Digimon Season 7

Episode 1

Meeting the Team

Tokyo City

"Come on Regan we're late" Ronnie shouted as he and Regan ran up to the gates of Tokyo Elementary School. Ronnie was one of the smallest in his year and had slightly tanned skin, dark brown hair and grey eyes. As he ran his black thin jumper and navy blue almost black jeans stuck to his skin while his brown, short sleeved hoodie was pushed back by the air that hit him. Although Ronnie was small he was fast but this was the advantage of being on the track team.

"Slow down Ronnie we're not that late" Regan shouted as he tried his best to keep up with his best mate. Regan was slightly tall for his age with blond spiked hair, pale skin and forest green eyes. He was currently wearing his usual white shirt, his blue hooded jacket, black neck scarf and black jeans.

"We are 5 minutes late and that's not a good thing especially this morning" the dark haired boy who was presumably called Ronnie shouted as he slowed down a bit so that his mate could catch up.

"Why what's so bad about this morning" Regan asked who was know out of breath from all the running he done.

"Are you forgetting that we have English first thing this morning with Mrs Bailey and do I really have to remind you what happened last time we were late" the dark haired teen shouted.

"You're right let's go" Regan shouted picking up his pace even more Ronnie sighed he then ran after his mate even though he knew no matter how much either of then ran they still be late and that meant they had to face Mrs Bailey.

"Now class if you take out your books and we'll start reading from…"

"Mrs Bailey" Regan shouted as he and Ronnie bursted through the door. Immediately 28 pairs of eyes focused on the 2 late comers.

"We're so sorry we're late we sort of um… um" Regan trailed off as he felt Mrs Bailey glare on him.

"Here we go again" Ronnie whispered as he watched Mrs Bailey walk over to then.

"Now boys would you care to explain to me why this time you are late for another one of my lessons" Mrs Bailey asked calmly as she folded her arms firmly across her chess.

"Well… um" began Regan who was grinning sheepishly while Ronnie just stood there staring at Mrs Bailey with a small smile

"I'll deal with you 2 after class now go take your seats" Mrs Bailey said as she turned around and walked back to the fount of the class. Regan and Ronnie both sighed but they both walked in and took there seats behind a pale skinned girl with brown hair which was tied up in pigtails and teal eyes and a pale peach skinned girl with short shoulder length blonde hair covered in a white hat and pale blue eyes.

"Late again I see" muttered the brunette.

"Shut it Cassie" Regan muttered back as he took his seat.

"What happened this time you got attack by a swarm of bees" the blonde muttered as she joined in the fun.

"It's not any of your business why we're late" Ronnie muttered a bit too loud.

"Cassie, Rosie, Regan, Ronnie what's going on back there" Mrs Bailey asked.

"Nothing Mrs Bailey" the brunette who was presumably called Cassie replied.

"We're not doing anything" the blonde who was presumably called Rosie lied.

"Well since you're not doing anything you 2 can see me after class as well" Mrs Bailey replied in a cheerily manner.

"Now class I want you to read pages 45 and 47 in your text book"

Cassie and Rosie stared at there desks as Mrs Bailey continued to talk they couldn't believe this they had gotten in to trouble because of the 2 biggest idiots in that class. Regan and Ronnie giggled slightly at the fact they weren't going to be the only ones getting a lecture from Mrs Bailey.

"See you after class then" Regan whispered to Cassie.

"Yeah see you then" Ronnie whispered to Rosie.

Lunch Time came round quickly and as normal all the boys headed to the football pitch for another game of football. Cassie and Rosie were sat under one of the giant oak waiting for there others to show up so to pass the time they decided to watch the football match even though both of then hated football. Cassie was sitting on top of her blue jacket (which she kept constantly tied around her waist) so that her orchid short sleeved dress didn't get dirty; she also wore a pair of blue skinny jeans under her dress to cover her legs. Rosie lay on her fount with her legs kicking out behind her which meant her short green strap top and white leggings with a small skirt got covered in grass stains.

"I still don't see why boys are so fascinated in football" Rosie stated as she watched the boys run after the ball.

