Hi to anyone who reads this story; sorry for a really long delay in this chapter, I know I don't update regularly anyway (Not had enough time over the last few years to write continuously) but I usually aim to update in August and as you can see I'm 3 Months and a bit late so sorry, but don't worry I haven't forgotten this story. I will still being writing but updates really are going to hectic from now - more so then they were before (Might get early chapters again or you also might get late chapters) but please be patient and I promise I'll update.

Thank you for the support and Thank you to those who still read this story – This is for you guys.

Digimon Season 7

Episode 6

A Team Is Still A Team Even When Divided Part 1

"How can anyone sleep with the way he snores?" Jake shouted angrily across the boys' rooms as he listened to Alex's loud snores echo through the room and probably the rest of the hotel as well the way he was snoring.

"I agree with you, will someone please wake him up!" Ronnie responded just as angrily from his bed next to Jake's.

"But why, he's sleeping so peacefully" Max replied as he leaned over the bed to look at Alex's sleeping form.

"Yeah he may be sleeping but the rest of us certainly aren't!" Regan muttered from where he was standing by the door. Unlike the others Regan had been up almost 2 hours where as rest had just started waking up about an hour ago, all except Alex of course.

"Correction, Darkmon is also asleep" Ronnie replied sarcastically as he pointed to the sprawled out form of Darkmon on the bed next to him.

"Then well will someone please wake them both up then!" Jake shouted angrily as he grabbed his black t-shirt from the end of the bed.

"Oh alright" Max said as he walked over and shook Alex awake while Ronnie did the same to Darkmon.

"Right are we all up now?" Regan asked.

"Looks like it" Max responded as he pulled his hat on while Alex rubbed his eyes of the sleep.

"Good now let's go see if the girls are awake yet" Regan added.

"Good idea, we do need to start off soon" a now fully awake Darkmon replied as he jumped onto Ronnie's shoulder. Regan nodded and opened the door and set off towards the girls' room followed by the others. Once at the girls' room Ronnie knocked on the door twice before Jessie opened it for them.

"We were wondering if you were all awake or not since we could hear snoring and we wondered if that was you lot" Jessie explained as she let the boys into the room.

"That was Alex and Darkmon you could hear" Jake replied as he shot a glare at Alex who was looking rather sheepish right about now.

"How is Cassie this morning?" Max asked as he stared pass Jessie to see Cassie still sleeping on the bed but looking a lot better than she did yesterday.

"Her fever has reduced slightly but it still hasn't broken yet" Sarah explained from where she sat on the edge of Cassie's bed.

"Well that's some good new at least" Ronnie replied as he sat himself down on the bed next to Rosie and Mari. Darkmon by this point had jumped off Ronnie shoulder and had now perched himself on Cassie pillow.

"Well since she is looking a lot better I suggest we make a move" Darkmon suggested.

"But where are we going?" Rosie asked as she stroked Lightmon who was curled up in her lap.

"What town is next after this one?" Mari asked as she leaned back on her arms.

"Unfortunately the next nearest town is Nahuatl Town" Darkmon explained.

"What's so bad about that?" Alex asked.

"You remember the minions we mentioned who work for Solarmon" Darkmon explained "Well one of them Hydramon is believed to have come from that town before she joined Solarmon" he added.

"Well how does that affect us?" Max asked.

"It means that there is a chance that most towns work for Solarmon" Lightmon explained "And considering we have 3 of the 10 Great Spirits the likely hood is they'll hand us all over to Solarmon if they do work for him" she added.

"Isn't there a way to miss this Nahuatl Town" Regan asked.

"From Leaf Town to Nahuatl Town it is about a day's walk from here, after that the next town is another 2 day's walk from Nahuatl Town" Darkmon explained.

"Well that's just great, we can't walk for 3 days straight just to avoid this Nahuatl Town" Sarah replied "Are there any smaller villages or towns before or after Nahuatl Town?" she asked.

"Probably but they will belong to the smaller groups of Digimon and we wouldn't know if they worked for Solarmon or not" Lightmon explained.

"Great so what do we do?" Ronnie asked "Should we risk going to Nahuatl Town or try and find a smaller village and hope they don't work for Solarmon"

"Wait you said towns; does that means there more than 1 in Nahuatl Town?" Max asked.

