Full Summary: Based of the movie Elizabethtown. Will Turner, a depressed man from New York must travel to Kingston, Georgia, his father's home town, when his father suddenly dies. While there, he meets a beautiful, quirky, and an unstoppably optimistic and upbeat woman, Elizabeth Swann. And she just might be the person to turn his miserable life around.




Chapter 1

Last looks. You know the way people look at you when they believe it's for the last time? The look that says goodbye, without actually having to say goodbye. Well, I've started to collect these looks.

I walked to the front of the building that held one of America's major production companies. It was huge. Dauntingly so. I don't remember it ever looking so huge. I looked up, let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding, and walked in. The people I passed gave me the look. Mariah, the leggy blond at the front desk who always flirts with me. I passed a conference room with glass walls that showed about 10 people all looking at me. Even more looks. I just sighed and kept walking.

"What is he doing here?"

"It's such a shame what happened"

I heard people whispering to one another as I passed them. At least I'll be rid of them. Them; the stuck up snobs I work with who care for no one but themselves. Honestly though, I can't exactly say I'm much better.

I walked up to the elevators and pressed the 'up' button. I waited for about 30 seconds until one opened and I stepped in. I was already in when I saw I wasn't alone. Too late to leave now.

We rode the elevator in silence up higher and higher. Finally, I got up the courage to speak to her. "Look, Jessica…"

She silenced me by giving me a look of regretless guilt. That's even worse than the 'last look'. Without saying a word, she turned back and stared solemnly at the floor.

I sighed, wishing she would listen to me. "About what happened between us, we were stupid to let a little thing like this…" This time a 'ding' cut me off as we reached, what I assumed to be, the floor she needed to get off at.

She walked out but turned around, putting her hand in between the doors to stop it from closing. "Good luck, Will. I'm sorry" She gave me a slight nod, and once again I had to bear the look the others gave me. At least this time she talked to me. "Goodbye". She then removed her hand, letting the doors close. As they closed, she stayed, looking at me. I watched as the doors shut her out of my life. I was alone now, left to my own thoughts.

I couldn't help it when my thoughts drifted to what has been happening the past few months and it was all because of me. People say that there are a difference between failing and being a failure. I, however, have managed to achieve both by one single mistake. Scratch that. One single fiasco that only a failure could achieve.

The 'ding' once again filled my ears and interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at the floor level. 56. Great, here it is. I stepped out as the doors opened. The room was floored with expensive, fancy tile. There was a fountain in the middle of the room and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I walked around to the other side of the fountain, seeing two large, mahogany doors with well done molding. Two door men stood on either side of the door and when they saw me, they nodded and opened them for me.

I walked into an even larger and more lavish room. There were couches and tables and a mini palm tree in the corner. At the front of the room, there were two receptionists. One was an older woman with a bun of grey hair sitting high on the top of her head. She had glittery glasses that sat on her nose and hung from a chain; glasses only a rich, old woman would think were fashionable. She had a mean, puckered up face to match. The second woman was younger than the first, but not by much. Her hair was a dark brown, and she had darker skin too. She was heavier than the older woman and didn't nearly look as mean and prissy. She looked more like the happy, warm grandmother type who baked cookies. She looked much nicer, so I decided to try her.

"Excuse me; Simon wanted to see me"

"Ah, yes, William Turner, right on time. However Simon is running a bit late, it should be about 15 minutes. Why don't you have a seat" She motioned at the couch with a smile. I walked over and sat down with my hands in my lap and looking quite uncomfortable.

Simon O'Malley, or rather just Simon, is the CEO of one of the biggest production companies in New York. He's also the founder of a non-profit anti-global warming charity. Plus he owns two sports teams; one basketball team and one British soccer, or football, team. And as if he isn't already more than intimidating, he's also listed as one of the top 50 wealthiest people in the world. Just great.

"He'll see you now" The younger secretary said. She motioned to the large, ceiling to floor double doors with the two door men standing next to it. I walked over and they opened them for me. I walked in and they shut the door behind me.

"Will Turner, have a seat" A voice came from across the large room. A tall, heavy figure was standing in front of a large window, looking out over New York City with his back to me. I've only met him two times. Once when I was hired six years ago, and then again about 5 months ago when I was promoted. That's where all the trouble began.

I sat down in a large, black leather chair in front of his desk. I slouched my shoulders a little, but the moment he turned around; I straightened up and showed as much composure as I could muster up.