"Me neither all there doing is running after a ball and shooting it in to a net I don't get what's so interesting about it" Cassie added

"I wonder where the others are" Rosie asked in an attempted to change the subject.

"Don't know there'll be here soon" Cassie answered as she stared around the school grounds.

"And it looks like we won't have to wait any longer because here they come now" Cassie added pointing to 3 girls who were making there way over to then.

"Sorry we're late" Sarah said as she stopped in fount of the 2 girls. Sarah was just slightly taller than Cassie, with shoulder dark brown hair that was kept into small pigtails with blue ribbons, pale peach skin and matching dark brown eyes. She wore a pale green and dark green striped t-shirt with a blue dungaree dress over the top and blue 3 quarters.

"It's ok what happened why you so late" Cassie asked.

"We had a slight problem in Science" explained Mari. Mari was the tallest of the girls and in fact one of the taller girls in there year. She had slightly long blonde that was tied in a ponytail, slightly tanned skin and hazel eyes. She was sporting a brown sleeveless top covered by an olive green jacket and a pair of blue skinny jeans.

"What was the slight problem?" asked Rosie who was very curious about what had happened in there lesson to make them so late.

"Sarah added to much acid to our experiment and it sort of blew up" Jessie explained. Jessie was almost a splitting image of Rosie right down to the height, blonde hair (Unlike Rosie she had long hair that was tied in 2 plaits) and blue eyes (except hers were darker). She was wearing her usual black strap, knee length dress with her thin grey jumper underneath and grey tights

"I did not add to much acid you added too much of that metal stuff" Sarah protested.

"What I did not you added to much acid and that's why it blew up" Jessie shot back.

"Okay you 2 stop its over and done with now so stop arguing" Mari said as she stepped in between the 2 of them to stop them arguing anymore.

"Yeah you can stop arguing right now because I'm do not plan to spend my lunchtime listening to you 2 arguing is that clear" Cassie stated.

"Yes boss" Sarah and Jessie said in a sarcastic tone. While Rosie and Mari giggled at the girls reaction Cassie shot a death glare at them.

"Hey Regan pass it over here" shouted Max. Max was even shorter than Ronnie and he was one of the shorter people in their year. He had quire tanned skin, light brown hair that was covered by a teal pull over hat keeping it straighter than it already was and olive green eyes. He wore a teal jumper that was covered by a grey hoodie and a pair of navy blue jeans.

"Here" Regan shouted as he kicked the ball over to Max. Regan then started to run towards Max when he noticed his 3 other mates just sitting on the bench watching him and Max play.

"You know you can play if you want to" Regan suggested to his mates.

"No thanks I don't want to end up being tackled by you again if you don't mind" Ronnie answered giving a small smile as he remembered the last time he and Regan had played football.

"How about you Jake" Regan asked Jake who was sat next to Ronnie. Jake was just slightly taller than Regan, with black straight hair, slightly tanned skin and light brown eyes. He wore a black elbow length hooded shirt with a pink jumper underneath and a pair of ripped blue jeans.

"Sure I'll play" Jake said getting up off the bench and running over to Max and Regan.

"Okay how about you Alex" Regan asked Alex who was sat on the other side of Ronnie on the bench. Alex was slightly smaller than Regan but not as small as Ronnie. He had black slightly spiked up hair, pale skin and dark green eyes. He wore a grey jumper with one black sleeve on the right side and black trousers; he also wore a black glove to cover up part of his left arm.

"No thank you not after last time" Alex cried out in disgust as he remembered the last time he played football with Regan he ended up in hospital with a broken wrist.

"Suit you self" Regan shrugged and ran off to join the game.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes through his head" Alex whispered to Ronnie.

"Trust me you don't want to know what goes through his head" Ronnie whispered. Ronnie and Alex gave a small laugh before turning there attention back to the game of football…

So there you go that's episode 1

Yeah it's a rubbish start to a story but it gets better

Coming up in the next episode the 10 kids are transported to digiworld

And they meet up with 2 Digimon who go by the names of Darkmon and Lightmon

But are these Digimon friend or foe

Find out

Next time