They walked along the street, being that it was a dead end not many people followed the street all the way. Hermione absently let her hand drift down to Severus', grinning when he held it, instead of letting it go. There was a light breeze, enough to lift both their hair, whipping it gently to the side. Her hair was quickly freeing itself from it's binding, brushing Severus' face. He glanced at her, and she quickly let go of his hand, pulling the band off as she attempted to redo it.

"Sorry." she mumbled, placing the band in her mouth as she wrestled with her hair. "Is got a mind o' its own." She managed past her teeth. She closed her eyes as she dragged it back, startled when a hand touched her side. She opened her eyes to see Severus looking at her.

"If I could...?" He looked pointedly at her hair, and shocked, she dropped the band from her mouth. It hit the ground and she blinked. He grinned at her and she bent to pick up the band, a slight color rising in her cheeks as she glanced at him next to her, remembering earlier that day, without looking at his eyes she handed him the band. He slid it to his wrist, positioning himself behind her and taking the unruly hair in his hands. He softly pulled at her hair, she closed her eyes as she savored the touch. A whisper met her ears as well as the weight of a spell.

He slid something onto her head, brushing a couple strands to the side of her face. She felt a spell being cast and looked at him. He smirked, clasping his hand with hers as he continued their walk. She let her free hand touch her head. She smiled when she felt a headband, it was thin, and if she knew anything about him, it was probably black.

She felt a slight pressure in her chest as she glanced sidelong at him, his kind gesture touching her. She realised they had finally reached the safest way to Apparate. Before he could pull away to check the area once more, she raised on her tip toes and lightly kissed his cheek. He stood still for a moment, the only sound was her feet shoving gravel as she stepped back. Blinking at her, he stiffly checked the area once more, before grasping her hand and Apparating.

The fair was as she expected it to be, all bright lights and noise. The fair was positioned at the edge of a dirt road, people on horses calmly talking as they rode by. There was a booth, crowded with eager customers as they all bought tickets and rushed inside. Hermione looked at Severus before walking forward, pulling out some of the muggle money she'd placed in her pocket before coming downstairs. Her hand seperated from his as she pulled out the money, she felt the distance with which he guarded himself from her. He was a few feet behind her now, cautiously walking, eyes flickering here and there as he surveyed their surroundings.

She stood in the line and he waited on the outskirts, she deduced that he didn't want to be cornered by the ever expanding group of muggles. She tapped her foot, the smell of cooking food from the booths lining the front of the fair making her mouth water.

"Just the one?" asked the tall clerk as he reached out for her money.

"Two, actually." she smiled back.

"Do you want passes for the fireworks show at 11:00?"

"How much more? She asked, wondering how much she'd have left for a snack or two. The price wasn't extravagant so she agreed. The man grinned, telling her the full amount. She handed it over, placing the change in her front pocket. The man gave her two wristbands, both blue with writing on it. Walking out of the line, Hermione found Severus leaning against a post, eyes catching hers before glancing at the wristbands.

"What are those?" he asked, brows furrowing as he glanced again at them then at her.

"Passes for a fireworks show at 11:00. You'll stay, won't you?"

Pausing as he, again, glanced around, Severus nodded."If you wish...."

Hermione heard a bang and her wand, as well as his, came out. They searched for the source, seeing a group of people cheering a diving act. A man dressed in a clown costume presented himself to the mob, his arms high over his head, then he smirked twirling as he dived. As he went in three men started their ascent. When the man splashed in the pool below, the people cheered, then he came out and the sound of a bang was heard again as they set off a fake cannon, smoke billowing for the open end.

Hesitating, they replaced their wands, shaking off their joint alarm. Hermione put on her band, handing Severus one. He placed it on his wrist, adjusting it slightly.

"Where to first?" she asked, smiling at Severus' folded arms and generally uncomfortable aura.

Unfolding his arms long enough to search his pockets, he procured a map. He handed it to her and crossed his arms again. Sniffing slightly, his stomach growled. His eyes shifted from her to the food and back.

"Food comes after the rides, so let's start on the east side." She wretched his hand from his chest, tugging him along. He followed her, eyes never focusing on anything long enough to really see.

"You want to try the Twister or the the Gallows?"

Shrugging half-heartedly, he sighed. "What are they and what do they do?"

"Well, the Twister is a ride where you..." Hearing excited screams, Hermione pointed it out. "See that?" She asked tapping his shoulder. He glanced up, watching the ride as it went.

