The Wayland Name

Simon heard the footsteps before Clary and looked up. He recognised the footfalls, Maia? But, what would she be doing there so late at night. Carefully, Simon lifted his arm from under Clary next to him and got out of bed.

He padded across the apartment to the front door and stood waiting.

"Clary?" Maia called through the door as the knocked, Simon sighed, moving to the locks and deftly sliding them across. Maia grinned "oh, Clary-" she stared at him for several moments then smiled again "Simon, what are you doing here, I thought you'd be at home."

"Clary was upset so I staye-," he trailed off looking at the boy draped over Maia's shoulders and pointed. "I'm sorry, but what is that doing here?" Maia bit her lip for a moment and shrugged Jace off onto the floor without care.

"I found him passed out outside a bar downtown and I didn't know where the institute was..." Simon sighed, then glared at the unconscious Jace Wayland.

"I'll take you to the Institute, Maia. Come on." He moved to pick up the boy but she stopped him.

"But, why? Clary's Jace's sister..." Simon nodded "So why can't he stay here? Luke's fine with him so, what?" He sighed and straightened up again.

"Maia, they may be siblings but they didn't know that when they first met. Jace loves Clary, Clary loves Jace...they turn out to be related, break each other's hearts because of it...blah blah,blah." Maia's face paled with shock.

"Is that what she was upset about then?" he nodded slowly.

"We should get him out of here then, you're righ-" Maia's words were halted as a tired looking Clary entered the sitting room from the side door Maia remembered to be her bedroom.

"Simon? Where did you go?" Simon frowned.

"Clary, go back to bed....I'm just giving Maia an errand." Simon knew that Clary was only half-awake and might not notice Jace if he distracted her attention.

"Okay..." then Clary noticed him "What the-why's he here?" Simon grimaced at Maia, not wanting to haver to explain her brother's antics.

"He got knocked out and need somewhere to stay..." Maia told her.

"You mean he went and got drunk or something like last time." she replied flatly.

"Don't worry, Clary. We're taking him to the institute-Maia just didn't know where it was.." She frowned and then smiled.

"No, let him stay." he raised a brow curiously.


"To teach him a lesson." she replied, turning and talking back to her room.

"How?" she looked over her shoulder with a smile.

"You'll see tomorrow" he nodded simply, he trusted Clary well enough and she'd make it something funny. Anyway, who was he to say that Jace Wayland didn't deserve being taught a lesson? He did.


Jace Wayland awoke with a start. He had no clue where he was, he sat up quickly in bed and then flopped back against the pillows. His head was killing him. Memories of the night before floated around his mind and he groaned...the least he could have done was sung a better song. What had he been thinking?

Suddenly he heard bass sounds and the furniture began to rattle around him-doing nothing at all for the state of his head...which already felt like Agramon was dancing heavily on his brain.

He pulled himself up this time, pushing the thick duvet off of himself and began to search for a shirt. He found one, laid out at the foot of his bed.

Pulling it on he opened the bedroom door and suddenly recognised where he was.

Luke's apartment. Clary's apartment.

He swallowed quickly and looked around; there was no sign of Luke...or anyone else for that matter.

He followed the thumping beats to Clary's room, and opened the door. He blinked. Clary was asleep on her bed, and next to her lay Simon. Jace ground his teeth angrily. But was he allowed to be this annoyed? He thought about it for a moment and then decided he could be-his sister was sleeping in the same bed as a guy...and no only a guy, a guy who was a vampire. It was like being suck in a bad re-run of a twilight movie...especially as he'd hated the film to being with. Stupid vampires.

"CLARY FREY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he screamed over the music, with a mixture of anger, protectiveness and insane jealousy.

Clary blinked and yawned. Simon sat up and glared at Jace.

"Sleeping-what does it looks like?" she asked, flopping back against her pillows and rolling onto her side, closing her eyes again. Jace put a hand to his temple-mostly because of his poor head and made an effort to stay calm.

"With a boy!" He failed.

"Technically I'm a vampire," Simon said from the bed.