"Sort of you see Nahuatl Town is surrounded by water and because of the currents of the water the town itself was separated into 4 smaller towns or regions" Lightmon explained "But out of these 4 regions only 3 work for Solarmon".

"Well if that's the case I say we should risk Nahuatl and hope that we end up in the one the region that doesn't work for Solarmon" Max replied.

"Guess we got no other choice have we, we can't walk for 3 days straight and I don't fancy trying to find a small village along the way" Rosie replied.

"Alright now that we have settled that shall we be going" Darkmon asked as he jumped off Cassie pillows.

"Okay then let's go" Regan replied as he hoisted Cassie on to his back before exiting to the room.

"Are you sure you'll be alright with her?" Mari asked as she followed Regan.

"I'll be fine" Regan replied.

"Well if you do get tired we don't mind carrying her for a while" Jake explained.

"Okay but I'll be alright for now" Regan replied. The others just simply nodded and followed the boy towards the fount counter. Once there Darkmon and Lightmon both jumped up on top of the counter to be greeted by Veggiemon.

"Leaving already?" Veggiemon asked.

"Yes thank you for allowing us to stay here and thank you for your help when we needed it" Lightmon replied.

"You're extremely welcome after all you are old friends" Veggiemon replied warmly.

"Now about out bill" Darkmon started but was quickly cut off by Veggiemon.

"There will be no bill" Veggiemon stated.

"Are you sure?" Darkmon asked.

"Yes, you have always been welcome here at our hotel and although some of you did cause a scene in our restaurant" Veggiemon explained while he eyed a sheepish Mari and Regan "You made up of it and there for I shall not be charging you and besides I highly doubt you could afford the bill for all of you" he added sarcastically.

"Thank you Veggiemon" Lightmon replied while bowing her head politely.

"I hope you have a pleasant journey and you humans" Veggiemon replied as he pointed towards the group of humans "At least 3 of you have the 3 of the 10 great spirits and I expect the rest of you will gain the others and because of this the fate of the Digital World is resting in your hands" he explained.

"We understand that and we'll do our best to live up to your expectations and save the Digital World" Max replied.

"Since when did we make big promises about saving the world?" Ronnie muttered to Alex who simply nodded. Max just glanced sideways and gave a small glare.

"Just see that you do something, well goodbye for now" Veggiemon explained before disappearing through the door behind the counter.

"Thank you again Veggiemon, see you again soon" Lightmon shouted as she and Darkmon waved goodbye "Right let's get going then" she said as she jumped of the counter and made of the door.

"Why did you say that?" Rosie asked Max as the group began walking down the street that lead out of Leaf Town.

"Say what?" Max asked.

"That we would live up to expectations and save the Digital World" Mari responded.

"I was only trying to reassure him and besides he did have a point" Max replied as he picked up his pace a little.

"He had a point about what?" Ronnie asked.

"That the fate of the Digital World is in our hands after all it's like he said 3 of us do have 3 of the 10 Great Spirits which means they do have the responsibility to help" Max explained.

"And in case you've forgetting one happens to be unconscious" Sarah commented as she pointed to Cassie slumped form on Regan's back.

"Yes I'm aware of that but you didn't let me finish" Max explained in frustration "As I was saying the 2 who are able to transform have the responsibility to help save the Digital World but the rest of us do not have this ability yet but I can almost guarantee we will soon enough and Veggiemon knew this and in fact so do Lightmon and Darkmon" he added as he indicated towards there 2 guides at the fount of the group "All 10 of us were chosen for some reason or another to help save this world so I don't see why we shouldn't go around telling people that after all it was only yesterday that certain blonde was bragging about saving the world" he continued as he shot a look towards Regan who just ignored it.

"We understand all of that Max but I just don't think we should make so many promises that we're not sure we can definitely keep" Alex replied.

"I know that to but... I suppose by saying that to Veggiemon... I kind of felt like I, we were giving him some hope" Max explained as the others just eyed him warily "I mean just yesterday he... didn't even believe we could do anything to help the Digital World but now... he has faith in us and I don't want to let him down and I'm pretty sure the rest of you feel the same" he added

"He is right though" Darkmon commented from the fount of the group "Once more Digimon find out about you lot they will be putting a lot of faith in you" he explained

"I guess so, sorry to have a go at you Max" Mari apologised while patting Max on the shoulder lightly.