The riders were strapped in horizontally, a flat metal piece covered with padding underneath them. There were six arms, two people per arm laying side by side. The ride took you up and down faster and faster, going in a tilted circular motion. He frowned at the ride and then wearily peeked at her.

"And the Gallows?" he questioned, looking like he'd run to the Gallows before being tied into that contraption.

"Well, its sort of like a big ring, where people sit in the seats that cover the big circle and it goes up to the top of its pole then after waiting a few seconds, it drops back down."

"That doesn't seem bad, where is this ride?"

Hermione and Severus walked a bit, in between milling people, long lines and striped tents filled with knick-knacks that most likely wouldn't make it to the car the people came in.

She pointed to it, it was at the top of its pole and, after a breathless two seconds, it dropped straight down, the people screeching in delight. Hermione glanced at Severus and saw a determined look on his face.

"That one." He growled, seeming to want to prove he wasn't scared of things like foolish muggle rides.

Nodding, they queued up with the rest of the people in a metal lane enclosure, the short line allowing them on without a wait. Buckling themselves in, Severus looked at her and she got a 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling out of anxiousness. The operator came by, checking belts and harnesses. After a quick sweep, he went back to his control post, speaking into the microphone.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Gallows, where hanging is fun!!" A short chuckle followed this sentence and the riders had a collective shiver. "Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

She heard the sound of his mic turning off as he went to start the ride. Hermione focused on the sounds of the fair, laughing children, raucous announcers, other rides, bands somewhere in the distance clashing with radio booths broadcasting live, the pop and fizz of many balloons popping and drinks being served and the distinct sizzle of cooking food. Before she knew it, they were overlooking the whole grounds to the west, what seemed like miles and miles of multicolored tents, booths, people, rides, a ferris wheel and a ski lift full of people seeing the sights as she was.

She turned to Severus, about to say something when she felt the drop begin. Screaming like ever other person, the wind in her face and her stomach somewhere up at the top of the ride, she giggled as Severus let out a wild, loud laugh. They slowed down as they reached the ground, and the operator came over the intercom again.

"That was the Gallows, please exit to the left of the ride, thank you." his excited voice toned down, the operator went around making sure everyone was out. Severus and Hermione held hands again, laughing as they left the ride.

"Amazing!" He yelped, startling a few people nearby, but he didn't seem to care. "Absolutely amazing. What's next?"

He didn't wait for her to open her mouth, he just took the map from her back pocket where it was sticking out and opened it. His eyes hungrily took in the multiple rides before he stuck his finger on one.

"Let's try the Swinging Swords." Hermione knew that one. She took a breath to comment but he interrupted."Then the Armada...then the--"

Stopping his feverish planning, she touched his hand."We can't do to many in a row, you'll get a headache."

Frowning, a ghost of a smile still lighting his features, he pursed his lips."Why?"

Rolling her eyes, she placed her hands on his shoulders and guiding him to the Swinging Swords, she explained. "Because the rides make your brain fly around in your skull. So we're gonna do two more rides then we're eating. We have to let our noggins settle, then if you're up to it, and your food has had a chance to settle as well, we'll do a couple more before the fireworks."

She saw a petulant pout overcome his face and wondered if she was really talking to Severus Snape. They had a longer wait in this line, a lot of people wanting to take part. She eyed the swinging ride, watching as the two sections swung opposite each other. After crossing back and forth two times, getting higher and higher, they flipped over completely, screams of joy floating out of the ride. It did this twice then wound down, bringing the sections back to the ground.

Hermione had glanced at Severus when it flipped and she saw him gulp, his adam's apple bobbing as he did so.

"It's okay, it's safe." she reassured him, squeezing his hand to prove her point. He eyed her out of the corner of his eye like she was mad. But true to form, he gathered his resolve and walked forward when their time came. They slid in side by side, a teen sliding in front of them, followed by another. They strapped themselves in with the shoulder harnesses, waiting with almost queasy stomachs as the lanky operator in a blue shirt walked by, tugging on the plushy safety devices to make sure they were tight. Nodding to himself, he went to the other side, taking an extra minute with the invisible people on that side.

Giving near to the same intro as the other operator had, he started the ride. Hermione took a deep breath, preparing for it. It started slow, almost teasingly so, then it swung up, using that momentum to go back. It did it again, this time going higher, shoving them back against their seats. When it swung back again, their bodies flowing against the direction of the swing, Severus' hand grabbed hers, tightly grasping it. As they swung forward again like a pendulum, the swing completed itself, the speed with which they turned keeping them in their seats, but not from rising slightly. As their bottoms connected with the pleather seat again and it crossed back to swing to the opposite direction, she heard a soft gasp from Severus, his fingers, spasmodically clenching hers. They flipped once more, then the ride slowly came to a stop.

