Yeup, another AU Transformers Movie fanfic.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Transformers. I do, however, own Techno. This story will be rated 'M' to be on the safe side, mostly for language and possible mature content.

Key: "Talking", 'Thinking', Flashback/Past, 'Techno's inner speech', "Jazz' speech", "Com. Link/Word emphasis", )( Scene Change )(, and (( Comments from Moi )).

)( Somewhere, out in space/Prolog )(

A midnight blue figure froze mid-step, the brief star light making the silver accent strips on it's form to glow slightly. "Techno? Hey! Techno, what's wrong?" Someone asked, reaching out to lightly touch the figure's shoulder.

Techno's spark felt torn, it was something she'd never felt before, she felt as if she could've died right then and there. She was not injured, or Spark-mated to anyone, and the only, logical, conclusion she could come up with, was that Jazz, her older brother, had somehow, gotten himself killed.

She was oblivious to the questions and slight shakes she was receiving, before she managed to find her voice, and let out an audio shattering wail of sadness, causing the others to back away from her, cursing and trying to fend off the 'unholy' noise.

"JAZZ!" She yelled out, her form jumping into the air, battle armor shifting and securing around her form as she blasted off into the stars, wailing as she made her way to where the hurt was directing her. And when she got there, there would be hell to pay.

)( Two Monthes Later )(

Techno drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness. The past few weeks had been hell on her mind. She couldn't tell if she were sane or not anymore. "Aww. Don't think like that Dazzle. I'm, still here." Jazz replied to her inner musings. 'That's just it, if I were sane, I wouldn't be hearing you in my mind, or talking to you.' She replied back, scowling innerly.

"You should meet Prowler, Dazzle. I think you'd like him. If you're ever in a bind, find Prowl, he'll take care of you if I can't." Jazz told her, making her smile. "Yeah, he sounds nice. He probably wouldn't be able to put up with me." Techno replied, making Jazz laugh.

"Probably, but, he's a good mech. And, if you ever need a teach for merging, you should go to him, or Ratchet." Jazz teased, making her faceplates heat up. "I'm not interested in learning anything like that now Meister." She replied back, sighing.

"I know, i'm your big brother, and i'll know when you will be, because of our link. But when you are, let me know, ok? So I can tell you if the mech is good enough to teach you or not." Jazz said, grinning.

"Allright, I will Meister. Slag, got to go. We'll continue this debate some other time." Techno stated, grinning back. "Allright lil sis. Might be a while though, we're heading to some planet, Boss-bot thinks the Allspark might be there. Love ya." And with that, the conntection to the vidcom. was broken, and Techno had to go to patrol.

"You know, I am real Dazzle. I can't explain it, by all rights, I should be dead. But i'm not. Heh, I guess it was because of our link. Maybe that's how i'm able to be with you. When I was fading, I felt your spark cry out for mine, and I couldn't just leave you to be in such pain." Jazz commented, making Techno mentally nod.

'I suppose so, maybe it's because we're twins? You know as well as I do, that the mysteries of Twins are lost to all, even to the Twins themselves.' She replied quietly back, going silent as she made the final calculations to the planet that was called 'Earth'.

)( Earth - Autobot Base/Story Start )(

Prowl stared at the pile of paperwork that he had to do. He couldn't help it, as his mind wandered back to Jazz, time and time again. Why had he been so...reckless? Taking Megatron on, all by himself.

His spark ached with a pain no medic could heal, not even Ratchet, at the loss of the one who had been his bonded. Most would think that it would be an odd pairing. The fun-loving Special Ops, and the strict rule making Tactition?

Ever since Jazz had faded from the world, he'd gotten more stern and strict, much to the Twins' dismay. Prowl overheard them complaining to anyone who would listen about Prowl being as such, and that he probably needed a good interfacing or merging.

