Disclaimer: I own none of these characters nor do I own the concept. The rights are all reserved to Mrs. Meyer and ITV.

Lost in Twilight

Chapter one: Obsessed

Hi! I'd better introduce myself for pulling you down into my absurd situation. My name is Monica Jensen. I'm a normal seventeen-year-old. My parents are still happily married and I am pretty content with my home life. My school life however, is an entirely different matter. I am the odd one out. It started the first day of school and only deteriorated during the years. I usually tried to make myself as invisible as possible and during the lunch-hour I usually hid in the corner of the cafeteria with one of my books. Well, that was me. Now for the absurdity that is my current life...

Up until a few months ago, I was a sucker for the classics. I tried to read as many as possible, though I hardly ever reread any of them. Sense and sensibility, Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Romeo & Juliet, Jane Eyre, they all had captured me and I loved to lose myself in them. But then, Twilight ,the movie, was released. I went, by myself -how pathetic-, to see it and I fell in love with the story. I had read in some magazine that the film was based on a series of novels, written by Stephenie Meyer and after I left the cinema, I hurried to the bookstore. I rushed in, mere minutes before closing time and I quickly strode to the counter.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you have the Twilight series?"

The woman behind the counter, looked bored as she pointed out a big poster on the wall next to the entrance. Seriously, how did I miss that one?

I shook my head and went to the display. Without thinking twice, I picked up the four volumes that made up the series and I headed back to the counter to pay for them. My mom would probably scold me for buying yet another set of books, that I would presumably read just once and then cast aside, but in that moment I couldn't care less.

With the plastic bag dangling on my arm, the books inside banging against my knee, I walked the seven blocks back to my house. I couldn't wait to read the story of Bella and Edward. When I walked up the driveway I saw the curtain move. My mom. She worried about me, too much if you ask me, but hey what can I do? I checked my watch and realized I was almost half an hour later than I had told her. That ought to send her nerves into a frenzy.

Mom was already at the door, before I had a chance to dig up my keys.

"Where have you been?"

"To the movies, just like I told you."

She looked me up and down to check if I was okay, as always, and then noted the bag in my hand. She sighed.

"What book did you buy now?"

I opened the bag to show her its contents.

"Monica! Four books? Why didn't you get them from the library, like we agreed last time?"

I shrugged and moved past her, trudging into the hallway.

"Monica, answer me, please."

"I just wanted to have them, mom."

"You don't even know if you like them."

"I liked the movie," I argued in a weak voice.

My mother breathed out heavily and threw up her arms.

"It's your paycheck," she muttered before she headed to the kitchen.

I decided that, that was my cue to leave and headed up the stairs, eager to start reading.

"Homework first, young lady! Dinner's ready in an hour!"

I grumbled and stomped louder in protest.

That night, after helping with the dishes, I first discovered the marvelous world of Twilight. I was hooked on the book, unlike any other book before. I didn't close it until my eyes started to droop on their own accord. The next weeks I was constantly reading. Every minute of spare time I was stuck in my new found escape. And the funny part was, when I had finished them all, from Twilight to Breaking Dawn, I felt the urge to read them again.

The pattern lasted for about two months and I discovered something just as intriguing as it was disappointing. I found the partial draft to Midnight Sun on Stephenie Meyer's website. I read it, over and over, craving more, but knowing I wouldn't get it. So eventually I turned to the endless source of fanfiction available on the web. I dug for the better stories and reveled in the skill of the writers out there. I was truly starting to become obsessed and I didn't even think twice about it.

When I was about two weeks into my relentless search for fanfics, something extraordinary happened. Something so absurd, that I first thought I had gone insane. Lost my marbles. Snapped.