CHAPTER Eight DISCLAIMER: I don't own Digimon, and "I'd Do Anything" is a song by Simple Plan, so I don't claim it at all.

Kari walked slowly down the pavement, glancing up every so often. The sky was still grey, the world hadn't ended. But TK just about had. She'd cut herself off from both. Her head said it wouldn't be fair. Her heart was crying. She wanted him so much- but there was no going back now. Neither would have her, and that was that.

She got in her car, and drove away, leaving that part of her life behind.

*~*Six Months Later*~*

"I'm home!" Kari walked into her flat and dropped her keys in the dish. Her flatmate, Paula, poked her head around the wall.

"Hey girrrl! About time too! How come you have to study so hard at that school place anyway?" Kari rolled her eyes.

"I'm studying at UNIVERSITY so I can have a future, unlike you," she said, flopping down on the couch. Paula flipped her head.

"I have a great future, thank you! I'm gonna marry someone rich and famous and eat after-dinner mints off a silver platter for the rest of my life."

"Uh-huh. Forgive me if I sound like I don't believe you."

"I will!" Paula laughed and got up. "Tomorrow, I'll tell you who. Then you'll see!" She sauntered off. "I'm going out tonight. I'll be leaving in five, 'k?"

"Yeah, have a good time," Kari replied, laying back on the sofa and dozing off.


Kari woke up with a start, then dashed out to her car. She hadn't meant to doze off like that! And now she'd be late to school! She had no time to change, she just drove. Just as she was pulling up in the student carpark, a song came on the radio.

~I'd do anything

Just to hold you in my arms...~

Kari sighed and switched off the radio, got out of the car and went to class, not giving it another thought.


~I just can't put you in the past

I'd do anything,

Just to fall asleep with you...~

Kari shook her head as she got home again. What a sappy song! She laughed and scoffed at it. How sappy, unrealistic, over the top-

"Cool, isn't it?" chirped Paula from the sofa. Kari rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, if you like over-rated sap." She went into the kitchen to get some food.

"Ueah, well, you should see the singer! He's so hot! And there's an article about him in this week's Teen Hit, not that I usually by this jumk or anything, I just saw him on the cover and HAD to grab it! Want me to read it to you?"

"No, but you will anyway," Kari murmured, buttering a slice of toast.

"His fav colour is blue, fave animal is wolf, fave time of year is Spring, hate war and depression, loves friendship and his friends- woah, what a dream boy! Need I go on? He's pro-animal rights, and he wrote his hit single after a girl he once messed up with but still loves! What a BABE! And listen, it says here that Yamato Ishida was born in-" Kari choked. Paula looked up. "I know! I'm gonna marry THIS guy!" Kari shook her head frantically and snatched the magazine away. "Hey! Get your own!" Paula tried to grab it back, when, to her surprise, Kari folded down on the sofa in tears. "Kaz? Whassamatter?" Paula immediately put a concerned arm around Kari's shoulders. "I'm sorry, you can read it if you want, here, don't cry!" Kari shook her head.

"It's not that," she sobbed. "It's just that-" she broke off, unable to continue. Paula rubbed her back.

"Come on, tell Paula, she cares. Tell me. It's just that....?" Kari wiped her tears away.

"Matt l-loved me and I t-turned him down because I didn't thi-ink it would be fair on his stupid b-brother!" she wailed, breaking into sobs again. Paula was all comfort and listened patiently while the whole tale came out.

"So you let them both go. Woah. Tough call." Kari nodded, still sobby.

"I miss him like crazy, Paul."

"I know you do, hon. There's gotta be some way to get you two crazy love-birds back together!" Paula frowned in thought. Kari stared at the photo on the magazine page before her, staring at Matt's brilliant blue eyes and perfect blonde hair that was always just fly-away enough for you to want to run your fingers through it...

"Oh, Yamato, where are you now? I miss you..."

A/N: Sorry its been so long, folks. I've been way busy. But I'm gonna finish this or bust! So the next part will be along soon.... I hope!