Prowl only scowled then, and even now, at the memory, before sighing and picking up a data-pad. His thoughts were interrupted by an alarm going off, and someone comming the entire base with a "Alert! Protoform entering Earth's atmosphere, calculated landing point.." The voice trailed off a moment, before the mech continued "Tranquility Heights. ETA of landing..30 seconds. Can't get a reading on who it is, they are not reponding to hailings." The voice, 'Ironhide' Prowl noted, stated as Prowl joined Optimus and Ratchet as they headed out of the base.

)( Tranquility Heights )(

Techno staggered a moment after getting up, optics looking around a moment, seeing nothing to scan, and accessed the internet. "You should be that one. That's what I was. It'd fit you." Jazz merrily commented, making her sigh, before seeing one she liked. "Oooh, Sunfire eh? That's good too." He said as she downloaded the specs. Once that was done, her armor shifted and she took on her 'normal' appearance, though, she probably looked like a smaller, differant colored somewhat splitting image of her brother.

"Hmm, not bad. My colors are a bit reversed though, wouldn't you think?" She spoke aloud, but before Jazz had time to comment, there was a voice from behind her. "J-Jazz?!" Making her whirl around and eye the three from behind her lavander visor.

Optimus looked as if in denial, as Ratchet quietly scanned the figure before them. Prowl's spark twisted in pain, and was that, excitement? as he viewed the figure, though his face was calm, as always. "Sorry, no. I'm not my brother. My name's Techno." She stated, making Prime sigh, and Prowl's spark to ping in pain again.

"You're a femme, aren't you?" Ratchet asked, his scans confirming what he thought, but still wanted to hear her say it. "I am. Jazz was my older brother. I come here looking for Autobot Prowl." She stated simply, watching as Prime looked elated at the news of what she was, to Ratchet's amusement of someone looking for Prowl.

Prowl? Well, he was confused, something he didn't like. Why would a femme, Jazz' younger sister, to be exact, come looking for him? Techno reached up, pushing her visor up onto her forehead, kind of in a humanish gesture with sunglasses, or goggles, reveiling her violet optics.

"There is a matter of which I wish to speak with Prowl private..but it can wait." She stated simply, one hand upon her hip. Techno barely lunged out of the way of blurs of gold and red, who yelled her name; but was unsuccessful at the next tackle, the two dogpiling on her.

"Sideswipe! Sunstreaker! That behaviour is uncalled for and not to mention rude to.." Optimus started, before trailing off as Techno just laughed at the two, hugging them. Her next few words boggled the minds of the three senior Mechs when she replied with a "Sunny! Sides! How are my two sparklings?! My! You've grown well!" She said, laughing.

"Yeah!" Sideswipe said, striking a silly pose, making Sunstreaker scowl at his Twin's behavior. "I'm obviously the better looking one." He scoffed, arms crossing over his chest. "...Your..sparklings..?" Ratchet managed to ask, everyone knew the twins were Jazz'!

"Well, if you want to be technical, they're not really MINE. They're my brother's. I just raised them for him when they were younger. But with being his twin, what was his, was mine, and vice versa." Techno replied with a small shrug.

"...Twin..?" Prowl asked, his processor seeming to want to shut down at that point. "Yeah, Jazz was the older one. It wasn't common knowledge." She stated, before grinning and tackling the scowling Sunstreaker, who yelled in surprise.

"Ha-ha! Lets see you buff this out, pretty mech!" She stated, grinning as she smacked at his finely polished armor a few times, making Sunstreaker and the others look on in horror. "MY PAINT!"

)( Two Hours Later )(

"Completely irrisponsible! What possessed you to do such a thing, to SUNSTREAKER of all mechs?!" Ratchet asked a grinning, and slightly damaged Techno. "It was worth it. Besides, you should've seen Jazz when he was younger, much worse than Sunny." Techno said with a slight smirk.

"It's a wonder who they actually take after!" Ratchet growled, beating out the slight dents and running his usual scans for new arrivals. "I was NOT that bad!" Jazz complained in her mind, making her snicker, and Ratchet give her an odd look.

