A/N: I really enjoyed writing this chapter ... and there's a lot more fun coming. Hope you like it, people!

I disclaim everything – the characters, the song Rockstar. None of it belongs to me – except for this story. 8-)

They come from every state to find

Some dreams were meant to be declined

Tell the man what did you have in mind,

What have you come to do?

No turning water into wine,

No learning while you're in the line,

I'll take you to the broken sign

You see these lights are blue.

Tell Me Baby, by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I sprawled across the bed and pulled the large book from under my pillow, running my fingers lightly over the black leather on it. My journal.

I wrote in it whenever I could. Though the way it looked still gave me the creeps, making me think unwillingly of the dratted Riddle's diary, writing in it had helped in those crazy days when I felt a red-eyed Tom would jump out of every shadowy corner and shove large snakes up my nose.

So, I dipped my quill in ink, and began scribbling.

Dear diairy,

As always, the scarlet ink smudged from the rusted point of the quill. I smudged even more absently with my thumb, and went on scribbling.

I hid it only in my pillow, because I knew that if anyone ever found it – they wouldn't ever understand anything. All they would see would be a large, bold sort of cursive with only big loops distinguishable between the other scrawls. My handwriting was that beautiful, yeah.

So... seventh year it is. I can't really believe the War is over... and old Voldy is dead. Or whatever a half human half weirdo hybrid is when that spell backfires and makes it shrink into some vile thing. I can't even believe I have the guts to call him 'Voldy' now. Voldy! Ha.

And the nicest fact – or rather, the most irritating, concerning one particular green-eyed male called Potter, at least – is that the seventh year has double the number of students now. Because all the previous batch guys missed their year while they were busy fighting for their lives, as in the case of The Trio, or hiding out in some dark corner of the world. And so, I have classes with my adorable brother, Ron. And I was being sarcastic with that adjective.

Today was the last day of the first week. Classes have been dead boring till now, but I guess all of us are more happy that way -last year's classes were a bit too exciting for comfort.

I had another one of those dreams last night... With Tom – he was like, looking at me, and then he smiles... and blood starts gushing out of his nostrils, and he falls down. Presumably dead.

The end of the War realizations, no doubt. My subconscious trying hard to make me realize it.

I'd rather my subconscious didn't try so hard, really, but anyway.

I hear someone coming. Not someone, more like, lots of people... They must be back from dinner. I think I can hear the voice of that wonderful witch called Drew coming, and most likely there'll be a "Who Can Grab Ginny's Evil Diary" contest soon, so, for the moment,


I snapped the book shut, and shoved it under the pillow just as a horde of my schoolmates filtered in through the dormitory, chattering very merrily.

About four or five of them came in together, and I took each one in as they entered.

The loudest voice in the chatty babble was of Drew, my best friend. I spotted her spiky brown hair, with the wild purple streaks on them, as she laughed hysterically at some joke and slapped the girl next to her -who was snorting possibly at the same thing- so hard on the back that the girl choked mid-snort and winced.

I laughed at Lavender massaging her back, glowering at a still amused Drew.

In with them came Parvati, of course, with the two smaller fifth year siblings: Ruth and Reira.

"Hey guys," I greeted them enthusiastically. "You've been eating long."

"Hey, Gin!" Drew exclaimed gaily, collapsing on the corner of my bed and crossing her long legs Indian style on it. "Yep, I'm stuffed. With pecan pie." She chuckled.

"Ginny, Ginny," Ruth said eagerly claiming my attention. "We thought we'll play a good game of Truth or Dare today! You will play too, won't you?"

I hesitated. The last time we'd played this, I'd been dared to cut off Neville's fringe in his sleep. As I crept into the room, scissors in hand, appealing to the gods to make sure Neville never found out the culprit who had ruined his hairstyle – the boy, drattedly a light sleeper, woke up and screamed loudly about a Tarantula trying to dig its pincers into his brain.

That had been just wonderful. I'd fled out of the boys' dorm, but some git had switched on the lights and my tomato hair wasn't hard to recognize.

