Title: Correct Response

Spoilers: Current

Rating: K

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: Any correct response packed its bags, left him with dusty crumbled responses - all of which were lining up for the prize of Most Inadequate of the year.

A/N: This is what happens when I don't want to study Pharmacology. Take that HH.


His fingers raked through his hair as he settled his weight from side to side, trying to think of something to say. Blank. Any correct response packed its bags, left him with dusty crumbled responses - all of which were lining up for the prize of Most Inadequate that year. His gaze dropped to the ground in hopes of finding the answer scribbled on the hardwood floor. All he saw was a red skittle and a GI Joe.

She sighed and he could hear her shaking her head. She seemed to be catching on to the fact that he wasn't going to say anything because she bent down to grab her bag and hastily shoved her arms in her coat. She didn't even say goodbye when she left.

He remained in his spot for a few minutes longer, shell shocked and numb. It was like his brain had been dumped in quicksand and couldn't manage to climb out. What good was wit and banter when there was an ambush attack? With the realization that his mind was mutinous, he grabbed his keys and ran out of his house, heading straight to his car. The sight before him stopped him in his tracks.

Letting out a deep breath, he walked around the front of his SUV and stopped before her, finding that her expression mirrored what he felt. Before taking another second, he leaned forward as his fingers tugged the bottom of her coat forward and kissed her. Softly at first, then more intensely when he felt her respond as she wrapped her arms around his neck, his grasp forming a tight circle around her waist.

When they finally broke apart with their short, gasping breaths mingling together, an unbidden smile plastered to his face and his eyes shone just a little bit as his brain clicked on. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her softly once again, still keeping that ridiculous smile on his face.

"I love you too, Bones."

As she grazed her fingers along his jaw softly, a coy smile crossed her features while she looked up into his eyes.

"Good answer."