A/N: Oh wow…thanks everyone. I'm glad you all like the story so far. I plan to have a lot planned for these two, so just you wait because the fun is just beginning. Oh and…this next chapter…lol…Not for Kikyo fans.

Talking With Family

"I don't want a mother!" A little boy no more than five screamed at the tip of his lungs. He had long silver hair with matching little puppy dog ears. He was dressed in a red hoari and looked incredibly adorable. An older looking boy, maybe nine or ten, stood behind the younger watching his father silently. "I don't want any mother. I like Tsuki just fine." The little boy whined tears welling up in his eyes.

"Stupid half breed. That is why you need a mother. Tsuki is so old she can not run after you when you want to cause trouble. A mother would be able to keep you in line." He said.

"Yeah? Well no mother in the world could make you nice!" The little one said sticking out his tongue out at his brother.

"Sesshoumaru do not call your brother names. InuYasha show some respect." InuTaisho said scolding, but inwardly smiled. Someday the two would be the closet of brothers he just knew it. If not InuYasha would have to marry into a family outside the Western territory. He was proud of his sons. Sesshoumaru took after him in almost every way. In looks he was almost an exact copy only he wore his hair down, had a crescent moon in the center of his forehead, and an extra strip on each cheek. However his temperament came from his mother. The superiority complex, the emotionless mask, and the want of solitude were all from his first mate. InuYasha had spirit and an unbridled energy that his father could not quiet understand. He figured it came from the mother's side of the family.

"As I was saying…you will get a new mother within the next year you whether you like it or not. What I want to know is what kind of mother you want." He asked patiently. It was as good as place to start he thought. After all they would be the most affected by his new mate more than anyone else, so might as well try and find out they would like. No never mind that, they would have to learn to like his mate over time. He needed someone that could take care of his son's needs.

"Well…if we have to have a mother than I guess I would want someone like Tsuki! She has to be nice and let me play in the gardens and who can give me sweets and knows how likes to play hide and seek and…uhh I think that's it." InuYasha said thoughtfully.

'All right besides being able to provide powerful heirs my mate will have to be able to set boundaries for InuYasha.' Taisho thought taking a mental note.

"I have no need for a mother." Sesshoumaru said emotionlessly.

"Sesshoumaru, for the last time. The Elders will give me a mate if I do not find one myself. I want to find one whom you two can get along with. However if I do not find one like that I will be given one who will more than likely be unfavorable to the two of you." The great lord was trying with a great amount of effort to control his temper. Why did Sesshoumaru have to be so stubborn?

"Than a new mother should be able to know when to stay out of my way. I have no desire to be coddled." His oldest answered sharply.

'Very well…I have to find someone who can break Sesshoumaru out of his shell. He is still just a pup. He should enjoy that while he can. In a few decades he will have to start taking on more responsibility as my heir.'

"Alright…well at least I now know what I am looking for. Now you two should get to your studies." He told his sons.

"Ahhh…by all Jaken ever teaches is the greatness of the family. It's so boring to hear everyday." InuYasha whined again. He tried to give his father the big puppy dog eyes, but all he got in return was a pat on the head.

"This family is great and one day it will be up you two to keep up that great legacy." He told them with a proud smile. InuYasha sighed and trudged down the hall behind his brother. InuTaisho shook his head and went to his study to start making preparations for a banquet he be holding in a few weeks time.

Meanwhile back with a little priestess things were not going so well. Kagome was talking to elder sister Sango about what had happened while she was out picking herbs.

"You did what?"

"Shhh. Sango I don't want anyone else to hear." Kagome placed her hands over quickly over her sister's mouth. "I know it sounds weird, but it was…like I had to do it." She tried to explain.

"What do you mean had to do it? He didn't threaten you did he?" Sango asked when the younger woman removed her hands. Sango had always been protective of her little sister. Mostly because she thought that Kagome was too kind of her own good. And this just proved it.

"No! He was a gentleman the entire time. He even made sure that I gave my ankle a rest before I walked back here." She smiled a little to herself, "And he lifted me up into his arms just to he could set me under the shade of a tree. Do you know how many would even think about doing that? He was really sweet and thoughtful Sango." Kagome said blushing just ever so slightly.

"Kagome wake up! He's a demon! He just wants to have his way with you." Sango whispered.

"He wouldn't do that!"

"What makes you think that?"

"Because he's a lor…loyal friend. I mean come on! He stayed with me until I was able to walk home. How many demons would do that?"

"What is this about demons?" A cold collected voice said from behind them. Both girls jumped and whipped around to see who it was. It was Kikyo, their older sister. She was dressed, as a proper priestess should: white top and red bottoms. Kagome was wearing a white top and dark blue bottoms to show that she was not the village's full trained priestess.

"Nothing Kikyo. We were just talking that's all." Kagome said lightly although her heart was beating so hard she thought it was explode out of her chest. Kikyo looked almost exactly like her, but they were worlds different. Kikyo was always quiet in an angry way, She had been like that ever since their father was killed, while Kagome was always cheerfully optimistic.