I shook my head, trying to shake off the humiliating thought.

"Sure," I said. "As long as you don't get me embarrassed to death, I'm game."

They grinned happily, and Drew brought a long bottle out from a small pocket with flair.

"Extension charm," she informed me when I raised my eyebrow. "I'm very good at it, you know."

I rolled my eyes.

The girls sat in a loose circle on their beds, and the bottle was spun on the little stool in the middle of the dorm.

The mouth pointed at Reira, with the other end on Ruth.

"Yes!" Reira enthused. "Truth or Dare, Ruth?"

"Um..." Ruth blushed a little bit. "Dare."

Reira groaned softly. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that," she complained. "I had something important to ask you."

"That's exactly why I didn't say that, Reira."

"Well, whatever," Drew said dismissively. "Reira, give her a dare."

"Okay," Reira said dully. "Ruth... go – climb that high shelf, and jump off it without making anything fall off."

Ruth grinned, and immediately stood on her bed, lithely climbing on to said shelf. "Easy as pie," she sang as she jumped off gracefully and landed on the balls of her feet.

"Gah," Reira grumbled. "I was going easy on you, is all. And you should tell your siblings everything, Ruth." She pouted, looking at her sister. "Are you, or are you not, da –"

Ruth snickered, interrupting her sister. "There're many things I should do that I don't, dear sis. So shut it for now. Anyway, I think I might tell you in a while."

Reira smiled, satisfied.

Drew spun the bottle again – this time it was from herself to Parvati.

"Truth or Dare, Parvati?" Drew asked her, winking.

"Truth," Parvati answered demurely. "I don't like the silly dares you give people."

Drew rolled her eyes. "All right..." Drew raised her eyebrows playfully. "Now. You've got to tell the truth, girl. Where was the last place you and Dean kissed?"

I giggled, and slapped Drew a high five. Parvati dark skin turned a deep pink. "Um... last night... in the boy's dorm... under his bed..." she said in a small voice.

Drew snorted spectacularly. "Why under the bed? You could have been on it!"

"His... um, Drew, it was just... more fun that way. Under his bed. That's it." Parvati permitted herself a knowing smile. "Think about it."

"Hmmm... there couldn't have been much space in there," Drew laughed. "Maybe I get what you mean. Well, at least you were honest," Drew said decidedly.

The bottle spun again.

"Yes!" Lavender enthused. "Drew, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Drew answered immediately.

Lavender rubbed her hands together. "Okay... climb on top of the bed and... sing 'Rockstar' as loud as you can."

"Hah!" Drew laughed, perching on the bed. "I'm through with standin' in line, to clubs I'd never get in..." She sang the song by Nickelback, completely off tune – and enjoying herself thoroughly, like only Drew could be expected to do. "I need a credit card that's got no limit, and a big black gym with a bedroom in it..."

"I'd trade this life for fortune and fame, I'd even cut my hair and change my name..." Drew flung about her hands as though she was proclaiming something, making Lavender snort into her pillow.

"Hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar..." Drew finished smugly. "How's that, pumpkin?"

"Just wonderful," Lavender said sarcastically.

Next was me and Ruth.

"Truth..." I said decidedly, before she could ask.

"Which was the most embarrassing date you ever had, and with who was it?"

"Michael," I answered immediately. "He ordered this strawberry thing, and when Rosmerta's new assistant brought it, she dropped the pink whipped cream on his hair. That was..." I sighed. "Beautiful."

And so, it went on...

It had been great that the seventh years didn't have 'bedtimes'. It gave time, obviously, for a lot more fun.

This time, the bottle spun, the mouth on Drew... and the other end on me.

"Ah!" Drew said enthusiastically. "I've been wanting to getcha!"

I rolled my eyes, but was immediately wary. "Alright. I choose... Dare."

"Yay!" Drew whooped suddenly. "Yay, yay!" She punched one fist into the other palm.

"What?" I asked, mildly irritated, and... wary. There was good reason to be wary when my friend got like this.

And her dare proved this to me even more.