"Sorry, memory replay of Jazz when we were younger." She stated simply, making Ratchet nod and go back to his work. 'And, yes you were.' She mentally replied back, trying not to grin.

An hour later had Techno sitting in Prowl's office, the two staring each other down. "Forgive me if this is rather blunt. As I can't think of any..delicate..way to put it." Techno finally stated, after shifting quite uncomfortably the past few minutes.

Prowl arched and eyeridge, signaling for her to continue. "When Jazz and I were younger, he told me that I should come to you. As you were one of the only Mech's he would trust with what I'm about to state." Techno continued, shifting even more.

"And, seeing as my brother is not around to..approve..of anyone of my choice, if I was to have one anyways.. I was told that should anything happen to him, that I should seek you out." Techno stated, face darkening slightly.

"And..?" Prowl asked, eyeridge arched even more, and his curiosity pipqued. "I wish for you to first." Techno stated, looking away from him as her face darkened further. "Your..first?" Prowl asked, before his processor caught up with what she was saying, and feeling like his spark was about to stop.

"Only when and if you feel like it. I'm in no rush. Just thought i'd tell you." Techno stated, fidgeting slightly. Prowl quickly composed himself, fighting down the heating of his faceplates. "It's not that I..or any Mech...wouldn't want to..It's just that.." Prowl started, unsure of how to say what he ment.

"That it's too soon? Trust me, I know the feeling. It's hard trying to find a happy place without Meister there to instigate it. Like I said, I didn't mean right away. Just possibly sometime in the future." Techno said, sighing. "Well, yes, that. And, well, it's somewhat disconcertaining, with you being Jazz' younger sister. And apparant twin." Prowl said, smile quirking slightly at the last statement.

"It's also somewhat..humorus, forgive me. But, it's hard to think that you two were twins, if we were to go by the human's standards. Jazz had taken to a dialect of what they call 'African American', and you seemed to have taken to what they would refer as an 'Asian' one." Prowl said, elbows on his desk, fingers steepled together.

"Heh, I guess if you were to look at it that way, yeah. But, the asian-american seemed like the closest dialect to my own. Watashi yasumu kare." She said softly, almost as if she were trying to make a point. It only took Prowl a fraction of a second to translate, and it made him nod. "Me too." He replied, sighing.

"Hey! I'm still here! Yeesh!" Jazz said, making Techno swat at him mentally. Of course, at Jazz' words, she noticed that Prowl seemed to stiffen. To someone else they might not have even seen it, but, for someone like Techno, who was used to watching and translating body language, it jumped right out at her.

'Jazz..Can anyone else but me hear you?' She asked, silently watching Prowl. "I don't know. Not that I know of, why?" Jazz replied, curious, and Prowl's left hand twitching ever so slightly. 'I think Prowl can hear you, Meister. Try saying something directly at him?' She asked, unsure if Prowl was aware of her watching him or not.

"Hiya Prowler! What's up?" Jazz said, and this time, Prowl nearly jumped out of his seat, optics sweeping around the room, before settling on Techno, who had an arched eyeridge. "So...I guess i'm NOT crazy afterall." She said, making him eye her suspisciously. "You see, on my way to Earth, I found myself with, well, in human terms, Jazz' 'spirit' or something. I was convinced I was just going crazy from the loss of my twin." She said, the one doing the analizing now.

"But, it would seem, that, you can hear his voice as well?" She asked, making him compose himself. "It would seem so." Prowl stated cooly, wondering if this was some cruel trick. "So, I have a question for you. How the hell do I get him out of my head, and stop driving me crazy?" She asked, almost ruefully.

"The best course of action would to be to go to Ratchet." Prowl said, making her twitch slightly at the medic's name. "Adversion to medics..?" Prowl asked, ridge arching at her sheepish look. "Kinda..yeah. It's a difficult story for me to tell." She said, smiling lightly.

