
"Drew, time for school!" Gwen called.

A pretty girl of about 15 came out of her bedroom. Dressed in her school uniform, though her mother could tell that there had been some modification.

"What on earth did you do to your skirt?" she asked.

Drew looked down at it, it usually went down past her knees, but now it was above them, "I just made it a bit shorter. They can't get me for that…I'm still wearing the uniform," she answered, her welsh accent very strong.

"Go and put on your other skirt. You can't go to school like that…" Gwen said.

"But mum! The other girls do it too!! Why can't I?"

"Because you aren't other girls…you are you, and you don't need a short skirt to be popular. Besides…if your dad was here he would forbid you from leaving the house dressed like that," Gwen said.

Drew sighed and Gwen smirked, whenever she used Jack in an argument, Drew would comply with her mother's wishes.

Drew went back into her room and began to change.

Gwen sat down with a sigh. Her keys and bag in hand, ready to take her daughter to school and then go to work. She still worked at Torchwood of course, that hadn't changed and Gwen knew it never would.

They still had Tosh and Owen, as well as Ianto. Though Ianto had met a nice girl and married, but he still showed up bright and early every morning to have coffee and biscuits ready.

Tosh and Owen however had dated along the way but Gwen knew they were both in love with each other, though as far as she knew, neither had acted on their feelings. She had a sad feeling they never would.

Gwen dreamt about Jack every night….though only dreams of their past and the future they were going to have…she never did dream again where she could talk to him. He was right in that last dream; they would never have a conversation again.

She let out a deep sigh as she picked up a picture from the table beside the sofa. Jack and Gwen, the younger Jack and Gwen smiled out of the picture at her. Champagne glasses in their hands, from the work engagement party. She set it down sadly as Drew came back out of her room. Her proper skirt on.

"There you go, you look very pretty," Gwen said smiling.

"You know mum…I wouldn't have to be making attempts like that if you would just buy me some makeup," Drew began.

Gwen rolled her eyes and said nothing for a moment, "We'll see….I sometimes worry about what I let you wear. I don't want your dad popping out of the ground and murdering me," she said.

The mother and daughter laughed.

"Will you tell me about him?" Drew asked a few moments later as they drove in Gwen's car to the school.

Gwen glanced at her daughter, "You know all about him. Since the minute you were born I've been telling you about him," she said.

"I know…tell me about…when you met or something. Or when he proposed," Drew replied.

Gwen sighed but smiled, and she told the story. Of their first meeting, when they had brought that man back to life…and she told the old but favourite story of when he proposed, leaving out the sex bits of course.

She did this until they arrived at the school. Drew kissed her mother on the cheek and Gwen watched as she ran up the steps, met up with her friends and went inside.

She drove off a minute later, and before going to work she stopped by at the mall, she went into a makeup store and bought Drew a few things. Her sixteenth birthday was coming up soon anyways, and what harm could a little eye makeup do.

Gwen then bought the things and headed for work. Her old team already at work in the Hub, "Gwen we have a UFO sighting," Tosh said.

She smiled and walked over to the computer.

Gwen knew that besides Drew, Torchwood is what she lived for. She had gone through a stage of depression after Drew had been born, but when she pulled herself out of that dark place…she had a beautiful daughter who worshiped the ground she walked on, and a job that she loved. A place she had kept running to its best abilities for Jack…and she knew that if he could talk to her…he would thank her. For raising their daughter on her own, and for making Torchwood what Jack always wanted it to be, and just thinking about that…made Gwen smile. She knew that she could make it through the day, as long as she realized what she had done in the lives of Drew Harkness, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, and Ianto Jones. Gwen had never been happier…


A/N- Oh my goodness! It's done! Yay! *does a dance*

I know the ending was like INCREDIBLY cheesy…but I couldn't care less. I like how it ended…and I needed a story to end happy…due to the fact my last story wasn't quite happy and you've no idea what I have up my sleeves for 'Before the Worst' and future projects.

I also had to get this done because I'm going to my friends tomorrow…though I am coming back on Friday afternoon. So anyways…thank you sooo much to all of you brilliant and wonderful people who reviewed and stuck out with me until the end. I know with the way this story went most of you wanted to come after me with pitchforks and torches…and I thank you for not doing that. Really I do….

Special thanks to ladygwen3291 and allstarellie, thank you guys soo much for sticking it out with me on this story and all of my stories. You guys are stars!

Cookies and drinks for all!

Much love, Beccs! ^_^