Slow Burn

K a p p a F o r e s t


a/n: Hello! Damn I keep getting these up late,sorry about that but I was looking for my memory stick thing that's got a couple of my other

fics/oneshots, I hope I find em', otherwise I'll have to sit down in a corner and try and remember them all T^T


Disclaimer: " KappaForest does not own Bleach"


Prompt #27: TV

Ulquiorra was getting exasperated, this could not go on any longer.

" Just gimme 5 minutes- Oh shit!!"

Grimmjow cringed at the television screen, previewing a program showing a vehicle combust into a million little pieces of flaming debris, watching the pathetic humans run around like ants.

The blue haired male was absolutely ecstatic at his recent purchase, it was probably the best thing that ever happened to him, next to Ulquiorra of course...

Said green eyed man was just the opposite, he could not imagine how humans could spend hours upon hours glued to such a pointless contraption, furthering his point that humans were indeed useless trash.

Sadly, Grimmjow was the perfect example of such a specimen, never leaving sight of the screen for a moment, completely obsessed and providing all his undivided attention to it, and Ulquiorra did not like being ignored...

So he did what only a caring lover would do for the sake of their significant other and dismantled it.

Or tried to, it seemed that the people who makes these things made them completely Ulqui-proof.

Which led to his current situation, tangled in thick cords that wound around his neck, his chest, his waist, his arms, and coiled tightly around his leg area, making this a rather unpleasant position to be in.

The unpleasantness of it all was furthered when Grimmjow gave him some very lustful eye contact, the playfulness glinting off his sapphire orbs as he had a brief flashback to some of the xxx shows he 'studied'.

Ulquiorra had brains enough to figure he was completely and utterly fucked.


Prompt #28: Tickle

Who knew Ulquiorra would be so ticklish.

His skin must have been more sensitive than most thought because Grimmjow certainly wasn't expecting the pale boy to start laughing hysterically while hunching over to clutch his sides, even going as far as to start tearing up a little.

All Grimmjow had done was take two of his fingers and poke him on the sides a bit just to see if he'd get a reaction.

It was kind of creepy, okay very creepy, but the more he thought about it, the more useful it seemed, in more ways than one.

Prompt #29: Arm wrestling

" Nnng...grrr...DAMMIT! WHAT THE HELL?!!"

Grimmjow gripped tighter to the others hand as he tried to slam it down onto the white table, using as much force as he could muster up.

Sadly his attempts were fruitless as Ulquiorra's arm remained stationary on the table, how foolish of him, thinking he could really beat him in an arm wrestling contest, it was times like these Ulquiorra wondered why he even put up with the sexta's antics.

A vain was this close to popping on the sexta's head as he strained himself.

Yup, there was something definatly wrong with this picture, Ulquiorra had almost little to NO muscle in his thin bones, NONE! And Grimmjow was even using two hands.

The blue haired Espada's features twitched a bit while his rival looked rather....bored.

-5 minutes later-

The fourth Espada nearly flung out from his chair when Neliel slammed his hand down onto the table.

Meanwhile, Grimmjow threw his pride and deflated ego down the toilet.

Prompt #30: Catnip

Szayel shielded himself with his arms, heaving in much oxygen as the smoke in his lab cleared up.

Next to him, Ulquiorra coughed and wheezed heavily while picking himself up off the floor.

" Szayel Aporro, that is the last time I am going to help you with an experiment."

He dusted and shook off some of the leftover debris off his white uniform with a great distaste.

Szayel followed suit and hastily cleared his throat.

" Ehehe...I can assure you it wasn't on purpose..."

The Octava was in the midst of another brilliant experiment, one involving an herb called Catnip, an interesting little mint in the human world that had quite the effect on animals, cats in particular.

He wanted to run a couple tests to see the reactions with otherworldy substances found in Hueco Mundo, trying to harness the abilities of this peculiar plant, only to have it blow up in his face, literally.