Prowl paused what he was about to say as someone commed him. "Prowl. The twins are at it again." Someone, sounded like Ironhide. "Affermative." Prowl replied, sighing. "You should let me deal with this one." Techno said, grinning a moment. "By all means." Prowl said, smiling lightly.

"Red, Yellow!" Someone barked at Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, making them freeze in an instant, looking over to a scowling Techno. "Hiya!" Sideswipe said, grinning, while Sunstreaker crossed his arms, frowning. "You two. With me. Now." She said, turning, and walking out of the area, the two sheepishly following after her, and leaving a few mechs gaping.

"Move it! Go. Go. GO!" Techno shouted at the two, arms crossed and a scowl on her face, watching the two run through training excercises. "Techno, we're tiiired!" Sideswipe shouted up at her, making her bean him upside the head with a low leveled plasma shot. "Do you think the Decepticons will CARE if you're TIRED?!" She shouted at him, making him scramble even faster over a wall.

"Sir. I think I know the PERFECT job for Techno." Prowl stated to Optimus, the two watching the going-ons. "I want you through that course in LESS than a human minute! You will NOT stop untill you have achieved this!" Techno shouted down at them, making them scramble through it even faster.

"She's crazy as pit!" Sunstreaker said, scowling. "What was that?!" Techno shouted, before Sunstreaker found his beautiful paint smeared by globs of paint, from a paintball gun, transformer sized, fired by Techno. "Don't you DARE stop runt! Your paint does NOT matter!" She yelled, making Sunstreaker snap his mouth closed with a snarl as he kept on running.

Five hours later had the two collapsing at her feet, having finally completed her harsh demands for the training course. "Come on, you over-sized sparklings, it wasn't that bad." Techno said, crouching down to them, and handing them a cube of energon each; the two draining the cubes in one go.

"You two have been in serious lack of discipline. I aim to change that." She said, making them groan out. She rolled her optics a moment, hauling the two to their feet and shoving them back into the base. "Oh no you don't. Wash racks. Now." She said as they tried to head for the rec. room.

Sam gaped a moment, watching the three pass by. "Oh man. WHO is that?!" He asked, looking up to Bumblebee. "That's Techno. She was Jazz' younger twin sister. She's, as the humans would say, their aunt." Bee replied, making Sam gape. "Wait, that's a girl?!" He asked, whipping around to look at the blue and silver form disappearing after the twins into the wash racks.

Tracks paused, before staring as someone herded the twins into the wash racks. The two jumped happily under a spray of warm water, Techno standing with her arms crossed as she watched. "Did you have to target the paint?" Sunstreaker asked, tiredly. "Yes. I did." Techno stated, making Tracks' optics widen.

A femme?! Here in the base! With some femmes it was hard to tell, like Techno, but her voice gave her away. Tracks scowled slightly, he goes off on a couple day mission, and when he gets back, a femme's on the base, and already attached to the twins. It was so unfair!

Techno sighed, grabbing an extra cloth, stepping under the spary and helping Sunstreaker wash off the paint he couldn't get to. "Oh! Me too!" Sideswipe said, managing a grin. "You didn't get paint on you like Sunny." Techno replied, making Sideswipe pout a moment. "Awww..For old time's sake?" He asked, giving her a charming look.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure, Sunny comes first." She said, making Sunstreaker grumble a moment about his paint, and was promptly smacked upside the head for said statement. "Ow! Haven't you tortured us enough?!" He asked, scowling.

"Yeah, we should report you for sparkling abuse!" Sideswipe said, frowning. "One, you're not sparklings anymore. Two, report me to who, Prowl? He LET me plan today's little picnic." Techno said, grinning. "..That so wasn't a picnic." Sideswipe said, but grinning when she moved over to him to help him wash.

Five minutes later had Ratchet looking up from a datapad, looking at the three. "Sorry to disturb. I just wanted these two to get a check up, in case I managed to push them too hard." Techno stated, making Ratchet scowl a moment, but get up and doing so as she stood off to the side watching.