As the machine lowered them, Severus let go of her fingers. They unbuckled and he swayed as he went to the exit. She started towards the Armada, but he stopped her.

"Let's...let's just get some food, first. I think I understand what you're talking about with the headaches."

Smiling, she led him out of the rides and towards the food. Stomach growling, she sniffed out the booths. There was Henry's Hot Dogs, Giovana's Pizza, Clyde's Ice Cream, Fried Fruit, Pizza, Chicken and Steak on a Stick, Corn Dogs, Funnel Cakes, Paulie's Meatball Subs, Turkey Legs, and Pepper's Popcorn.

Then for drinks there was a Margarita Bar, Coka-Cola Stand, Ice Cold Root Beer, Fresh Lemonade, and a Pepsi Stand right next to a Sno Cones booth. Glancing at all of this, Hermione looked at him.

"What do you want to eat?"

Shrugging again, brow furrowed as he speedily read each sign, he mumbled quietly, "You haven't killed me yet, you pick."

Sighing and resisting rolling her eyes lest it start a headache, she slid her arm around his waist, smiling as he laid his arm across her shoulders. She sniffed at random booths, then caught a whiff of Giovana's Pizza right next to the Funnel Cakes and caved. "I'm gonna get us some pizza, go find us a table, please."

He nodded and, taking off, he disappeared into the crowd. She turned to the short, wide woman with red hair in Giovana's and ordered two small pizzas. They came to her before she'd even got the money out. Grinning from ear to ear, she took the two paper plates, giving the money in exact so she wouldn't have to wait for change. She looked around and found him a few yards away, head on a wood picnic table, slouching uncharacteristicly. She glided over to the table, setting down the food, tapping him on the shoulder and nodding to the food in a way of saying, "Watch this." He nodded, shooing her away again. She walked back to the Funnel Cake tent, ordering one, they were slower, but it came within seconds, she paid, rushing over to the drinks area and getting two lemonades.

Sighing happily once she'd set everything down, she sat opposite him, dividing the food. At the sound of her approach, he lifted his head, glancing at the food, then eyeing her with a cheerful gleam. She graced him with a smile before tucking in. They ate in silence, Severus' head slowly adjusting until he was back to his former posture. He laughed after finishing his pizza, smirking at her.

"How did you know that food would make the headache go away?"

Scoffing, she hastily swallowed before saying, "My mother never let me eat before getting on rides. She would only let me get on two before I would complain of a headache, much like you were."

Shifting in his seat as he pulled the funnel cake towards him, he sneered. "I'm not complaining."

Pointing the last piece of her pizza at him, she sternly said, "But you were walking around like a deflated balloon, huffing and such. It's almost the same."

"Almost is not at all." He mumbled, picking a piece of the funnel cake. Taking a bite, he paused."What in Merlin's name is this?"

Stifling a laugh at the powdered sugar coating his lips, she offered him a napkin."It's a funnel cake."

"I love funnel cakes." He mumbled, taking another bite and ignoring her napkin. Grinning, she thought of something else instead.

"Try this." she ordered in a kind voice, taking a piece and putting honey on it. "Now taste it." He took it from her and tentatively nibbled, eyes going wide as the wonderful combination met his taste buds.

"Oh..."He sighed, taking another bite. "That's better than before. You're a saint."

"I woudn't say that much, now." She corrected, taking a piece herself before he scarfed it all. Once only their drinks were left, he rose to throw away their trash.

He decided to forgo anymore rides and they made their way to the fireworks area. It was more than halfway across the grounds. They showed their paper bracelets to the man standing at the entrance and he allowed them through. Checking the large clock over the fairgrounds, she saw they only had ten minutes before the show. She had begun towards the front of the lounging people, but Severus took her to the outskirts, near the trees. He brought them into the pitch darkness, conjuering a blanket when no one was looking and laying it on the soft, green grass. He gestured for her to join him and she did, curling up next to his side. The night sky was clear, just as the weather report on the TV had announced and she smiled. She could see all the stars at this moment, and the light breeze that had persisted all night seemed to fit just right while she was in his arms and near the trees.

Cheers began and she knew the show was to start. They watched the sky as little ones went off, blue and green neon stars flashing in the sky, one after the other. Red followed next, popping bigger and bigger til it slowly left the sky. Then there was a black cat, which surprised everyone and the 'ooo's and 'aaahh's began. She watched as the next big one went off, a bright blue-ish white with long draping lines instead of short pointed ones. This morphed into a red-white that changed to a glowing navy blue before fading, all the colors mixed together. There was one that shot up from the ground like a geyser before another green one clashed with a pink one twice its size.

