"Special Agent Gibbs – I mean Director Gibbs," The commander chuckled. "I forgot you are not a special agent anymore."

"Feels like it hasn't been that long since I became a special agent."

"Take care of this place," He reached out his hand to shake Gibbs' hand.

"I promise I will." The MTAC video was cut off the scene as they stood up.

"Thank you McGee,"

"Your welcome madame director." He smiled at Madeline as she removed the ear piece.

"Ugh I hate the term Madame." She scoffed.

"Are you going out tonight with Ziva?" He asked as she headed towards her office.

"I don't know." She sighed as they walked in and she sat down at the desk.

"That's a nice dress," McGee looked behind her where a knee length salmon satin dress lay with matching strappy heels.

"Abby picked it out for me." She smiled. "I would have expected black or a darker color from her but apparently that color fits my aura."

"Well it's a shame for it to go to waste." He shrugged as there was another knock on the door.

"I know," She turned around to look as the dress. "Come in!"

"Am I interrupting something?" Jethro walked in, standing by the door as if waiting for something.

"Oh, right… I have to go help…Tony with some…computer things." McGee stuttered as he headed out of the office before Jethro shut and locked the door.

"Agent Gibbs, how may I help you?"

"I always liked a woman on top."

"Jethro," She gave him a disapproving shake of the head as he walked over to sit by her desk.

"Where are Caitlyn and Leroy?" He asked.

"They are downstairs with Ducky and Palmer. I believe they are going to watch them."

"Are children are growing up in autopsy."

"And Abby's lab…" She reminded him. "We are breaking protocol in so many ways."

"And rule number 12."

"No" Madeline shook her head. "Rule 12 says you can't date not anything about marry."

"That's right." He chuckled. "I should create another rule."

"You know how I love breaking rules." She smirked, but then caught herself. "Go back to work the day is almost over. Or, go check on our children."

"I already did, they were sleeping."

"Was Ducky telling them a story?"

"Yeah, I think it was still from earlier this morning." He tried to remember. "I was told by Abby that you are being kidnapped."

"Yes, apparently we are going out tonight." She rolled her eyes. "Girls Night or something like that."

"Where are you going?"

"La Bella, it's a new restaurant club that's in Georgetown." She stood up and stretched her legs while fixing her skirt.

"That's what you're wearing?" He pointed to the dress.

"Yes, that would be correct Jethro." She rolled her eyes.

"Do I get a preview?" He asked as she held up the dress.

"When I come home you'll see it."

"And I'll get to take it off." Standing up, he walked up behind her as she was putting the dress back down on the desk.

Putting his hands on her hips he spun her around and pushed her back against the wall. Her eyes met with his as her arms circled his neck pulling him closer. Their lips met as he lifted her up onto the desk. The phone rang as she removed her suit jacket and pulled off her black camisole.

"This is the first time this has happened." He stated as his hand hiked up her skirt.

"Phone," She tried to reach for it, but he slid her against him.



"No," He kissed her neck as the phone continued to ring.

"Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs," She scolded him as she grabbed the phone from off the receiver. "Director Gibbs."

"Please tell me I'm interrupting something." Tony's voice came through loud enough so Jethro could hear him.

"What do you want DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked as he held his wife against him.

"We got a case boss. I think it's going to be an open and shut." He continued.

"Get your gear, tell McGee to get the car." He ordered.

"Isn't that the probie's job?" Tony looked to Ziva who was shaking her head no.

"No, Ziva is off the clock for now."

"What?" His voice went up an extra pitch.

"Gear up!" Gibbs yelled before he grabbed the phone and hung it up.

"Guess we'll have to finish this later." She smiled and waved as he headed for the door.

"You're lucky." He sighed as he left and closed the door behind him.

Changing into the salmon colored dress, she slipped on the heel too. The dress was beautiful and highlighted her curves. Walking over to the mirror she brushed her hair and fixed her make up. Just as she finished Abby walked into the room.

She was wearing a black strapped knee length dress. There were three buckles going across her bust and she wore buckle bracelets to match the dress. Her heels went up to her knees and were about three inches high. Smiling, she pulled her hair out of it's ponytail before walking over to Madeline.

