Orochimaru had been very frustrated lately. First of all, the Sound team had failed the Chuunin exams. Secondly, Kabuto had decided he didn't like being on bottom, and he'd abandoned his role as Orochimaru's sex toy. He hissed under his breath as he stalked down the hallway, towards the room of the one subordinate he knew would let him take them willingly. He calmed down several minutes before reaching the room, and he knocked on the door, trying to put on a somewhat polite air.

The ninja glanced up immediately. "Come in..."

Orochimaru opened the door, his usual sleek smile plastered onto his face. "Hello, Kimimaro-kun..." He shut the door behind him, looking at the white-haired boy.

"Hello." Kimimaro greeted with a nod. "Is there something you need?"

Orochimaru smiled more evilly, and his eyes flashed with an air of confidence. "Yes, actually, Kimimaro-kun....do you know how Kabuto recently...retired, from his role?"

"I saw him storm out of your room wearing his robe... Yes I know..." Kimimaro nodded.

"I need somebody to take on that role. The rest of them are too young, and I'm not interested in Tayuya. You seem like the perfect age....are you interested...?"

Kimimaro blinked, thinking about the situation. "I do not think... It would benefit you in anyway..."

Orochimaru let out a somewhat angry breath. "I don't wish to force myself upon you, Kimimaro-kun. If the situation arises, I will have to. You'll enjoy being pleasured....I assure you."

"Master Orochimaru, please forgive me... But I really don't see why you cannot just find someone who would be more willing... I want to please you, but not in that way..."

"...." He remained silent, then sighed. "As you wish, Kimimaro. I told you I would use force if necessary." He used his paralysis jutsu rather quickly, then pushed Kimimaro onto his back, looking down at him with lust evident in his eyes.

Kimimaro blinked. His master had officially lost his marbles...

Orochimaru sunk his face into Kimimaro's hungrily, slipping his long, snake-like tongue into the teenager's mouth.

Kimimaro made a small noise when he felt Orochimaru's tongue almost go down his throat.

Orochimaru continued to rape his face, then sat up after a moment and removed the belt of his robe that was wrapped around his waist. He was fully revealed now, and his already erect member throbbed when the cool air hit it.

The teenager closed his eyes, believing that this would make the situation slightly better. He didn't want to see anymore of Orochimaru then he needed to.

Orochimaru gave him no time to prepare, and plunged in immediately, then bent down to kiss Kimimaro some more, panting slightly as he thrust in.

Kimimaro's breath quickened slightly, and even whimpered a little , but fought the tears back. He would not reward Orochimaru with everything he wished to see. Crying was out of the deal.

Orochimaru just continued to thrust in, enjoying this immensely. True to his word, it wasn't over for a while. It took almost two hours for the snake to be completely finished, and even then, he wasn't completely done. He thrust in a few more times, then pulled out roughly, wiping the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand.

Kimimaro started to feel his fingers, toes, and face when Orochimaru pulled out. The teenager's lips opened slightly and whispered. "Satisfied?"

Orochimaru didn't answer, giving Kimimaro a grunt as a reply. He put his robe back on, opened the door, and walked out, satisfied.

The teenager waited until he felt complete feeling in his body, but still did not wish to move, for his lower muscles were throbbing in pain. HE tried to be pacient, finally slipping from his bed and limping to get his robe. Every leg swing shocked him, every breath was mind fogging, and every thought destroyed. He tied the robe on and slipped boxers on as well. Then he felt his room and knocked on the door beside his. "Tayuya, it's me..." He said in a hushed tone. "Can I come in?"

The redhead shuffled to the door in a red night-robe, her equally colored hair frazzled from not being brushed after she got out of the shower. She blushed fiercely when she saw Kimimaro standing there; she covered herself up a bit more and looked at him. "...w-what do you want?!"

"May I come in?... I'd like your company..." He asked.

Tayuya bit her lip, then opened the door, holding it open for him. "Try anything, and I'll kick your ass straight out of here."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Kimimaro stated as he stepped in. "Even if I wanted to... I would not be able to." He sat himself upon one of the chairs. "All I need is a bit of company. Is that such a crime?"

Tayuya sat on her bed, closing her legs completely so her underwear wasn't revealed. "....nah, it's not a crime." She looked at him, then raised an eyebrow. "What, you think you have morals by not doing anything to me? Pssh. No one here has morals, Kimimaro."

"I know..." Kimimaro said, looking at the various instruments. "You have many flutes... Which is your favorite?"

Tayuya looked at the numerous shelves on the room, then smiled and looked at one placed in the middle of the room. Getting up and picking up the polished wooden flute, she carefully carried it over to him. "...probably this one."

Kimimaro picked it from her hands and examined it. "It is very nicely crafted... Where does it originate from?"

"...I believe...the Rain village. Kabuto had it one day and offered to give it to me. And he did." She smiled slightly, running her fingers over it.

"Very nice." Kimimaro comented. "Would you play a tune?"

Tayuya raised an eyebrow, then gave the slightest of smiles and brought her lips to the flute, starting to play a simple melody on it.

Kimimaro closed his eyes and listed to the melody with much appreciation. Something about the sound was heart-lifting and comforting. "You are very talented, Tayuya..."

After she finished the song, she smiled. "....thanks." She put the flute back on it's place on her shelf, then sat back down on the bed. The room remained in silence.

Kimimaro watched the girl with a little interest. That was more than he had before. "How long have you played?"

"Since I was little. Little-little, like three or four."

"Very impressive." The teenager commented. "Very impressive...."

"And how long have you been shooting bones out of your body, huh?"

Kimimaro chuckled. "Five."

Tayuya snorted slightly, then yawned; the yawn had a slight squeak at the end of it. She blushed and covered her face with her hand. "...I think it's time you should be going, Kimimaro."