Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, it belongs to SMeyer, but if I did, I'd give every fangirl (or boy!) her own personal Edward.

This is my first fanfic and I'm a little nervous, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. :) Enjoy!



"Are you sure, Dad?" I asked, watching my father open a large, wooden box with a howling wolf carved into the top.

"Of course," said Billy. "Bella's important to you. You should have something special to give her as an engagement present. You know, something to remember you by when she…" Billy trailed off when he caught the grimace that quickly appeared on my face at the mention of Bella's upcoming nuptials. My skin crawled at the thought of that bloodsucker biting her, officially claiming her for eternity. My hands started to tremble slightly and Billy quickly turned my attention back to the box sitting before me.

"Here we are," he said as he pulled a bright-colored contraption out of the box. Several deep red feathers hung from a thin wooden frame that circled a pattern made of string. The string was intricately woven around and through the frame to resemble the head of a wolf with two red beads in the place of its eyes.

"A dreamcatcher? Wow, Dad, it's really…it's so…" Billy seemed amused at my loss of words. "It's beautiful," I sighed.

"This isn't just any dreamcatcher," Billy said. "It's been in our family for generations." He smiled and gently brushed his fingers across the red feathers. "The snowy owl is strong and wise. Our ancestors thought it could do powerful things to the human mind, that it could stare into the farthest depths of your soul." He ran one of the feathers between his fingers. "Red like the blood spilt from many Quileute warriors, protecting our tribe from evil."

"And the wolf…" I said, staring at the woven center.

"Yes, the wolf," said Billy. "Your great grandfather made this dreamcatcher after the first confrontation with the Cold Ones. When it came to the Quileute people, he knew he may not always be able to protect their bodies, but he thought he might be able to protect their minds."

"And you want me to give it to Bella?" I asked, surprised that my father would be willing to let go of this priceless piece of our heritage. "But she's with them."

"Exactly," said Billy. "Maybe it will help protect her soul."

I looked at him skeptically as he stared intently back at me. Then he cracked a smile and shrugged as he laughed, "Okay, so maybe she'll just think it's pretty and appreciate the nice gesture."

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll love it," I said. "Thanks, Dad." I put the dreamcatcher back in its box and patted my father on the shoulder. I decided I'd go take it to Bella tomorrow morning since she was usually home on Saturdays. I turned to leave, but not before seeing a slight smirk flash on my father's face.

A/N: Chapter 1 is also up! And I'd reeaaalllyy love it if you read it. :)