"You look amazing. I told Ziva that dress would fit you."

"Abby, why are we going out? I should take the babies home."

"They are fine they are listening to Ducky so they'll be asleep all night." She chuckled.

"Where is Ziva?"

"She was headed to the bathroom when I passed her in the hallway." Abby sat down on the desk.

"I'm not drinking."

"You are so getting plastered." Abby smiled wider. "And you're dancing with at least ten guys…at least."

"That sounds more like your game plan Abby." She chuckled.

"Oh, it is. But, I'm making it yours too." She pointed out as Ziva walked in.

She was wearing a short sapphire blue dress with a low plunging neckline. Her hair was pulled into a side ponytail as she fixed the clasp on her heel. Looking from Madeline to Abby, she shrugged.

"Are we ready to party?" Ziva asked almost hesitant to say it as if she would mess up the saying.

"Yes we are," Abby grabbed Madeline's hand. "I'll drive."

"Abby, calm down." Ziva chuckled as Abby dragged them both to the elevator.

"This is going to be a fun night." Abby said as she pressed the button to close the elevator doors.

"Where are we going?" Gibbs asked as Tony drove him and McGee to the scene.

"Somewhere in Georgetown." Tony shrugged as he blew a red light. "Woops."

"DiNozzo maybe I should drive."

"Relax boss," He smiled. "I know what I'm doing."

"Tony, if I die I am going to come back and kill you." McGee held onto the door handle.

Tony pulled up to an alleyway. They drove back and parked near the loading docks. There were two large dumpsters Gibbs half expected the body to be dumped in one. Ducky and Palmer were on scene already with two six month old babies in the back of the van.

"Perfect place for the kids." DiNozzo looked to see them sleeping. "Palmer, I think you and Ducky should take the kids inside." He went and held open for the door for them.


"Abby, you're crazy." Ziva pulled Abby and Madeline back to the back of the club.

"Ten shots and feeling great!" She smiled.

"I am only at two." Madeline sounded depressed.

"We'll get you another." Ziva smiled as she waved to a taller man with dark hair.

"You're a taken woman." Abby smacked Ziva.

"Not tonight I'm not." She chuckled. "Let's go back to the room we reserved and have some more drinks." She yelled over the music.

Walking back the hallway, they made a left and then a quick right. Ziva and Abby ran ahead of Madeline and headed for the door. Madeline looked at them strangely as Abby opened the door and Ziva gestured for her to go in first.

"Surprise!" Tony, McGee, Ducky, Palmer, Abby, and Ziva yelled as Madeline and Jethro looked strangely at one another.

"What is this?" Jethro asked.

"It's a bachelor/ wedding reception party." McGee tried to answer.

"Since you guys never got one of anything." Abby closed the door as they went into the decorated room. The babies were still in their seats fast asleep as Madeline walked over to stand with Jethro.

"Drinks, dinner, and the music are on us." Abby answered as she went over to McGee, who twirled her into his arms.

"McGiggles got moves?" Tony looked shocked as Ziva walked over to his side. His eyes quickly focused on her and her lower neckline. "Who let you out of the house like that?"

"You didn't know I had this did you?" She gave him a raised eyebrow look.

"No," He whimpered.

"Thank you guys." Madeline took Jethro's hand as they went and stood by their children.

"May I have the first dance?" Ducky asked Madeline. "I believe it's customary for the person giving the daughter away to dance with her first."

"Yes you may." She smiled as she took Ducky's hand.

They danced as food and drinks were brought in to the room. There was a circular booth in the corner of the room right near the dance floor. Palmer sat at the table holding Leroy as he slept while Jethro held Caitlyn.

"May I have this dance?" Madeline walked over to Jethro as Ducky followed.

"You may." Ducky held out his hands to take Caitlyn as Jethro took Madeline's hands and led her out to the dance floor.

"You look beautiful tonight." He smiled as he spun her around.

"Thank you." She blushed. He could still make her blush. "Don't look too bad yourself."

"I love you." Spinning her into him, he rested his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.