I can do to fix this? Nothing at all?" He begged again. It pained me to see that expression on his face. I blinked, smiling a sad smile at him. A few more tears slid down my rosy cheeks. I walked over to him, hugging him fiercely. He hugged back. And, of course, too soon, I pulled away. I stopped just so I was at his ear.
"Maybe time will tell where this will take us. But I can't forgive you this time." I whispered, kissing his cheek. I pulled away completely, with some force for he wouldn't let go. I eyed him, his face panicking. I placed a gentle hand on his cheek.
"Sakura...please.." He struggled for words, as usual. I laughed an empty laugh, as if not really there.
"Goodbye, Sasuke." I said again. I turned around walking away. I heard the unsteady footsteps behind me, but they ceased as soon as they started. I didn't allow myself to look back, knowing that if I did I would return and take everything back.
:+:So, Sasuke and I have been best friends since the 9th grade--the first time I met him. Problem is I'm still in love with him. :+:
I stopped at the bend in the hill, peeking behind me. He was staring up at me. I had an urge to run to him, and hold him in my arms but I refrained from it. Instead, I took out my phone.
New Message to Sasuke U.
PS I love you.
I watched him take his phone out of his pocket with chaky hands, and his mouth opened in what I assumed was a gasp as he read the text message. He looked up with accepting eyes, though pained and nodded. He placed a hand firmly over his heart before gesturing it out to me. He was saying he loved me back. I nodded, turned and walked out of his life.
A/N: Ok, so that was for all the people that wanted a not so happy happy ending lol. Hope this one brought something fresh to the table.
Thanks to all my readers. Everylast one. You know who you are if your special hehe. Just really, thanks so much guys.
I am NOT doing epilogues, and most likely I won't do a sequel because they're won't be anything left to write about. But, I'm still thinking about it.
Again, I have a brand new possible upcoming story so check out the summary. It's really good I think. And you now have the option to choose more than one story for my poll, so get over there and do it!
Thanks for everything once again! I LOVE YOU ALL!!