"This company- the company I worked for 30 years to get it to where it is today- is slowly going down the toilet. 2 billion dollars. That's what your mistake is costing me"

"Sir, if there is anything I can do…" I said lamely, knowing there was nothing.

"It's too late. The lawsuit has already been carried out. I have to get rid of both of my sports teams; they were nice guys. My plan for a non-profit organization for abused children has got out the window, and I'm selling a vacation home in Morocco and another in Santorini. And we are also laying people off in every department" Simon paused and I took a deep breath knowing what was coming. He would be a fool not to fire me; this was my fault. "You're fired, Will" I nodded and walked out quietly.

As I walked down the hall, into the elevator, rode down to the first floor, walked passed my former co-workers who were still staring at me, my mind was blank. I didn't paid mind to anyone, and I just walked forward. When I got outside, I was broken from my trance-like state by rain pouring down on me. Of course there's rain. Because my day hasn't been bad enough. I ran to the edge of the sidewalk to try and catch a cab that was currently going by, but it didn't stop. There was another one that passed me. I tried 3 more times, but didn't have any luck. Damn cabs. I could take the subway. So I walked the 5 blocks to the subway station, only to find the subway had broken down.

"Shit" I muttered to myself. Then I heard thunder and the rain began to fall even harder. So I ran. I ran as fast as I could towards my apartment, trying to catch cabs along the way. Finally I gave up on the cabs. I just focused on running.

It took forever to run the 15 blocks to my apartment. When I got there I was out of breath and my clothes were soaked through completely. I took the elevator up to the 4th floor and walked into apartment 45D.

I took off my jacket and throw my keys on the table by the door. For a few moments I just stood in the middle of my big apartment. Finally, I went to the kitchen, got some water, and then I walked into the bathroom and opened the mirror slash cabinet that hung over the sink. I took out a bottle of aspirin and swallowed two pills for the splitting headache I had.

When I went to put the bottle back, I noticed another bottle behind it; prescribed sleeping pills I had left over from a case of insomnia a few months back. I grabbed the bottle and studied the label.


A thought entered my mind. I thought for a moment, before finally deciding. I opened the bottle and poured out half of the pills onto the counter. I was about to start by swallowing two when my phone rang. I contemplated answering it but decided not too. It stopped ringing and I swallowed the two pills. I picked up a few more pills, but was interrupted when the phone rang again. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and looked at the caller ID. My sister. But before I answered it, it stopped ringing. Oh well, too late. I was walking back to the bathroom when the phone rang again.

This time I picked it up. "What's up?" I sighed.

"Will? It's Danielle" She was crying, and that got my attention. "I have some really bad news"

"What's going on?" I asked, concerned.

"Dad died. He had a heart attack while he was visiting his family in Georgia. You have to go there and take care of things."

She kept talking, but I had dropped the phone from my ear and just sat stood there, staring into space. My dad was dead?

"Will? Will?" I heard her calling me.

"Yeah, I'm here" I whispered, barely audible.

We continued talking for a few minutes, deciding on plans for tomorrow. Finally I started to feel the affects of the sleeping pills I had already taken. After hanging up, I lay in bed, about to drift off to sleep. But before falling asleep, I felt tears in my eye. But I wiped them away and finally close my eyes.


The next evening I was walking through the airport with my luggage in hand. My sister was on one side of me and my mother, Natalie, was on my other side.

"Don't expect to make a lot of friends there. They never got over the fact that I married your father. But don't let them bring you down; you are the most successful man in this family. Remember that" My mom said. I grew a bit tense at her last few words.

"Will, you understand that I can't go because of the baby, right?"

"Yeah" I said, not really paying attention.

"Okay, okay" My mom grabbed mine and Danielle's hands. "We're gonna get through this. But what did your father always say?"

"If it wasn't this, it would be something else" We all said together.

"Call us if you need anything" Danielle said. I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

I would go to Kingston, Georgia, get my dad cremated, then come home and finish what I had started last night.


I really hope you liked the first chapter. It wasn't as long as I intended it to be, but oh well. Just for the record, the very last sentence, I just think is kinda lame but I couldn't something else that would fit. And I wanted to think of a creative way for him to try and kill himself like the suicide bike he made in the movie, but I couldn't think of anything, so I settled for a plain, old overdose.

Please review!