Here it is! I kind of stole the idea from a Maximum Ride story, but I thought it was awesome. I hope that my story is funny and that you all enjoy it. :}
Disclaimer: I do not own this series. Isn't it obvious?
1. Cosmetic saleswoman:
"Um, I think this goes on your eyes…."
2. Escape artist:
The way she escaped from foster families, I'm scared to see what she can do with a chained box.
3. Musician:
"And you're sure that it is not enchanted?"
4. Marriage counselor:
"Okay, express yourself through your actions. Punch him; it shows him that you care."
5. Teacher:
Because she works sooo well with her peers.
I hope that none of these happen because it would be a disaster. *shudders while picturing it*
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