Tell Me Why
I'm reading this series of one shots based on prompts and I really enjoy it. I thought it'd be fun to try my hand at it too, so if you have suggestions for prompts let me know. It's mostly just moments between Marissa and Alex that have to do with the prompt, etc. Reviews are always appreciated!
Marissa was furious. She marched straight out of the bedroom and into the living room, knowing full well that Alex would chase after her, because Alex always did. No matter what happened between the two of them, no matter who started the argument, no matter who was at fault, Alex would always come apologizing; and Marissa liked it that way.
Once she reached the couch, Marissa turned around. She placed her hands on her hips and merely looked at Alex from across the hall. Alex uncrossed her arms, and gave a deep sigh before making her way towards the taller girl.
Alex hated fighting with Marissa, even when they were just upset at each other. So she did everything she could to fix it, and that usually just entailed a simple apology. Looking at Marissa, her entire demeanor seemed to imply, 'well what're you waiting for'.
"Look I'-" Alex began, but
stopped herself, "I'm late for work, I need to go." Marissa's
eyes narrowed in on Alex's face, surprised, but mostly shocked that
the words, 'I'm sorry' hadn't come out.
Marissa questioned, growing angrier by the second.
"I need to
go to work." Alex answered, grabbing her jacket. She walked past
Marissa, and right out the front door, not looking back.
Walking out was one of the most difficult things Alex had ever done, but it was something that she needed to do. She couldn't keep apologizing for things she didn't do, even if it meant her and Marissa would be okay. It especially made Alex feel worse because Marissa would always walk her to work, but obviously that wouldn't be happening today. Digging her hands into her jacket pockets, Alex tried to keep her head clear on her way to work, the last thing she needed was to stress over something that would hopefully pass.
Marissa stared at the door in shock, unable to formulate words or process much of anything. Alex had just walked out on her. Alex had just left. Alex had just left without apologizing. Alex had just gone. It didn't make sense, Alex didn't do things like that, Alex didn't leave her hanging, Alex didn't ever walk away, she didn't ever not apologize, until now. Grabbing her cell phone off the coffee table, she punched the number one, waiting for Summer to answer.
"You won't believe what just
happened." Marissa literally screamed into the phone, before Summer
could even say hello.
"She walked out! Can you
believe that? Alex just left." Marissa rambled.
"Wait a
"I can't believe her!" Marissa interrupted once
"I mean really, c'mon what is she
thinking right?"
"Well may-"
"Forget he-"
shut up!" Summer managed.
"You've been
talking nonstop, I can't even get word in here."
"Oh sorry,
I'm just frustrated."
Marissa held the phone to her ear, as she began to absentmindedly fold the clothes that were left on the couch.
"Yeah I can tell, but you calling me and then not
letting me say anything…bit pointless."
"I just needed to
vent, I'm sorry."
"Coop you don't need to apologize to
me, just tell me what happened."
"I was doing the laundry
right? Being the good girlfriend that I am, I washed all of our
clothes, but when I dumped them onto the couch to fold, they were all
"More so light blue…but that's
besides the point."
"You mean like your pink fiasco?"
"Yes, but I didn't know that there was a blue sock in there,
honest! I was just doing laundry."
Marissa picked up the blue sock and looked at it with disgust before throwing it across the room.
continue." Summer prodded.
"Well I freaked out a little bit
when I saw the clothes and then Alex walked into the living room and
saw them too, and she was all, 'I need to seriously teach you how
to wash clothes', then she laughed."
"Okay and?"
do you mean and?"
"And then what happened?"
"We got
into a fight! Aren't you paying attention?"
"Coop, duh I'm
paying attention but what happened after she said that?"
told her to just wash the clothes herself."
"You didn't
apologize for making all the clothes blue?"
"No, but she
should have apologized to me!"
"For what?" Summer
questioned, clearly confused.
"For being mean!"
was she being mean?"
"I was only trying to help, and she had
to be mean to me!"
"It doesn't sound like she was being
mean, how was her tone when she said it?"
