alright so i decided that i don't want to continue this story any longer due to prior comitments. but, and this is a big but! the story will be continued by my cousin bianca. she's eighteen and has plenty of time to write. she had decided to bump up the rating to an "m" and she's going to write lemons. she feels its essential to the story and that its the only way for the story to continue. she's also going to bump up my other story to an "m" rating and she has many other stories in the works.

thank you guys so much for beliving in me and i will read what she has wrote and give my opinion and we will be working on the plot together as much as possible and i might enven do one chapter. so without further a-do my cousin has a A/N that she wants to add.

xoxo Adrianna

Hey guys!

I'm so excited to be taking over this story! My love of all things Blue Bloods is beyond my love of anything else (besides my family of course ;)) I am deeply sorry that Adrianna has to end her time as a writer but I promise you my writing will be just as good. I have decided that the story needs lemons and I will write them becuase I am of age whereas Adrianna was not! Shoot me a P.M if you have anything to say and I'll be happy to reply! I hope I am welcomed with open arms and I will have an update ready in the near future.

xoxo Binks :)