"Ginny Weasley," she said in a mock solemn voice, raising her arms in a way that reminded me of Morpheus in Matrix. "I dare you to..." She paused. "Are you sure, Ginny? This dare can change your life." She gave me a faux concerned look.

"I'm sure," I said, miffed. "I'm not scared of a dare." It was rather childish, but I'd taken a vow when I was seven I'd never turn down a good dare.

A Weasley - especially the youngest, most intelligent one - didn't break vows.

"You asked for it," Drew said, grinning. "Okay. Ginny Weasley," she said again in a bogusly deep voice.

"I dare you to...date -"

Not another one. I groaned internally. And then I saw the gleam in Drew's eyes, and the conspiratorial glance she gave Lavender, and got suspicious. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"Draco Malfoy."

Before I could realize what she'd said, there was a loud chorus of "Ooooooh!"'s around the dorm, and Reira shouted, "Go Ginny!", and I heard a loud giggle that sounded like Reira.

"What?!" I exclaimed heatedly. "Date who?"

"Draco Malfoy, Gin." Drew said coolly, her blue eyes shining with mischief. "You know the guy..."

"The beautiful one, the hot one," Lavender contributed to her sentence.

"The brilliant one... the rich one." Ruth added.

"I don't think he's hot," Parvati disagreed.

"Nor do I," I seconded her quickly, but everyone ignored her.

"Ginny, have you looked at him?" Drew demanded vitally.

"No," I said, wrinkling my nose. "And I don't want to." That wasn't entirely true... anyway.

"Ginny! The boy is gorgeous!" Lavender said in a horrified voice. "He is nectar to the eye."

"Honestly, people," I said hotly. "He is Draco Bloody Malfoy, for Merlin's sake."

"Exactly," Drew agreed with a satisfied smile. "He's Draco Bloody Malfoy. I'm glad to see you've started to catch up."

"Listen guys," I said, now desperate. "First of all – I don't like him. Secondly, he is a Slyth. Third reason – he doesn't date." I stated my arguments. "And I think he might be gay."

"No, he's not," Lavender said, giggling. "I know that for a fact." She looked at Drew with a knowing wink.

"Ginny," Drew said, grinning broadly. "There are hundreds of girls after him. But I have reason to believe that if you can't make him fall for you, no one can."

"That's right!" I said. "So no one can!"

"Ginny," Lavender said, slightly irritated. "you dumped Harry Potter."


Everyone looked at me like I was missing something as obvious as the pimple on Ron's nose.

"Harry, my dear friend, is the most wanted guy in the school. The most wanted, except for one person."

"Draco Malfoy," Lavender finished smugly.

"No," I moaned, shaking my head. "Tell me you're kidding. This can't be. Tell me you're kidding."

"I'm kidding," Drew said immediately.

"You are?" I gasped, relieved.

"Of course not," Drew said coolly. "I only said that cos you asked me to, Gin. S'what friends are for, right?"

"No!" I said, clenching my teeth and squeezing my eyes. "No, Drew. Not Malfoy!"

"Yes Malfoy," Lavender corrected, her face smug at my reaction.

"Scared, 'Red'? Scared you'll lose?" Drew asked, grinning wickedly.

Damn the fact that I'd known Drew for five years, and that she knew every single trait and weakness of mine. Even as a seventeen year old, it was kind of pathetic that something so childish would get to me. But...

"Not scared!" I protested angrily. "Just disgusted!"

"Right," Reira said, rolling her eyes. "You can do it, Gin. And once you have, you'll love it – because Draco is..." She sighed, shaking her head as if there were no words. "And we'll have fun watching you... and being jealous."

"Oh, yeah!" I said sarcastically. "He's gonna be a piece of cake. Get him? I could do it in my sleep."

"Oh, no, no!" Lavender laughed, shaking her head condescendingly.

I turned to look at Parvati, who was sitting with her arms tightly crossed across her chest and a disapproving expression on her face, gave her a pleading "save my soul!" glance. She shrugged, giving me a "it's your ass" glance, and I hopelessly looked back at Lavender, raising my eyebrows questioningly.

