Konnichi wa !

heyyas! thanks for checking this out! I'm so grateful!*does a little japanese style bow*

ok, this story takes place after the 7th season of Sailor Moon, if you haven't gotten that far, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

just kidding! not a lot of spoilers!

please, please, please Reveiw!

I need alot of support when writing, if you knew my friends(witch you most likely don't) they could tell you the same thing!

ok, there's a bit more! this is also when usagi's around 19-20 ish because she was, what? 15-16 years old in the 7th season?

Don't judge me by this story!

Don't judge the characters in this story!

common japanese phrases that I will be using in this story

Ohayo: (O-hi-yo) informal way of saying 'Good Morning'

Konnichi wa: (kon-nichi-wa) means 'Good Afternoon'

Konban wa: (Ko-n-ban-wa) 'Good Evening'

Demo: (deh-mo) 'but...'

Hayaku(sp): (Hi-ya-ku) 'hurry up!'

Baka: (bah-kah) 'idiot, stupid'

Iie:(EE-eh) 'No'

Hai:(HI) 'yes'

-san: a respectful honorific, used for parents, others your age, and those above your age

-chan: a honorific used mainly for girls, young children, and small animals, but is sometimes used by the girl for her boyfriend

-kun: used mainly for boys, but rarely used for girls

Sensei: (sen-say) used for teachers, like if it's Mr. Tanaka, it becomes 'Tanaka sensei'

thats about it..... Story Time!(oh, and even though Usagi's Neo Queen Serenity, Seiya still refers to her as Usagi)

Seiya walked through the park, deep in thought. he hadn't seen Usagi in a while, aside from being sailor soldiers. Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki had joined the Sailor scouts back on earth about 2 years ago, but Usagi and Mamoru had already gotten married. Word was that they had a baby on the way, and that's why she hadn't been Sailor Moon for the last month and a half, much to Seiya's distain. Even thinking that Usagi and Mamoru had..... it was sickening for him to think about. So here he was, walking through the woods of Crystal Tokyo aimlessly. All of a sudden a weight landed on his shoulder, or would've if he hadn't moved. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough and was flung to the side. He Looked up to see what had fallen from the sky. A young girl, 16 years old, the spitting image of Usagi, meat ball buns and all, but with black hair. She was rubbing the back of her head and looked at Seiya with blue eyes, Usagi's eyes.

"Daddy! are you all right?" she said running over to him.

"D-Daddy? did you just call me 'Daddy'?" Seiya asked, who was this girl? why did she think he was her father?

"Of course, Father, why? and how come we aren't in the castle?" she said, her blue-black hair, the same shade as Seiya's, blowing in the slight breeze. She was wearing a simple white and gold dress.

"Who are you?" Seiya asked her. she looked at him and pointed to herself.

"You don't recognize me?" she asked him.

"No, who are you?"

"Damn it, Chibiusa! How far back did you freakin' send me this time?" she muttered to her self, the turned her attention back to Seiya.

"Whats today's date? and the year?"

"Febuary 6th, 2100. Why?"

"Damn You to hell Chibiusa! Why the hell did you send me back this far? 21 years? com'mon!" 21 years?, Seiya thought to himself.

"Umm... what's your name?" he asked the girl.

"Never mind that! I need to see my mother, Like now!" she said dragging Seiya to his feet.

"hey, is you're qurters the same as in the future, or not? man that's a stupid question, how would you know?"

"uhh, why are we going to where Taiki and Yaten are? Seiya asked

"Because, 1, i didn't know they were there, 2, if they are there, you need to talk to them anyway!"

"Why?" He asked. She pointed to herself again, "oh, yeah..."

They ran to Seiya's rooms that he shared with Yaten and Taiki and she opened the door. Taiki was typing away on his computer and Yaten was reading something.

"Yaten *Ouji-san! Taiki Ouji-san!" The young girl said walking into the room(Ouji= uncle)

"Wha? Seiya, who's this girl? is she a fan?" Yaten asked his brother. Seiya scratched his head .

"To tell the truth, i don't know...."

"Well what's her name?" Taiki asked, "and why is she referring to us as her Uncles?"

"She says she's my daughter, but she hasn't told me her name..."

"Seiya..." Taiki shook his head.

"You had a daughter and you never told us? That's cruel! well, who was the girl?" Yaten asked

".....I don't know......"

"S-Seiya! You're a father and you didn't know who her mother is?" Taiki said in disbelief, he went over to the girl and looked at her closely, then at Seiya.

"well, there's no real doubt, I'm pretty sure she's your kid."

"Why do you say that?" Seiya asked, slightly annoyed.