"Kagome what were you talking about?" Kikyo asked again. Now it was Sango's turn to speak. Unlike her little sister she did not fear the older woman nor did she try and keep quiet around her.

"She was talking about the bear demon that attacked her earlier today." Sango said glaring.

"Oh…I thought we took care of those things." Kikyo said mildly raising an eyebrow.

"We did. We destroyed the Blood Paws tribe. But you thought it a good idea to kill all the tribes in the area didn't you?" Sango raised her voice.

"I don't know what you mean. You were there when we killed the Blood Paws."

"But after that you went to the forest where the Strong Paws live. They were the peaceful cousins to the Blood Paws. They've never caused the village or travelers any trouble. Why did you kill them?" She was now yelling.

"They are demons."


"You will never find an innocent demon Sango. They don't exist."

Kagome was at a loss on what to do. Her presence had seemed to be forgotten by the two and she could not find a spot to interject.

"That doesn't give you the right to kill any demon you feel like." The more icy Kikyo's replies were the more heated Sango's comebacks became.

"I don't understand what this has to do with Kagome." Kikyo turned her icy glare to the younger girl.

"You missed one of the Strong Paws. He went mad with rage and attacked Kagome thinking she was you. Your rash actions almost got our little sister killed."

Kagome shuddered thinking back about how close to death she really came. If InuTaisho had come even a second later she probably would have been killed or at least very injured. Kikyo looked sharply at her now slightly cowering sister. "What happened to this demon?"

"Ohh…ummm…Well…I had to use my arrows to kill it." She said very meekly. Kagome was a naturally honest person, but once in a while she could tell a good lie. "It took me three arrows, but I was able to do it."

Kikyo sighed, "You really need to work on you aim. You should have been able to kill it in one shot. How do you expect to protect the people of this village with that kind of incompetence?" Kagome could feel her face turning red and hung her head in shame.

She knew that Kikyo was partially right about that. The oldest and youngest girl in the family had inherited their grandparents' and father's spiritual powers. Their grandmother and grandfather were the current head priest and priestess though now Kikyo was taking over more and more of their duties. And when she became fully trained Kagome out also take over the duties of a village priestess. Sango and their little brothers Kohaku and Souta did not have the powers and had learned to fight with weapons.

"Go practice your skills. Than go to Grandmother Kaede and continue with your healing herbs lessons." Kikyo ordered. Kagome simply nodded and headed over to the family's target range. Sango looked at her retreating sister sighed shaking her head before running after her.

"How could you let her speak to you like that?" Sango said quietly enough so there

would be no eavesdropping.

"What else am I supposed to say to her? You know what she would do innocent demons. I doubt she'd show me any mercy if she found out about the promise."

"Yeah? Well what happens if you have to fulfill the promise Kagome?"

"Sango we'll just cross that bridge when in comes…if it comes at all."

"I guess you're right…still at least you won't see him for another year right?" Sango said laughing a little. "And you probably won't see him again because he'll find a new mate.


"Oh Kagome what did you do?"

"I said I would meet with him again. Sango Please don't say anything to anyone. InuTaisho is a very honorable demon and I trust him." Kagome said trying to defend the demon she had known for less than a day.

"Kagome...I don't agree with Kikyo about demons all being evil, but I also don't think you should meeting a strange demon alone."

"I made a promise Sango. I'm not going to break that."

Sango took Kagome's shoulders and shook her hard. "Kagome you're talking crazy."

"Stop treating me like a child Sango. I'm almost sixteen and I have been making my own decisions for some time. I'm not asking for your blessing. I'm asking you not to tell anyone for now. Please?" Kagome asked with a pleading voice and eyes.

Sango sighed and shook her head. What could she do? If she told someone like her Grandmother or one of her brothers than it would surely get back to her sister. And that would not be good for anyone. "Fine I won't say anything, but I want you to be careful. And I want you to make sure you bring your bow and arrows. And that dagger you got for you birthday last year." She said with in a commanding tone.

Kagome smiled brightly and nodded her head, "Yeah, I will." She said before running off to the practice area. She arrived and started to shoot at a target. Her body was going though the motions. Connect the arrow, pull the string, take aim, and let loose. Over and over her hands released arrow after arrow hitting or nearly hitting her chosen target. But all the while she thought of a demon lord who had saved her life. Could she really trust him? Would she really become his mate in the next year? Would Kikyo catch her ? All these thought were swimming in her head. They flooded her mind until she could think of nothing else

Little did she know that in the Palace of the West InuTaisho was having thoughts about her. Could he trust a human? And a priestess at that? Would the small slip of a girl become his mate in the next year? Would his sons accept her if she was? Taisho went to his dojo to meditate. He was thinking too much and needed to clear his head. Maybe when he met her next some of the questions would be answered. It was only…what?

Eight days away.

A/N: Okay I'll try and get the next chapter up soon. That is if you all like this one. I take all comments to heart please don't be shy. See ya next chapter.