Silence crowded the room; almost as thick as fog. Leanna stared at Jax before turning fully and facing him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You shot a crooked, abusive ATF agent?" she asked quietly.

Jax nodded his head, eyes unmoving on her. Leanna waited a beat, and took a breath.

"I have bruised, battered, maimed, and damn near killed over two dozen men like the one you've described to me. I've done worse to countless others. What you do, you do for the good of the club or to keep someone you care for safe. I do it because I couldn't make myself feel safe, and I did it for the money," her voice is soft; dangerously so, "So don't think you can scare me off Jackson John Teller, because there is nothing you haven't done that I don't know about or haven't done myself.. And I don't care if it sounds like a ploy to you; I'm not going to let another person get hurt or hurt themselves for any reason. So either you drive me to Tara's so I can check on her, or I'll take a cab. It's your choice."

Jax groaned and dropped his head in his hands. Leanna waited at the door, zipping her jacket up before grabbing her shirt from the floor and tossing it on the bed next to him. Something in her knew that he wasn't going to take her, he didn't want to deal with Tara's bullshit anymore than she did. But what he didn't understand was that she had to help if Tara was in trouble. It didn't matter who Tara was, just that she needed help. Taking a deep breath, Leanna sighed and slowly moved in front of Jax, kneeling between his legs.

She put one hand on his cheek, just under his hand, and waited for him to look at her. When their eyes finally met, she smiled sadly.

"It doesn't matter Jax. But if she's in trouble, and she needs help and we don't help her? I'm going to feel responsible for whatever happens to her. It's who I am Jackson. That's the woman you fell in love with," she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, "You don't have to come," she said as she pulled back, "I just need to make sure she's alright. And if this was a ploy? I'll make her wish she hadn't done it."

Jax smirked at that, he knew Leanna wasn't joking, and slowly nodded his head. Kissing him once more, Leanna stood and walked to the door.

"I'll be back in half an hour," she told him as the door shut behind her.

Leanna didn't know how wrong she was…