"That's alright, just stop patting me on the shoulder" Max replied as he batted Mari hand away.

"Now that you have resolved that you might to look at this" Jake commented as he pointed ahead of the group. They had finally reached the end of Leaf Town and were now staring across a vast forest that gave off an extremely dark aura about it.

"We have to go through there?" Rosie asked from where she now cowered behind Sarah.

"Of course, why?" Lightmon asked causally.

"Because it looks scary in there" Alex explained as he clung to the back of Jake's jumper.

"Well there is absolutely nothing scary about it at; as long as you stick to the main trail nothing can happen" Darkmon explained as he and Lightmon took off into the forest.

"They say that in the movies and look what happens to them!" Rosie commented.

"I hope he realises if I get hurt in there I'll blame him" Alex muttered.

"I think we all will" Ronnie muttered back sarcastically.

"Well we better catch up to them before they get too far ahead of us" Regan replied as he set off after the 2 Digimon.

"Yeah I don't fancy getting loss in a place like this" Sarah stated as she followed after the blonde. Soon the others followed until it was just Rosie and Alex left. Both turned towards each other, both mirroring the fear of the other, with a simple a nod they grabbed each other's arms and followed slowly after the others.

"I thought you boys said you were going to take care of those humans" Zephyrmon asked impatiently from where she stood leaning against one the pillars that supported their home.

"Hey we tried didn't we, but they're stronger then you think" Pyromon claimed angrily as he strode pass the girl and sat down around a small table which Hydramon already occupied.

"I did warm you though Humans could be tricky" Geomon boosted almost proudly as he stood next to Zephyrmon.

"But if you knew Humans were tricky then why did you also fail in taking care of them" Zephyrmon pointed out slyly. Geomon simply glared and walked away from the group, taking refuge in his what you could call a room.

"Snob" Pyromon shouted after him as Zephyrmon joined the other 2 around the table.

"Oh shut it Pyromon" Zephyrmon shouted angrily as she whacked him over the head with the back of her hand "You have no right to make fun of him when you did no better yourself" she added.

"Hey that wasn't my fault okay" Pyromon shouted back as he pouted.

"Whatever" Zephyrmon half mumbled. Pyromon continued to pout but decide the spare a glance at the only other female, Hydramon who had yet to have said a word, he then noticed why. In her lap her hands were absorbing the moisture around her to create a sphere like shape which grew with every movement of her hands.

"What are you doing Hydramon?" Pyromon asked as he leaned over to get a better look at her hands. She didn't answer him instead choosing to keep her eyes on the water in fount of her.

"Leave her be" Zephyrmon responded angrily "She is trying to find out about those humans for you boys" she added as she pulled him back into his seat.

"But why, I thought you girls said you weren't going to help?" Pyromon asked suspiciously

"Yeah we did because we thought you guys could handle them, well we thought Geomon could handle them" Zephyrmon replied cockily which cause Pyromon to glare "Now since neither of you failed to take care of them" she continued.

"I think you'll fine we did take one out of commission" Pyromon stated.

"She was bitten by a Drillmon and Shamanmon has probably healed her by now!" Zephyrmon replied "Anyway you failed to take care of them therefore when Solarmon finds out he'll blame us as well even though we weren't apart of this scheme, so if we help you now he can't have a go at us" she continued to explain

"So basically your helping us to save our your own skin?" Pyromon asked sarcastically.

"Pretty much" Zephyrmon replied cockily.

"Alright I understand why you're doing that but say we all fail after you girls help us out what do you plan to do then?" Pyromon asked with just as much cockiness as Zephyrmon

"Then we fail and Solarmon can't blame something on us that we didn't do" Zephyrmon simply stated which caused Pyromon to roll his eyes, he was about to go into another rant when he heard the distinct sound of water splashing against the ground. Both Zephyrmon and Pyromon turned to Hydramon who simply stared at them.

"So what did you find out?" Pyromon asked impatiently.

"I found out that there heading of Nahuatl Tow, but they were hoping to avoid it" Hydramon explained.

"What on earth for and besides the nearest town after is almost 2 days away they would never make it that far especially if you start from Leaf Town" Pyromon replied.

"Are you really that stupid? Why else do you think they would miss Nahuatl Town, that's where Hydramon here was born so they assume that all the Digimon there will work for Solarmon" Zephyrmon explained.

