Disclaimer: Not Mine!
She's promising sex and he's offering love and it's all becoming a tossed up bowl of "emotion" and "healing". Throw in some "hurt" and garnish with "confusion", and any recipe can tell you what you're going to end up with – "disaster" and "suffering" with a side of "early morning regret". But a recipe will also tell you that adding cinnamon to a dish can make or break it, so toss in that "Fringe Science" that's been sitting in your refrigerator for weeks, and maybe, if you're feeling daring, pour some of that "homemade drug" vinaigrette that was bought on a whim. Have you fixed it yet? Only time will tell. But don't forget to obey the recipe! Grab a bit of that "dead ex-lover" that's been marinating in "betrayal" overnight and mangle well before stirring. Open up the spice cabinet and sprinkle in "conspiracies" and "criminal past". Are you finished yet? Dare you take a taste to see?
Add in a pinch of "helpful assistant" and a large helping of "corporation". A spoonful of "doppelgangers" and just one dollop of "mental institutions". Don't forget pinches of "dodgy experiments" to taste, and a teaspoon, no make it a tablespoon of "suspension of disbelief". A heaping cupful of "sarcasm" should be added to the mix, and a clove of "unidentified alien object".
Open up the pantry and check – what have you forgotten? A touch of "syringe" and three drops of "green eyes". Fold in "illegal connections" and make sure to stir well. While stirring, add "risk taking" and the mandatory "action sequences". Remember the "FBI" but add it slowly, so that it doesn't react badly with the "personal vendettas" you added earlier. You did add that, didn't you? Keep reading that recipe, because that's the most important part – the rest is all just spices and flavoring. Speaking of flavoring, drizzle a little "secret operations" in there for good measure, and sift "crossing boundaries" with "just friends" and put that in there too.
Put it in the fridge overnight, right next to "stepfathers" and "abuse". Take out the "lunatic braised in strange food cravings" and shove it on a bottom shelf – it's only in the way here. But you might as well add a bit in, since it might bring out some more flavor. Or maybe just overpower the rest and ruin the dish. Oh well – it's impossible to know. Add a few more ingredients in as you come across them, like "kidnapping" and "slips-of-the-tongue" that you found hiding behind "masked feelings". This whole thing is getting more and more complex, and a bigger bowl is probably in order – but there aren't any left, so you'll have to make do. Don't forget "national loyalty" and "blackmail". Cover it all with "life" and let it sit overnight. By tomorrow, you will have remembered something else you should add, and the whole balance will change again. And adding just one thing to a dish, any recipe will tell you, can make or break it.