"What, no complaining?" Ratchet asked, arching a ridge at them. "Too tired." Sideswipe answered for them, making Ratchet eye the two and then Techno, who shrugged. "All I did was run them through a little training excercise." She said, making Sunstreaker chuckle darkly. "I'd hate to see what a 'hard' excercise is." He said as Ratchet scanned him. "Oh, you will. Eventually. We're just getting started." Techno replied, grinning at their groans.

"They're fine. A little low on energy, but that's easily fixed by a recharging." Ratchet said, putting away his scanners. "That's good." Techno said, nodding to him in thanks, which made him blink his optics a moment. "..And what do you say?" She said, settling a stern look at the two. The twins groaned, turning to Ratchet. "Thanks." They said, making him 'blink' again.

"Come on. Recharge time. You have four hours untill your next shift." Techno said, pushing them lightly out the door, leaving Ratchet to stare at the door in slight shock. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe gladly climbed into their berths, shutting down as soon as they hit their beds.

Techno sighed a moment, rubbing her forehead a moment, cradling a cup of energon in her other hand. "May we join you?" Someone said, making her look up at Prowl, and amazingly enough, Ratchet. "Go ahead." She replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"How would you feel, about becoming our Head of Disciplinary Action section?" Prowl asked, making her arch a ridge at the question. "Sounds tempting. Add in secondary training, and you've got a deal." Techno said, grinning. "I'll have to talk to Prime about that, but i'm sure it'll be no problem." Prowl said, taking a sip of his energon.

"Oh, i'm not sure if they will or not. But I was threatened to be reported for 'sparkling abuse' by Sideswipe." Techno said, making Prowl quirk a smile and Ratchet to snort. "They aren't sparklings." Ratchet said, shaking his head. "That's what I told them." Techno said, smirking slightly.

"So what were you doing, before you came here?" Ratchet asked, making her shrug. "I ran a small unit a few quadrants over. Mainly why you've probably never heard of me, or much of." She said, pausing to look at Prowl a moment. "Is because i'm not exactly affiliated with the Autobots." She said, making them stiffen and eye her warily.

"I was part of a Neutral group. Well, one that sided more towards the Autobots than anything. We'd go in after every Bot-Con battle, do sweeps, to make sure there weren't any Con survivors." She said, pausing a moment to take another sip of her energon.

"We didn't usually find any, most we ever found mainly was a few Bots who had been missed and were unable to get back themselves. We were actually doing a sweep when I felt it." She said, trailing off a moment.

"Felt what?" Ratchet asked, curious. "The feeling of my spark being forcibly ripped in a million pieces. It was such unimaginable pain, but it wasn't from my side of our bond we had. It's almost a shame that Megatron's dead. Because I wanted to make him pay for what he did." Techno said, gripping her cup tightly, before sighing, hand loosening.

Prowl had a pained look on his face a moment, before he cleared it away, taking a drink of his energon. "I know the feeling." He muttered, making Ratchet pat him lightly on the shoulder. Techno paused a moment, accessing her chronometer. "Well, time to get the twins up." She said, almost happily, making the two look at each other. "Oh, I have got to see this." Ratchet said with a grin, following after her.

Sunstreaker groaned as a blinding light woke him up, Sideswipe mumbling and turning over. "Rise and shine slaggers! Time to start another wonderful day!" Techno said, making the two scramble out of their berths. "Is it time for our shifts already?" Sideswipe asked tiredly, trying not to yawn.

"Nope. You two are going to do some early morning excercises." Techno said, making them groan, and Ratchet to snicker slightly to himself. She herded them out of their room, leading them to what they were soon calling 'Techno's Pit' and made them practice their shooting for an hour or so before she sent them onwards to their shifts, but not before she gave them some energon.

Techno found herself wandering the base, nothing to really do, when she found herself at the doors of the med bay. 'Ugh, why'd I end up HERE?' Techno asked herself, ignoring Jazz' cheeky reply of "Maybe you like Hatchet?" before she walked away, unaware that someone had been watching her.