"And that would be almost true" Geomon replied as he made his way over to the group.

"Finished sulking have we?" Pyromon taunted only to receive a glare from Geomon and another whack from Zephyrmon.

"What were you saying Geomon before you were rudely interrupted" Zephyrmon asked as she glared at Pyromon.

"Nahuatl Town is almost completely under Solarmon control" Geomon replied "Nahuatl Town or Four Waters Town is a town which has been separated by the flow of water into 4 regions, 3 of these regions serve loyally to Solarmon while the other refuses to have nothing to do with us" he continued to explain.

"So we have a 1 in 4 chance of them landing on the 1 island we don't have control over of" Pyromon asked.

"Unfortunately yes" Geomon replied.

"So which one of these 4 regions don't we have control of?" Zephyrmon asked.

"The one which Hydramon was actually born on" Geomon stated as he gaze shifted to Hydramon to simply ignore him "I believe that area is called Amadahy" he added.

"That's correct" Hydramon asked with a bored sigh.

"Then we must stop them before they have a chance to reach Amadahy" Geomon replied cockily.

"But how do you plan to do that? From what I briefly remember of the terrain in that area the approach to it, if you come from Leaf Town, is that damn forest and as long you follow the trail you'll come straight to Amadahy anyway" Pyromon asked sarcastically.

"Exactly, that's why we have to make sure they don't stick to the trail" Geomon replied.

"I can see where you're going with this plan however how do you plan to find them first? I mean we know they will be on the main trail but they took a different entry point to what we would have to take" Zephyrmon explained "Even if we back tracked right back to Leaf Town and took the same entrance point as them there would be no guarantee that we reached them before they got to Amadahy"

"That would be true under normal circumstances however you seem to forget who we are" Geomon replied "We are Solarmon most loyal and most powerful henchmen and we are also elemental Digimon meaning we can easily manipulate our own element to our command"

"Am I the only one who does not understand a word he's saying?" Pyromon asked.

"He's basically saying that because he is an Earth Digimon, he can easily locate those kids as long as they travel on land" Zephyrmon explained.

"I always did wonder how you got around so fast" Pyromon commented "But still what difference does that make to us; even though you can track those kids down, you can't magically change that forests layout in short amount time you have – I know you do have ability to manipulate the earth in that way but you need time which is something you just don't have at the moment" he continued to explain.

"For once in your life you said something smart" Zephyrmon joked which caused Pyromon fiery hair to burn stronger as he glared at the girl "But he does have a point, you could change the layout of the forest slightly so they get lost but since you can't get rid of the trail they could end up just finding it again" She explained.

"I'm already full aware of the drawbacks of my own power however if you re-call my exact words were we will have to make sure they don't stick to the trail" Geomon replied.

"But what can we do?" Pyromon asked.

"You're a fire spirit are you not" Geomon asked as he eyed Pyromon.

"So what?" Pyromon responded

"And you're a wind spirit Zephyrmon" Geomon commented, ignoring Pyromon and turning his attention to the girl in question.

"Yeah?" Zephyrmon replied cautiously

"So what happens when fire and wind mix?" Geomon questioned almost sarcastically. However he was met with silence as Pyromon and Zephyrmon exchanged blank stares. Geomon began muttering angrily while fiddling with his sunglasses.

Hydramon sighed before she began to explain "He wants Pyromon to start a fire at the point of the forest where the trail leads to Amadahy and then he wants Zephyrmon to spread that fire using her wind however you don't need to"

"Oh is that what you want us to do? Why didn't you just say that in the first place" Pyromon butt in before Hydramon could finish.

"Because you know full well that Geomon likes to speak in riddles" Zephyrmon commented.

"It doesn't matter how I speak; all that matters is that we find and stop those kids!" Geomon snapped angrily as he made his way towards the exit.

"Somebody's grumpy" Pyromon taunted.

"Not surprising when he has to deal with people like you" Zephyrmon mocked which in turn caused Pyromon to glare as the 2 followed after Geomon. Hydramon stared after them but still remained seated anyway.

"If you had actually listened to me; I was going to say we didn't even have to do any of this" Hydramon muttered to herself. With a sigh she proceeded to follow after her teammates.