"Draco Malfoy is... frigid, and arrogant, and he hardly talks to anyone. He's like... an unattainable star," Lavender explained, her eyes misting up. "It's gonna be tough, Ginny. And so... you're dared to do it. Do you dare?"

I looked at them miserably. "Why are you doing this to

"'Cos it's going to be fun, Ginny," Drew said, beaming. Clearly, she saw an acceptance in my expression.

Maybe she saw right. It sounded like... a good challenge, I had to admit. And I liked challenges.

I swallowed. "Okay, you morons. I'll... try. I don't give up on a dare." I cleared my throat. "But... no sabotage, no teasing, no gossip. Got it?"

I was digging my own grave... practically. But I could always forfeit, right?

Well, 'forfeit' was a word that made me gag, but anyway. It was possible.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Drew sang. She leaned over, and pulled a braid of my long red hair. "We're in business!"

"But do tell me something honestly, Drew," I said more seriously. "Why are you doing this? Because I know there's something."

She looked a little sheepish. "Okay. Guess you know me well." She ran a hand through her spiky hair as she spoke. "You know Zacharias Smith? Well, he's gay, as you know. And he was trying to woo Draco – and obviously, the Slyth turned him down. That's how I know Draco's not a queer," she added. "He told Smith very clearly." She chuckled. "Well, anyway, it came to a point where Smith told me with that awful, hoity-toity look of his, that there was no one who could make the Malfoy fall for them... and I wanted to prove the jerk wrong. So I thought of you." She grinned.

"So this is some stupid, juvenile thing about proving Smith wrong??" I asked incredulously, shaking my head in disbelief.

Drew shrugged, and Ruth giggled at my expression. "I'm juvenile," she said matter-of-factly. "So my intents... are juvenile. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Okay," I said, my tone a bit weary. "I'm tired... And you have made me mad over your stupid intents and dares. I'm going to sleep." I fell back on my pillow. "Goodnight."

"Sleep tight, Ginny..." Ruth and Reira muttered together.

"Don't let the four-poster bugs bite!" Drew added.

I ignored them. I knew it when they offed the lights, because the reddish glow faded from behind my eyelids and all was black.

I was asleep in a while.

When I woke up, it was pretty early, and all the others were sleeping. I washed quickly, and pulled on my robes.

I examined myself critically in the mirror as I brushed my long, wavy hair – and pretty much liked what I saw. My pale, creamy white skin glowed a light pink on my cheeks. My eyes, a deep, golden brown color, like honey, were bright and sparkly. I never had to do anything much to my lips – they were a natural crimson, full and soft looking. I did my hair quickly – pulling the front bit back into a barrette, and leaving the rest to flow down my back in bouncy waves that gleamed a coppery red in the sunlight.

And then I realized that I was trying to look good for my dare. Pathetic.

I stomped out of the common room, thinking of some way to get this over and done with quickly without much effort.

On the way to the Great Hall, I walked straight into a tall someone – not surprising, really, because I was hardly paying attention to where I was going.

"Please watch it, Weasley," a low, attractive voice said. "If you can."

I looked up – whoever it was sure was tall – and saw a pale, chiseled face, surrounded by glimmering white blond hair, with wide, piercing grey eyes looking at me.

Oh, wonderful. I'd run into Draco Malfoy by accident.

My sarcasm was understandable... but the heat on my face and the pounding of my heart wasn't.

Surprise, that was all, I decided. I hadn't expected to see him right now. I blushed very easily, that was an accepted fact. And some sort of irony, that I had walked right into him, as if this whole thing was foreordained, or something.

And then I realized I was staring after him – he had walked away many moments ago.

I hated to admit it, but... that guy was... good-looking.

I shook my head, and walked to the Great Hall, hoping I wouldn't be driven mad by all this... all this looking after stupid, arrogant boys.

A/N: So how is it? I know it's a common plot. :( I didn't realize that when the plot bunny attacked, so anyway, I'm striving for originality here. Tell me how I did, 'kay?

~starlit skyes~