Disclaimer: All belongs to Stephenie Meyer and ITV.

Chapter forty-five: Dum dum dadum, dum dum dadum

Monica's pov

The last two and a half months had flown by in a blur of preparations for today and trying to stay inconspicuous in school. Edward had taken to my request to plan our wedding together, unlike anything I had ever seen. We had managed to persuade Alice into toning the entire thing down to something that was more us.

But now here I was, sitting in front of a full length mirror, still dressed in my robe, while Alice and Rosalie were fluttering around me to get my hair and make-up sorted. If I were still human I'm sure I would have been sweating bullets by now, but thankfully that trait had been banished with my change.

Over the past few months I talked to Edward a lot about my change and my life before and after the day James bit me. We discussed my absence and my gift and my feelings about my new life. I even asked him why we had made love before marriage, because he was the type of guy who would wait. He simply explained that once I had woken as a vampire he had been unable to resist. I wasn't breakable and he had wanted me too much to put up a fight. He already knew he would ask me to marry him sooner rather than later and with that, his seventeen year old body had been convinced it wouldn't matter that was.

I was brought out of my musings when Alice pulled me from the chair and started tugging on my robe. I realized that Rosalie had left the room already, probably to get ready to play the piano. Edward had urged her to come down in plenty of time so he could instruct her if needed. The man was far too obsessed with that instrument, but who was I to complain as long as he loved me more?

Alice flitted over with my dress draped over her tiny arms.

"Arms up," she ordered as she stepped on the chair I had previously occupied.

I did as she asked and felt the soft satin slide over my arms and down my body. The dress was made of very delicate ivory silk. It hugged my torso and flared out form my hips into a very wide skirt. The bodice was strapless, but Alice had made a bolero type jacket out of the softest velvet covered with lace.

I didn't need it for the warmth, but it would look better if I was photographed in something that was suitable for the weather. I glanced out the window and noticed it had stopped snowing, just like Alice predicted this morning. Butterflies attacked my stomach as I looked at myself when Alice finished buttoning up my dress. For once in my life I was not ashamed to say that I looked stunning.

The girls worked wonders on my make-up and hair and the dress Alice made me was absolutely breathtaking.

"You look like a million dollars, doll," Alice said with a fake Bogart-voice.

I laughed before wrapping her up in a tight hug. "Thank you for letting us do this our way, Alice. I know it has been hard on you to keep from butting in."

"It's fine, Monica. You two had to do that together, I understand. Just know that when there is a time for your next wedding to Edward, you guys owe me a big one."

"Agreed," I said, laughing.

"Good, now I am going to go and get Carlisle so he can walk you down that aisle."

I nodded, sitting back down to wait for Carlisle to come and get me.

Edward's pov

I was standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for Monica to come out of the house. The ceremony would be held in the backyard and we would then move to our meadow for the party. The decorations were made up of simple white ribbons that were tied to the deck and the trees that encroached the garden as well as the chairs and arch under which I stood. There were white roses scattered around the yard entwined with small twinkling lights.

I knew Carlisle was upstairs and it took all of my strength to avoid his thoughts. I was so desperate to see the love of my life walk out of that door that I almost went inside and got her myself.

Before I could blow into full panic mode though, Rosalie started playing the piano and the door opened to reveal Alice, our one and only bridesmaid. She glided across the deck and down the stairs, but it only registered in a tiny part of my brain. My attention was focused on the woman following her on my father's arm.

Monica was an absolute vision. I let out a harsh breath as I took in her form. She was dressed in a delicate floor length dress that accentuated her beautiful alabaster skin and hugged her body in all the right placed. He make-up accentuated her beautiful multi-coloured eyes and her full lips. Her hair was curled and half pinned up with white roses carefully threaded into her locks.

I felt my chest expand with happiness with every step she took towards me and I saw my own joy mirrored in her eyes. Then, finally, she was at my side and my father placed her hand in mine.

"Take good care of each other," he whispered.

With a warm smile he kissed Monica's cheek and took his place beside Esme in the small circle of guests. I winked at Monica before turning us both to face the minister, Mr. Weber.

The words he spoke were standard, but I felt the meaning of them down to my bones. I kept stealing sly glances at Monica and caught her looking at me from the corner of her eye just like I was doing.