"How much further is it Nahuatl?" Alex timidly asked from where he stood at the back. Somehow during the walk he and Rosie had managed to grab a hold of one of Ronnie's arms each and now stood either side of him, clinging to him for dear life.

"Not sure but it can't be much further" Lightmon responded from the fount of the group.

"Good because if we don't get out of here soon I won't have any arms left" Ronnie muttered "I'm positive my circulation is pretty much gone from both arms" he added under his breath.

"You should ask Regan to do a swap, I bet Cassie is less trouble then those 2 our" Mari joked. At the mention of his name Regan turned to face Ronnie, who gave him a pleading look.

"Not a chance Ronnie, I'm not swapping!" Regan commented which caused Ronnie to give a disapproving huff.

"Though speaking of Cassie is she still out of it?" Mari added sparing glance at the girl slumped on Regan's back; Jake, who happened to be the closes to the pair, took a quick peek at Cassie face.

"Well... she's sort of still out of it" he reported his findings.

"What do you mean sort of?" Rosie asked sarcastically.

"Well let me put it this way she is awake but I don't think she is completely aware!" Jake replied cheerily; Max, Jessie, Lightmon and Darkmon who were in front quickly spun around, while Regan and everyone else behind him came to sudden halt.

"WHAT" Everyone shouted at once as they quickly crowded around Regan; Jake had been right, Cassie was certainly awake but as you looked at her eyes you could see the distant, glassy look ebbing away under her drooping eyelids.

"Well it is certainly nice to see you awake Cassie, how are you feeling?" Darkmon asked as he jumped onto Jake's shoulder; Cassie simply blinked at him as if not understanding what had been asked. Sarah extended an arm towards Cassie forehead and gently felt the warm skin under her palm.

"She's still warm but I think her fever has broke" Sarah concluded which was met with a chorus of sighs of relief.

"Well that's great, she should be back to her normal self in no time" Mari commented as she gave Cassie shoulder blade a comforting rub.

"Where... are we...?" Cassie mumbled as her eyes trailed over the faces of her friends and teammates.

"We're in a forest just outside of Leaf Town, which is leading us towards this place called Nahualt Town" Jessie informed the girl, hoping her answer satisfied the tried girl; it seemed to do the trick as the girl gave a small nod of the head and allowed her eyelids to shut once again.

"She still is really exhausted" Ronnie commented sadly.

"That's natural after someone's had a fever, I don't think we have to worry too much; her fever has all but broke she's over the worse of it" Max explained as he started walking again, quickly taking the lead. The others mentally agreed and slowly followed in suite; all except who Regan who lagged back as he cocked his head towards his back, trying to get a look at the once again unconscious girl.

"I really hope Max is right" Regan muttered.

"Hey Regan, you coming or do you want us to leave behind so you can have a private moment with Cassie!" Mari jokingly shouted back to the blonde, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Ha very funny!" Regan shouted as he re-hoisted Cassie higher on to this back before proceeding to follow the others.

"That was extremely close, I thought we were caught for sure" Zephyrmon commented as she glided from one tree to the next.

"I had to admit even I was worried they had discovered us" Geomon added as he effortlessly moved through the trees, passing through them like they weren't even there.

"I said it before but no listened to me so I'll say it again, Humans are stupid!" Pyromon shouted as swung from tree, similar fashion to that of a monkey.

"What have I told you about underestimating Humans?" Geomon ask rhetorically.

"Whatever, it's still the truth no matter what you say" Pyromon replied as he came to stop on the branch of a large tree "Mind you that blue girl wasn't that stupid" he remarked slyly.

"She was bitten by a Drillmon; if that isn't stupid then I want to know what your definition of stupid is" Zephyrmon commented.

"Hey it wasn't her fault, she didn't know she had been bitten" Pyromon shouted, attempting to defend the girls side.

"What is it lately with you and that blue girl, you've become obsessed with her since you first saw her?" Zephyrmon enquired, voice lined by some unknown emotion. Pyromon quickly picked up on this and smiled wickedly.

"You know if I didn't know better I would say you're jealous" he said slyly.

"What? Of...of...of course not, why would I be jealous if you show interest in people" Zephyrmon fumbled over her words as she attempted to concentrate on gliding through the trees.

"Sure whatever you say Zephyrmon" Pyromon cockily replied causing Zephyrmon to blush slightly; he gave a small laugh knowing full well he had flustered the female.