"You're still a guy!" Jace yelled, the gripped his head again from the effort.

"Would you rather she slept with Isabelle then?" Simon asked interestedly.

"I don't want her sleeping with anyone-"

"But you?" Simon shot back


"Well, she's not just going to sit around like a nun for her entire life you know"

"Seconded" Clary mumbled from beneath the covers, raising a hand in agreement. Simon grinned, and poked his tongue out at Jace.

"I'll be going now" Simon told them quietly, getting out of bed and leaving the room.

Jace walked over to the side of Clary bed.

"Get up!"

"No!" she told him angrily. He yanked back the covers and pulled her out of bed. By this time Simon had extracted himself from the situation and was down the street you couldn't get involved with sibling arguments…and he secretly hoped that Clary would see what kind of guy Jace really was.

"Put the music off Clary-My head's killing me," Jace instructed her, she yanked her arm away and smiled at him, walking to the stereo and turning the dial. Only louder. "For God's sake, Clary. What the hell do you think you're doing-turn the music off!" she shook her head and Jace moved towards her

"Awww, is little Jace's head hurting him?" she asked innocently, he growled at her

"Yes-" he hissed, taking another step towards her. She cocked her head to the side with a sly smile spreading across her face.

"Should have gotten yourself drunk then, should you?"

"I can do what I like!" Jace yelled back

"Well, so can I-and I'm leaving the music on!" Jace's jaw tightened, he was now standing threateningly over her, she stared back at him unflinchingly.

"Then I'll stop it." He told her, still not breaking eye-contact between them.

"Try it," she replied menacingly. To anyone else this would have seemed a trivial argument to be having, but to the siblings it made every difference. All of the things they hated and loved one another for, they were fighting against.

He pushed her out of the way and moved to the player, she grabbed his wrist and Jace turned quickly, grabbing her other wrist. They stayed there for several moments, equally determined looks on their faces, and then it didn't matter, because Jace was kissing her.


Alec reached Magnus' house early that morning, he knocked lightly, and the head warlock arrived at the door almost immediately, as if he had been waiting readily by the door. Perhaps he had been.

"I dreampt about you," Magnus told him, as he leaned in the door way with a large smile on his good-looking face.

"I hope it was a good dream." Alec replied, a grin creeping across his own face despite himself.

"It was. I can show you if you like," Magnus purred back at him.

"That sounds nice," Alec laughed

"Better come inside then…" Alec was about to enter the apartment, when he remembered one of his reasons behind visiting.

"Oh, but first. Have you seen Jace?" Magnus frowned, slightly put out that, instead of making out with Alec, he had to talk about the Shadow Hunter but he shook his head.

"The arrogant one? No, I haven't seen him. Why, Alec?" The Lightwood's eldest child sighed heavily.

"He's gone missing-again"

"Oh," Magnus bit his lip, but then held out his hand to Alec "Come in and forget about the Shadow Hunter-I'm here" Alec smiled again, taking the warlocks hand in his own.

A trail of clothes quickly developed through Magnus' apartment…


"You know what?" Isabelle asked Simon quietly as she sat with him by the river that afternoon.

"I'm afraid I don't," he replied, watching her as she swung her legs idly

"I don't get why they're so angry with each other now"

"You don't?" Isabelle shrugged

"No, I mean-yeah, they're related but that's good isn't it?" Simon sighed heavily

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? They have people to look after them now." Isabelle nodded

"Exactly! Yet, what does he go and do? He tells her he's going to act like a brother should!" Simon raised an eyebrow

"He told her that?" Isabelle nodded, absently. Simon sighed.

"They can't deal with how they feel for each other." She sighed helplessly next to him and nodded

"In some ways-I don't want them to work it out, but I do want him to be happy. He's one of my best friends." Simon shrugged

"Can't understand what you see in the guy personally" She chuckled softly

"You wouldn't-you can't see what Maia sees in you after all"

"Even when I'm a vampire," she nodded, patting his shoulder lightly

"Even though you're a vampire-she still likes you. That says a lot, Simon"