Monica's pov

Edward looked amazing in his suit. I always thought he was gorgeous, but in a sharp suit like that, the sight of him was enough to make my knees buckle. I was glad to be holding Carlisle's arm when that happened. He chuckled quietly beside me, but thankfully didn't say anything about it. But I had managed to make it over to Edward without stumbling and we were now listening to Mr. Weber talk about marriage and what it meant.

When it came time for our own vows, I felt the nerves creep back up. I was hesitant about what I had written, but the look in Edward's eyes was enough to convince me to just do what I had planned.

"Edward, the way we met was nothing short of a miracle. I stepped into your life thinking I had all the answers, but was proven wrong at every corner. But then you and I found each other in a way I had never experienced before and my whole world seemed to right it self. You made me feel loved and special and beautiful and I could never thank you enough for loving me the way you do. I hope I can make you as happy as you make me every day and I vow to try for the rest of eternity."

Edward looked as if he would be crying were he still able to. He swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath and starting his own vow.

"Monica, you and I met under unconventional circumstances and at first I didn't know whether to like you or dislike you. You were so different from any girl I had ever met and I quickly found myself falling in love with you. We've had some rough patches, but overall I've been the happiest man on earth while I am with you. I promise to cherish you for the rest of my days and do my utmost to deserve your love. A love that has given me all I never knew I wanted and needed, but you gave it to me without question."

For the first time since my change I missed being human simply because I couldn't cry the happy tears that I wanted to cry.

We exchanged the rings and finally, finally I was allowed to kiss my beautiful husband. When his lips met mine I felt like a light exploded inside my chest, raining down on me in a millions tiny specks filling me inside and covering me outside with the love we shared.

Edward's pov

Kissing my wife for the first time was sheer bliss. I held her close to me, our lips moving against each other in a fiery urgency that threatened to consume me. It wasn't until I heard Emmett's cat-calls that I was able to pull away from Monica.

Her silly grin was infectious and soon I found myself smiling just as goofily.

"Hey, enough with the drool-fest! Let me welcome my new sister to the family!" Emmett boomed before grabbing Monica in a big bear hug.

I turned towards my family and was immediately attacked by a flash of black and ivory. Alice crashed into me with such force that I nearly toppled over. Thankfully Jasper reached out to steady me.

"Congratulations! I'm sooo happy for you!" Alice cheered happily.

"Thanks Alice. Do you mind climbing back down now?"

She giggled as she lowered herself back to the ground, allowing the rest of our family to congratulate me while she tackled Monica into a hug. After the round of hugs and kisses my family took off running towards the clearing, while we took the time to greet our other guests.

Jacob and Bella were the first to congratulate us, followed by Sam and Embry who were there as a representative for the wolves. The only other human guests were Angela and Ben, who had become close friends with all of us during the past couple of months. They were soon off in their cars to the meadow, leaving me alone with my wife.

I pulled her into my arms and peppered small kisses all over her neck and jaw.

"You look absolutely stunning, love."

"You like pretty amazing yourself Mr. Cullen."

"Well, Mrs. Cullen, shall we join our guests to celebrate?"

"Of course. Why else would we have taken all that time to find the perfect karaoke machine?"

I laughed as I remembered Alice's stunned expression when we told her that particular idea.

Monica's pov

Hours later we were sitting together on a bench on the edge of the meadow, watching how our family danced and laughed and sang their hearts out. The Karaoke machine had been a great idea. We did keep some of the traditions, like cutting the cake, throwing the bouquet and tossing the garter belt. We had danced for nearly an hour straight before we decided to take a little time-out so we could just be together.

Edward pulled me into his lap and stared deeply into my eyes. "Thank you for asking me to help plan this. Thank you for making this about us and about having fun instead of appearances, but most of all thank you for loving me enough to want to be my wife for all of eternity."

I melted into his kiss and knew for a fact that I would never ever get tired of my husband's kisses.

The End

A/N: So there it is. The last chapter. I hope you guys liked the story. I had fun writing it, although it did get harder along the way to keep the story from spinning out of control. I think if I were to write the whole thing again I would change some things, but overall I'm happy with how it went.

I'm working on a new vamprie story. I have a poll up to see what you want to read first, so check it out and let me know. (It will be M-rated for some non-graphic lemons and some fluffiness, so keep that in mind.)

I have absolutely adored all the positive feedback and I really hope to see you all back for my new story.

Hugs and kisses to all my readers, Mo