"Zephyrmon makes a valid point though, what is this sudden interest in the human girl?" Geomon interrupted the conversation. Pyromon, who was currently making a leap for the next branch, laughed and smiled widely.

"I think she's feisty" he simply stated. Geomon and Zephyrmon exchanged confused looks before pulling on ahead of the fire spirit. Pyromon watched his teammates speed on ahead and slowed down his own pace slightly as he became lost in thoughts as Geomon and Zephyrmon words sunk in. They were right he had shown a lot of interest in that Blue Girl recently and even though he did indeed think she was feisty it felt like that there was more to it than meets the eye, but he just couldn't figure it out

"You're a terrible liar you realise that" Hydramon interrupted his train of thoughts as she suddenly appeared by the side of him.

"What" Pyromon panicked and during his jump he failed to notice the small branch sticking out of the tree; he felt his foot snag before he felt the wind rush at him as he fell. But before he could fall any further, Hydramon grabbed a hold of the back of his shirt and held him in place.

"What was that about Hydramon; you nearly got me killed"" Pyromon angrily commented as Hydramon pulled him back into a standing position on the branch. Hydramon remained silent and watched Pyromon as he checked his foot "Nothing broken" he reported after he was sure he had given it a good check "But what did you mean by I'm a terrible liar?" he asked.

"It just what I said; you fail to understand the meaning behind the strange feelings towards the human girl" Hydramon explained as she made a delicate leap towards the next branch.

"Feelings? You must be kidding me right? The only feelings I have towards that girl are eliminating her before her and friends become too much of a threat to Lord Solarmon" Pyromon replied as he made the jump and landed beside the girl "You're just being paranoid as per usual" he quickly added. Just as Pyromon as about to make his next leap, Hydramon quickly turned on her teammate, grabbing his t-shirt before swinging him so he was pinned against the tree trunk.

"Don't call me paranoid" Hydramon spat angrily her eyes darkening considerably "Remember Pyromon against water, fire ALWAYS loses; so if you don't want to be permanently put out I'd watch exactly what you say" she muttered darkly. Hydramon released her hold on Pyromon, but not before throwing the dazed boy to one side, before gracefully jumping to the next branch, slowly repeating the process as her next branch came into sight. Pyromon slumped against the position he had been thrown in, still in daze from what had just happened. Sure he knew full well that Hydramon was like that when it came to her emotions; one minute she could her usual quiet almost distracted self but then she could easily change and become angry, just like before. However never before had he heard Hydramon sound so violent, he had teased Hydramon plenty of times in the past and he nearly always just ended up with water being splashed in his face, but not this time, it was like something had snapped in Hydramon.

"Great that's all I need, both females against me" Pyromon muttered as he finally began swinging again. He had only been swinging for about 5 or 6 branches when he spotted a small clearing where his other teammates had set up. Once he was directly over the top of them he let go of his branch and landed heavily between Hydramon and Zephyrmon.

"Nice landing" Zephyrmon commented sarcastically as Pyromon straighten himself up.

"Thanks, that's exactly what I thought" Pyromon replied cheekily, usual smile now back in place.

"Where were you, what took you so long?" Zephyrmon asked angrily.

"Um...I tripped" Pyromon lied, well it wasn't exactly a lie he had tripped but it wasn't the fall that slowed him down. He quickly spared a glance at Hydramon who seemed to have returned to her normal self, quiet and distracted, Pyromon gave a sigh of relief. Zephyrmon raised an eyebrow at him in confusion but decided not to press the matter further.

"Now that you're here we can begin our little plan" Geomon chuckled wickedly for where he was kneeling on one knee, head lowered and hands spread wide and flat against the dirt. As he kneeled there he began mumbling indescribable words of a spell; magic pulsed from his fingertips and into the ground, willing it to follow his command.

"Fine but this better work, I don't want to be wasting my energy over nothing" Pyromon commented as he came to stand beside Geomon and aimed his skeleton arm towards the path in fount of him; the path that those kids would be currently following. It took a few minutes but eventually his arm became a light, the fire quickly getting bigger and bigger as it absorbed more oxygen "Zephyrmon you're up" Pyromon quickly shouted behind him. Zephyrmon suddenly appeared behind him; quickly took a deep breath and blew the wind in the direction of the path. Once the fire hit the first tree it spread rapidly, devouring the tree in less than a minute. Zephyrmon stopped blowing and extended her arms forward as she began moving them in sweeping gestures, almost like a dancer. The sweeping gestures soon generated more wind which was directed towards the burning tree, guiding the fire away from the first tree and on to the next trees. Soon more and more foliage was set alight and the forest fire began spreading deeper into the forest. Hydramon watched her team with an unimpressed look.

