¤ h e a v e n ¤
. by pinky sugar .
Luigi pulls his knee up to his mouth, and bites down hard. His eyes are glazed over and half lidded—Mario knows what Luigi wants and the desire is practically burning a hole in his stomach.
Mario gets up and sits in front of Luigi, folding his legs underneath him. Luigi can hear his heart beating frantically, while Mario slowly ran his finger over the button on Luigi's overalls.
"I love you," Luigi squeaks, finally.
Mario pressed his lips against Luigi's while mumbling something that sounded like "I love you too". He bit Luigi's bottom lip, demanding entry. A tinge of pink colored Luigi's cheeks as he opened his mouth submissively. Their tounges pushed against each other, moistening every crevice. Luigi moaned into his older brother's mouth as his fingers tangled Mario's hair slightly.
Mario moves away from Luigi's mouth, while he whimpers and laces their fingers together. Mario kissed Luigi's collarbone, nibbling and licking the skin gently, making Luigi moan softly. Mario pulls away from Luigi's neck to kiss him again.
Mario believes that this moment—is the closest thing to heaven that he'll ever get to.
a.n. too short. i apologize. flames are ignored.