"I don't
remember, but she could have at least appreciated the fact that I was
doing laundry."
"You know Coop you're really lucky you've
got Alex, I mean if I was her I would have totally bitched at you for
ruining another load of clothes, because first time you made them
pink, and now you made them blue. I mean seriously think about it,
that girl must care about you an awful lot to let you ruin most of
her clothes, and to not even yell at you for it."
"Do you
think I over reacted?" Marissa questioned, rethinking about the
"Maybe just a smidge."
"I'm the worst
girlfriend ever."
"No you're just a drama queen sweetie,
just make it up to her."
"She didn't apologize to me
"What does she need to apologize to you for?"
"I…I don't know, she usually does. I guess I was just used
to her saying sorry for everything."
"I think you know what
you need to do."
"Yeah, thanks Sum. I gotta go, love you."
"Love you too." Summer said hanging up.
Once she hung up, Marissa leaned back on the couch knowing full well that she was at fault. Since she'd been with Alex, she realized she had become much more selfish than normal. Alex took care of her, and made her the first priority, while Marissa usually made herself the first priority, and Alex the second. Grabbing one of the newly blue colored shirts, Marissa put it on over her head and hurried to towards the bait shop.
Not surprisingly the bait shop was pretty busy for a Saturday night. As she made her way towards the bar, Marissa contemplated what she would say to Alex. Her mind whirled with thoughts as she contemplated the best thing to say, pushing her way to the front; she cleared her throat to get Alex's attention.
"Marissa?" Alex questioned,
surprised to see her.
"Can we talk?"
"Not right now,
I'm busy." Marissa shocked at Alex's response, felt herself
begin to grow angry.
"Fine whatever." Marissa snapped turning
"I'm working, what do you want me to do?" Alex
called after her. Alex knew what she should have done, and what she
was supposed to do to make things right, but she couldn't up and
leave work; she did have bills to pay after all, and new clothes to
buy thanks to Marissa.
A few hours later, Alex stepped into the apartment, not surprised to see Marissa sitting on the couch waiting for her. She set the plastic bag down on the coffee table and took a seat next to the brunette.
"I brought you something." Alex
started, pulling a pint of Ben and Jerry's out of the bag.
got you something," Marissa said going to the kitchen, and coming
back with a pint of Ben and Jerry's.
They both laughed at the fact that there were now two pints of ice cream sitting before them.
"Look I'm sor-"
Alex, I'm sorry." Marissa interrupted.
"I'm sorry for
this morning Riss, and at work. I was just busy, you know that I
don't want to hurt you."
"Alex you have nothing to be sorry
for, I turned the clothes blue, I overreacted, more than once. If
anything you should be mad at me. I've been nothing but selfish
since we've been together." Marissa said placing her hand on
"You're lucky I look good in blue," Alex joked,
"and pink." she added with a smile.
"You aren't mad?"
"At the clothes being blue? Nah, not really."
about at me being selfish and bitchy?"
"Well if you telling
me this means I have less apologizing to do then I'm fine with
that. I just want you to know that I realized today that I try to fix
our problems too quickly. I guess a part of me just doesn't want
you to always expect an apology, but I want us to be okay, that's
why I do it."
"I know, I shouldn't expect one either. A lot
of the time it is my fault." Marissa admitted sheepishly.
just don't like us not being okay, because that means I have no one
to walk me to work, or to kiss me goodbye. It was the longest walk
ever." Alex emphasized.
Marissa shoved Alex ever so
slightly, "We can go for a walk if you want."
"I don't
want to now," Alex said with an eye roll, "but I could go for
that kiss right about now."
"Oh that's all you want?"
"You want a goodbye kiss?"
"No, not a
goodbye one!"
"Then what kind?"
"I just want kisses
with my favorite selfish girl." Alex said with a giggle, before
Marissa kissed her to shut her up.
This didn't particularly turn out the way I had intended upon, but reviews would be greatly appreciated. And ideas for prompts would be great too!