"If you had only listened to me and this whole mess could have been avoided" Hydramon mumbled. Sighing softly she turned to her left and began making her way through the now changing foliage; curtsey of Geomon. She almost got away undetected but Pyromon just managed to catch a glimpse of her as she disappeared in the thicker foliage; now he was really worried about his teammate, she was officially acting stranger than usual, if that was possible. But he had no time to contemplate it now, he had a job to do and he needed to focus on that, Hydramon would have to wait!

"Alright that's it I have had enough" Ronnie suddenly shouted, startling everyone "If you 2 don't get off my arms I'm seriously going to feed you to the next Digimon we encounter!" he shouted at Rosie and Alex who were still clutching tightly to Ronnie's arms.

"But it's still really scary" Alex protested, Rosie nodded in agreement.

"I don't care; get off my arms this instant!" Ronnie shouted back. Alex and Rosie exchanged looks before letting go of Ronnie's arms "Finally!" Ronnie said whiling heaving a sigh of relief as he stormed ahead of his 2 scared teammates "You 2 have sent my arms dead" he shouted back angrily as he moved his arms around in circles; attempted to get the blood to flow better.

"Surely we must nearly be there?" Jessie asked Darkmon and Lightmon tiredly.

"We're not sure" Darkmon replied.

"Wait what?" Jake asked "What do you mean you're not sure?"

"Well you see we don't ever remember this trail being quite so long, Nahualt is only days walk from Leaf Town, even at the slow pace you humans walk at and it's already night so we should be there by now" Lightmon explained.

"How can they even tell that it's night?" Mari whispered to Sarah.

"So what are you saying? Are we lost?" Rosie quickly blurted out worriedly.

"I'm afraid it is a possibility" Darkmon replied.

"Oh terrific" Jake muttered as he threw his arms up in an exaggerated gesture "Now what?!"

"Can't we backtrack and come back the way we came?" Jessie suggested.

"How's that going to help?" Ronnie asked "We want to go forwards not backwards, we go backwards and we'll end up back in Leaf Town" he added

"It was only a suggestion, I don't see you coming up a better one" Jessie retorted, starting to get angry.

"For your information I was just about to suggest that we just carry on following this route and see where it leads us" Ronnie shouted back, anger also rising.

"That's worst then Jessie idea, If we follow this path any further who knows where we'll end up" Jake commented.

"Well at least Jessie had an idea" Mari shouted.

"I'm not denying that she had an idea, I just said that her idea was just as stupid as Ronnie idea" Jake defended himself.

"Well if my ideas are so stupid you come up with one, smarty pants" Ronnie shouted.

"Guys" Regan said, trying to interrupt.

"Was there really any need for that insult Ronnie? Look this can all be resolved if we just remain calm and talk through it like civilised people" said Sarah as she attempted to diffuse the agreement before it got any further.

"That's really rich coming from the girl who went off in a temper in Leaf Town just because no one listened to her" Max quickly piped in.

"This has got nothing to do with this, but if you're really going to bring that up then if it hadn't been for me we wouldn't have even found Shamanmon and Cassie would still be sick and besides who was it just a few hours ago who was making bash promises about saving the Digital World" Sarah explained.

"Guys" Regan attempted to interrupt again, this time a little louder.

"Hey what do you mean you mean thanks to you, you didn't even know if Shamanmon was still in town; if it wasn't for me excepting that boys help WE would have never her in the first place" Rosie suddenly interjected, fear pushed to one side.

"And they weren't bash promises, they were the truth, we are going to save the Digital World after all we were chosen" Max added.

"Well who the hell chose us to save the Digital World?" Alex asked, fear also forgotten "Last time I looked I was a normal boy with a normal life and then next thing I know I was flung into this strange world where everything is out to kill me" he ranted on.

"Oh stop being over dramatic!" Mari shouted.

"GUYS" Regan shouted with all his might.