The show was nearing its finale, the fireworks going off in quicker succession, ten green, blue, red, yellow, pink, and white going off so close together the colors meshed. Then there was a leprechaun which reminded Hermione of her 4th year summer trip with the Weasleys, then shocking just Hermione and Severus before many bright colored ones went off in finale, for a fleeting five seconds the Dark Mark shown vibrant green against the night sky, the image melting just as the finale concluded.

In the pandemonium of the finale, no one but the two noticed cloaked figures heading towards them, wands trained on certain few. Rising to their feet, Severus and Hermione pulled their wands free of their pockets, sending Stunners at the three cloaked and masked fiends they saw. Once the stunners left their wands, the battle began.

Two of the Stunners took effect, the one man left taking off for the busier area of the fair. They chased him, sending carefully aimed spells at the Death Eater, avoiding the muggles. As they reached the main area, Severus cast a charm that masked their faces, but not like the death eaters, these masks were white. Hermione got the message that he was trying to get on the good side of the muggles, not scare them like the running Death Eater would. They were running past booths and stands, passing the mini games and such.

The Death Eater ran to one of the rare, wide open areas that had been used for a horse show a couple days ago, but was now just an open area with spot lights hightlighting the dirt and a closed achohol tent in the middle with two wood barrels on the sides filled with coconuts. When the man got to the open area, they saw they were grossly outnumbered, twenty to two. Hesitating, Hermione got an idea, swiftly transfiguring a few cups and plates from the trash into small cannon guns, she grabbed Severus' arm and Apparated to the tent. As Severus cast shield charms she set up her idea, a cannon facing one of four directions, she conjuered two more barrels, taking two coconuts from a barrel and placing one in each open one, she cast several mutiplying spells, happy when all were full to the brim. Casting another charm so they would automatically fill the cannons, she nodded to Severus. The Death Eaters had begun advancing and she thought they must want them alive if they hadn't attacked yet. As they got within twenty feet, she put her plan in motion, starting the cannons. They shot off endlessly, the Death Eaters either Apparating away from them or casting shield charms.

"Now!" She ordered, sending Stunners at the occupied ones, watching the barrels as they emptied. She refilled them, hearing cheers from the muggles as they took out the cloaked menaces. The cannons shot in a horizontal arc, moving like revolving fans. Soon there was only one left and only one coconut. Smirking at Severus, she tilted a cannon just right, shooting the object right at the man's head. His eyes rolled comically as he slowly fell backwards, a thud and a dust cloud the only thing left behind from their battle.

A silence filled the area, then the sound of many cheers and wolf-whistles met their ears as the muggles applauded their 'show'. Hermione looked to Severus and shrugged, moving out of the tent and into an open spot.

"Eh, it's just fair play." He grinned at her. Taking Severus' hand and smiling, she bowed to the crowd, who cheered even more. After the cheers finally hushed, the crowd dispersed, leaving the fair as it closed down. As the exiting hit a plateau, Severus sent a Patronus out behind her back, straight to the Ministry. They had alot of bad guys to round up.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it!! It was so much fun to write. Oh, and I've been on almost all of those rides, though the Gallows is my substitute for the Hangman at Frontier City in Oklahoma where I live, as the Twister is actually a ride at my State Fair, and the Armada is akin to something I think was at fairs past which was this Pirate ship, but it could be the Prairee Schooner from Frontier City as well. The Prairee Schooner is a ride that is shaped like a ship that swings back and forth, higher and higher, it's really fun. Now the Swinging Swords is a cover for the Tomahawk ride that was discontinued at Frontier City and replaced by the Steel Lasso, but it is almost exactly as I discribed it. I really don't know what it feels like, I was too chicken to get on *blushes and coughs*, but I do believe it would feel something like the Diamondback, also at Frontier City(I must sound like an advertisement for the place now...*sighs and grins*), its a roller coaster that goes forward into a loop, then comes out at the other end. Once it has gone up the other side and comes to a rest it goes backwards through the loop and back to the front. I based the weight shifts on that experience. The whole not eating before the rides thing actually came a personal memory at the 2008 Oklahoma State Fair. I went on three different rides back to back and had a wicked headache afterwards. It didn't leave until I settled down, ate some food and just walked around. Anyhoo, out of my personal musings, I hope you liked it, Please REVIEW!!! XOXOXOXO