"She has the same expression on her face that you have when your being watched carefully!" Taiki started to laugh, "And that look is hard to copy!"

Seiya put his hand on Taiki's shoulder. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Now, Now, Seiya, not in front of the child!" Taiki said with his hands in front of him, symbolizing surrender. Suddenly a bell-like giggle came.

"You guys never change!" The girl said, "And i can tell you who my mother is if you want."

"Who?" everybody said at the same time, they all wanted to know who the lucky girl was, even Seiya.

"Her Royal Highness, Neo Queen Serenity of Crystal Tokyo, also know as Usagi Tsukino." every body looked at her in silence.

"What?" she asked in total innocence.

"Neo...." Taiki said

"Queen..." Yaten said in a slight daze.

"Serenity!?!?" Seiya said in disbelief.

"Seiya, when did this happen?" Taiki and Yaten said together.

"It hasn't happened, yet," The girl pipped up smiling, "But it will, or I wouldn't be here!"

"You lost us with the whole 'it hasn't happened yet' thing...." Taiki said.

"Really? i thought it was obvious..... i'm from the future! and my older half-sister sent me back 21 years, so i won't be born for another 5 years!" she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oooooo! is that cake? can i have some?!" she asked noticing the platter of cake on the coffe table.

"Sure, go ahead, help yourself, but whats your name?" Taiki asked

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Mizuki," she said with a smile, "Yay! cake!"

Taiki and Seiya looked to Yaten, whose lastest book was on names and they're meanings.

"Mizuki....that is so like Usagi to name her child Mizuki..." Yaten said


"Mizuki means 'Beautiful Moon', just what Usagi would name her child," Seiya and Taiki both nodded. Yaten's eye twitched as he realized that if this was Usagi's daughter, she probably had Usagi's appetite for sweets, and he loved that chocolate cake. He turned around sharply to see that Mizuki was politely wiping her mouth with a napkin, after eating only one piece of cake. Yaten sighed in relief.

"So, i really need to get back to the future and to do that, my mother would have to help me.... where is she?"

"I'm sorry, Mizuki-chan, but you can't tell Serenity about you, it could alter the path of fate in unimaginable ways..." Taiki said in a fortune teller type of way.

"Hhhmmm.... i didn't think of that...." Mizuki said and starts to pace, "what to do, what to do..."

All of a sudden, a weight came and fell on Yaten.

"what the hell! get off of me!"

"I'm very sorry, Yaten-san." a boy around 17 said, standing up. he noticed Mizuki.

"Mizuki-chan! here you are, ever since Chibiusa sent you here, everybody's been frantic, especially your parents, so i volunteered to look for you and ended up in a time warp..."

"Ryuu-kun!" Mizuki said and jumped towards him with her arms spread out to hug him.

"I'm so glad you're here!" she said hugging him. He embraced her back.

"Me too, but I'm not so sure that we can get back anytime soon..... unless you know a way....."

"Ryuu-kun? you didn't bring the time key?"

"I told you that i got pulled into a time warp..."

"Who are you and why are you holding my daughter?" Seiya asked, sounding strangely fatherly, his eye twitching. Ryuu let go of Mizuki.

"I suppose you don't know, seeing how this will start in 19-20 years..... Mizuki is my fiancee, and you and my Queen will soon be my parents in law," Ryuu explain, messing with his short red hair like it was a bit embaressing to say out loud. Seiya's eyes twitched faster.

"Mizuki... Why didn't you tell me?" Seiya asked

"Geez Dad! your making me feel like I went and got a boyfriend behind your back, When it was your idea to unite the solar system that Ryuu comes from with ours via marriage!" she said having a very Usagi like pose.

"It was my idea? Why would i do that?"

"Because the two Solar Systems have been warring since you and mother had gotten married and had me! it's your original homeland that Ryuu comes from!" Mizuki crossed her arms and exhaled sharply, as if daring Seiya to argue more. My daughter can be very scary at times..... Seiya thought, twitching minorly and the look Mizuki was giving him. Taiki shook his head, Seiya wasn't very good with young girls.....

"I wonder how long until he makes her really mad...." Yaten thought out loud.

"Or for her to get on his nerves...," Taiki said.

"Wanna make a bet?" Yaten asked

"Sure, i bet 550 yen that Seiya will get on her nerves first" Taiki said confidently.

"I bet 600 yen that Mizuki will get on Seiya's nerves before she blows at him."

"ok, the bet's on."


How was it? good? bad? So horrible that you'd never want to read the next chap?

i hope it's not the latter one.......

Any way, please review!