She was soon outfitted with an office, which was across the hall from Prowl's. She Hmm'ed as she inspected the door, eyeing the shiny letters as they spelt out "Disciplinary Office". 'Man, that sounds so..boring..' She thought, before walking into the room, eyeing the orange and pink office. "Oh PIT no. These colors have GOT to go." Techno stated aloud, trying not to be visibly horrified at the colors.

Three hours later, and Techno was satisfied with the new paint scheme, which consisted of various shades of blue, and accompanying silver colored desk, cabnit, and chairs. "Much better. Though, i've paint all over me now.." She said, looking at her armor with a small sigh.

She stepped out of her office, nearly running into Prowl as he exited his own. He arched an eyeridge at her, and then the door to her office. "I take it you were unsatisfied with your office scheme?" He inquired, making her nod. "If i'm going to possibly spend hours in an office, it has to be calming. That and give a false sense of hope to those who get sent to me." She said with a small playful smirk.

"Do you require assistance?" Prowl asked after a moment, eying the paint on her armor. "Eh, sure." Techno stated with a small shrug, the two heading towards the wash-racks. 'How much time does he spend in here?' Techno thought as she glanced at Tracks a moment as she and Prowl entered the racks.

"Tracks? Probably about 50% of the time he's online." Jazz replied, making Prowl twitch slightly at the voice. Tracks just shook his head a moment at the two's backs as they went under the cleansing spray, Prowl scrubbing off the paint in areas Techno couldn't reach, though she did get most of it off herself; Techno then pulling a somewhat reluctant Prowl under the main spray, helping him with washing up.

Tracks had long since left, and Techno hesitantly moved to cleaning Prowl's door-wings, which made him both stiffen and shudder at the same time. "Sorry. I know such things are rather sensitive." Techno stated, making him nod stiffly. Jazz was usually the one to help him wash, as he didn't really like anyone other than his bonded to touch such areas of him. "Thank you for your assistance." Prowl stated once they had finished and dried off.

"No problem. Just tell me if you require my services again." She stated, smirking a tad. "I will keep that in mind." Prowl stated, nodding to her as they headed back to their offices, unaware that Tracks had been listening to them. 'Curious.' He thought, before he too headed off, towards the rec room.

It was later that night, and Techno couldn't sleep. No matter how many times she tried to power down, she couldn't at the last moment. She sent a small, low leveled com nudge to Prowl, wondering if he was awake as well. "Yes?" He replied, making her sigh slightly. "I find myself unable to recharge. May I visit you?" She asked, sitting up on her berth. "You may." Prowl replied as Techno exited her quarters.

She passed Tracks on the way, which made her silently wonder about him. She'd been increasingly spotting him around the base, near herself, trying to watch her without getting caught, but she knew better, he was following her around like a retro-puppy.

She paused at Prowl's quarters, ringing the chime a moment. "It's open." Prowl replied, Techno entering to find Prowl sitting at a desk, doing even more paperwork. Techno arched an eyeridge, looking at him. "You are off-duty, no?" She inquired, making him glance at her. "I am." He replied, looking back at the screen.

"Then why are you still working? And don't give me some lame excuse." Techno stated, making him sigh. Her expression softened a moment, before she walked over to him, lightly grabbing him by the arm, pulling a reluctant Prowl away from the consol at his desk. "I am no mere sparkling." He weakly stated, looking down at her.

"I never said you were, now did I?" She asked, brow arching. "No, that you didn't." Prowl replied, allowing her to lead him to his berth, and sit him there, before lightly shoving him onto his stomach on it. "What are you doing?" He asked, perplexed. "Just relax Prowl. You're too tense." She stated, before her hands began to run along his back, in a comforting way, almost like a mother to her sparkling.

Once she had finished her subtle, yet effective ministrations, Prowl felt like all his stress up to that point that had been building was soothed away. "I thank you." He said calmly, sitting back up once more. Techno hesitantly sitting upon his berth. "No problem." She replied, sighing a moment.