"WHAT?" they all shouted as they turned towards Regan, who alongside Darkmon and Lightmon had put a great distant between themselves and the rest of team by backing themselves towards the way they had just come from.

"Take a look behind you" Regan simply replied while nodding his head towards the trees behind his team.

"What are you talking about?" Sarah asked as black cloud suddenly pasted in fount of the group.

"What the hell is this?" Jake cried as he and others started choking on the black cloud. The team managed to stop coughing for a brief minute to see the hues of red, orange and yellow decorating the forest, accompanied by large thick black clouds.

"When did this start? And could we have not noticed it?" Ronnie asked as he continued to hack.

"Because you were too busy arguing" Darkmon cried out as he made a run towards the foliage behind him. Regan quickly hoisted Cassie again as he took off after Darkmon.

"Unless you guys want to burn you better move!" Lightmon explained as she ran after the 2 fleeting figures. The others exchanged brief looks before quickly flowing Lightmon.

"How did this fire even start?" Jessie asked while running.

"A Digimon must have started it" Lightmon replied.

"But why?" Alex shouted over the chaos.

"They have to work for Solarmon! He had to have found out that we were coming this way!" Darkmon shouted from the fount of the group.

"That must be it!" Max shouted "He must have sent them to make sure we didn't end up Nahualt!" he added.

"It's got to be true but now we're not even heading that way, we're going back towards Leaf Town" Mari shouted.

"I'm not so sure anymore" Sarah shouted back.

"What are you talking about?" Jake asked, panic lining his voice.

"This doesn't look anything like the path we took when we entered the forest" Sarah explained.

"How can you even tell the difference, it all looks the same" Ronnie added.

"Sarah right something is different than before" Max explained.

"But then if that's the case where are we heading?" Alex asked as they carried on running. It felt like they had run for a long time, when in fact it was only a few seconds.

"Does anyone see Regan and Darkmon?" Jessie asked as she squinted to look ahead of her.

"They should be fount of us" Lightmon piped up, but as she stared straight ahead she couldn't make out Regan or Darkmon instead the distinctive shape of a brick wall.

"They're gone!" Ronnie shouted in disbelief, as he quickly dug his heels into the ground before skidding across it as he came to a stop. Everyone else also followed in suit as they came to a halt beside Ronnie.

"REGAN" Alex shouted as he scanned the area.

"DARKMON" Lightmon called to her partner desperately.

"WHERE ARE YOU REGAN, DARKMON?" Rosie shouted; but no reply came no matter how much they shouted.

"What are we're going to do?" Jake asked desperately as he glanced behind and noticed the fire was quickly catching up.

"This can't be happening!" Mari shouted in disbelief as a large tree fell with a tremendous thud right in fount of them, flames quickly spreading.

"We're going to die unless we think of something!" Jessie shouted.

"Quick Sarah you've got to change into Powermon" Max shouted as black smoke began engulfing the kids.

"What good is that going to...oh" Sarah started saying before she realised what he meant. She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her card and was about to slash through her pendant when she felt something wet and thick surround her. She attempted to scream out but stopped when she felt water enter her mouth, causing her to choke; as she blacked out she was unsure but she felt like she was being pulled down.

"Sarah what's taking so long?" Jake shouted as he coughed heavily.

"Sarah?" Max questioned.

"She's disappeared as well" Rosie screamed.

"What how?" Alex screamed.

"Everyone just stay together something strange is going on here" Max shouted over the smoke; but panicked when he received no response. He managed to glance behind and was horrified when he discovered it was completely deserted "Guys?" Max shouted as he fully turned around "GUYS WHERE ARE YOU" he shouted again but stopped when he felt something wet hit his shoulder with a loud splash. He gulped and turned around, only managing to catch a glimpse of something human looking before he choked on an onslaught of water, world quickly going black.

Hydramon watched as the last of the humans disappeared in her special spheres of water, being teleported to wherever she saw fit. As she re-called her water, she glanced at the raging fire "If you had just listened to me..." Hydramon muttered as she walked through the flames, unaffected by its monstrous height and noise...

To Be Continued...

Next Time

Geomon, Zephyrmon and Pyromon learn of what Hydramon done

What has Hydramon done?

How will they react when they learn the truth?

What will they do?

And what happened to the team

Where are they? What has Hydramon done to them?

Find out next time on Digimon Season 7