This most certainly wasn't going to please Aizen-sama.

He had several large pots of plotted catnip set neatly atop his long table, which sadly was all over his lab, himself, and his superior.

" I shall take my leave now Octava, when I come back, I expect you'll have everything sorted out."

The Cuarta swiftly exited the premises, shaking bits of the horrendous mint out of his sleeves and hakama.

There were also bits and pieces of it flaked in his hair, he planned on washing later after feeding the woman.

Ulquiorra shut the doors of the small room, lucky for him, it was a lot easier getting the woman to eat now after getting special permission from Aizen-sama to cook her own food especially since she had, interesting tastes.

Ready to head back to his quarters, Ulquiorra turned on his heels only to run into the one person he knew would delay him of his shower time.

" Grimmjow.."

" Watch it pal, I don't have time fer you right now-"

Grimmjow obviously was not that ecstatic to see him either.

Ulquiorra had opted to amble past the sexta, but was interrupted shortly when the bigger man grabbed at his thin wrist.

" Honestly, Grimmjow you-"

" What's that smell-"

" Grimmjow, what are you-"

The Sexta tugged him closer, making the Cuarta stumble back a bit as he began sniffing the air around him.

This startled the Cuarta, and he would have backed off if not for almost painful grip he had on his wrist.

" G-Grimmjow!?"

Said man brought his face down closer to the other's neck, and inhaled the intoxicating scent that lingered off him

"...whoa, shit..." he inhaled some more

" smell good..."

The Sexta's voice trailed while a euphoric and elevated feeling washed over his senses.

They were close now, too close for Ulquiorra's tastes, close enough he could feel the Sexta exhaling deeply against his sensitive neck skin, feeling shivers run up and down his spine.


His voice was low and husky, and a deep rumbling emanated deep within his throat, taking immense pleasure from the scent of catnip, combined with Ulqui's insanely soft skin.

" Mm, c'mon Ulqui let's play..."

Grimmjow's instincts took over, letting himself go as he rubbed affectionately against the other man.

Play!!? What did that mean? This wasn't good, this was embarrassing! What if somebody saw them? What if the woman could hear? Did he have no shame?!

Ulquiorra did not understand what was going on with the dear Sexta, he was behaving like a cat! A scrawny, filthy, human world street cat! Hehe, cats, catnip, Grimmjow,....Oh! Oh my...

" Grimmjow, put, me, down."

" But don'cha wanna rub my stomach, bet that feels real good..."

" You don't have a stomach Grimmjow, now do as I say!"

" Fine, but I can still rub yours..."

The Sexta trailed his hands down towards the exposed skin of Ulqui's stomach, only to have them hastily slapped off .

" Grimmjow, we are going to Szayel Aporro's quarters, now."

" Hmm, I was hoping we'd go back to my room, s' closer, I don' think Pinky would 'preciate us doing things in his lab......let's do it!"


The slighter male broke free from his embrace and dragged the catnip induced Espada the entire way.

- 15 minutes and 20 seconds later -



The Sexta sprawled against the doors, scratching rapidly against the surface in a fruitless attempt at escape, while Szayel kept a safe distance with the needle in hand.

Oh for christ's sake! Ulquiorra rubbed his temples repeatedly, this was definatly not how an Espada should act, even if it was Grimmjow...that still didn't change how embarrassing this was.

Especially when Grimmjow clung himself to the ceiling.


a/n: -slaps self- Dammit I really hope I find it cause one of them was a grimmulqui involving one of those crazy chinese finger love trap things XD, the other was a lemon, for what pairing, I can't remember. But enoughs about that, that was fun to write! Got me motivated. Again, sorry for slowness, trying to find a balance between drawing, typing, planning other story, and whatever else pops up in my life. Thank you to all my alerters/favoriters/and reviewers your all pure win in my book!

Review/Request if you'd like, but I is not forcing you too