"Something bothers you?" Prowl asked, looking down at her. "..Yeah. I just..Miss Jazz. Even if he's in my head, he's not out here. And he's been getting increasingly quieter. I'm not sure if he's trying to respect my mind, or if he's slowly fading away." Techno stated, rubbing her forehead a moment.

Techno froze a moment as she suddenly found herself in Prowl's arms, his chin resting atop her head. "As Jazz would say, you looked like you needed a hug." Prowl stated. It was true, she did look like she needed one, and well, he, honestly, needed one as well. It was a bit hard, with Techno looking so much like Jazz, to keep his emotions in check.

"Yeah, he would say that. If he were physically here, he probably be beating off all the mech's who've been propositioning me ever since I got her." She muttered darkly. "I can have a talk with Optimus if that's what's been bothering you." Prowl stated, somewaht irritated, and more apalled that mechs would go after her so soon.

"Nah. I'm fine. I'm a 'big girl' as Jazz would say. And, well, I've two over-zealous body guards who'd be more than happy to beat the slag out of someone with a good enough reason." Techno said with a small chuckle, making Prowl smirk slightly. "That you do. On another note, Ratchet tells me you're avoiding him?" Prowl asked, feeling her tense for a moment.

"Ah. Probably wants to give me an extended 'check up'." Techno said, frowning a moment. "I also suggest that you have Ratchet be the one to teach you. I'd do as you asked, but, under the circumstances, I don't think i'm fit to do it. Your spark feels quite similar to Jazz', and in my..state, I might make mistakes." Prowl said as she tensed even more in his arms.

"Why do you tense up when someone mentions a Medic?" Prowl asked, curious. If that first day she had been there and had that 'talk' with Prowl wasn't uncomfortable, then the current topic was. "It's..not something I like to speak about." Techno muttered, hand rubbing her forehead a moment.

"I am here to listen, not make judgements." Prowl stated, making her sigh once more. "I'm sure you're going to tell Ratchet." Techno stated, grumbling. "Not if you don't wish me to." Prowl said, lightly running a hand along her back, something that he had done to calm Jazz when he needed it.

There was a few minutes of silence, before she sighed. "You may tell him if you wish it. I doubt I would be able to. To make a long story short, when I was younger, I had recently split from Jazz, it was, before the twins. I had went to study under a Medic at a Neutral base. I learned well from him. But he thought I should repay him for what he taught me." Techno stated, hand twitching slightly.

"He sought my attention. Grew furious when I wouldn't let him have it. He then tried to forcibly take me. If it hadn't been for Jazz visiting that day, I'd probably be dead, or worse." Techno stated, looking everywhere but at him. Prowl was sickened by what she told him, that a Mech would do such things.

"The mech barely managed to make it out of the base alive. Turned Decepticon. I swear, if I ever see Hook again, he will regret it." Techno stated, voice hard, her fist curled tightly before she sighed, releasing her pent up aggression. Prowl nearly froze. Hook? Yes, he had noticed that Jazz seemed to have a slight vendetta against the Constructicon, but Jazz had never really actively sought out the mech, only fighting him when they happened to meet up in battle.

"And that has left you wary of other Medics?" Prowl asked, watching her nod mutely. "I guarantee, Ratchet is not like that. In fact, he has one of the highest code of honors to femmes that I have seen. And you really shouldn't avoid him, you'll have to see him eventually." Prowl said, rubbing her back once more, which seemed to calm her, though, not as much as the action had calmed Jazz.

He really needed to stop thinking like that as well. Techno was NOT Jazz, no matter how much she looked like her brother, or acted like him. "I think I should tell Ratchet of this, just for purely medical reasonings. Ratchet keeps secrets well, he wouldn't tell anyone if you didn't wish it." Prowl said, Techno nodding.

)( End Chapter )(

That's it for this chapter. Next one is in the works.