I do not own twilight or Stephenie Meyer's brilliant characters even if I wish I did.

A/N: This story was written by me and my friend when we where away on holiday. So i hope you like reading it as much as we liked writing it. Please R&R!!!!! Thank you.

ENJOY =)=)=)


Bella's POV

Okay, so to start this off I guess I better get a pen and put it to paper. Do you know how hard it is to write something and stick to it, hard isn't it? To write something off the top of your head and to make it sound some what smart is an impossible mission, well for me anyway. Damn now I forgot my topic.

I was sitting at a cold hard desk thinking. Thinking is so over rated , who needs to think you don't see anyone thinking these days they all act on instinct. A girl with short black hair with fiery red streaks twisted around in her seat to face me. Her name was Alice and she is my best friend.

"Bella you done yet?" she whispered. I shook my head and held up my paper to show how blank it was.

A gust of wind was all I felt as my paper was snatched from my hands.

"Miss Brandon, how dare you cheat in my class as with you Miss Swan." Mr. Wilson growled, he was scary in the mornings when he hadn't had his daily coffee. He took both our papers and ripped them up right in front of everyone. I heard a few giggles from some classmates. When I say classmates I mean the school sluts. Their names were well known through out the school. Jessica was the ringleader of their gang , she was the bitchiest girl in the whole wide universe I swear upon my own grave that I am slowly digging for myself but we will get to that later. Jessica's loyal followers include Lauren and Tanya they were the type of girls that thought that they could get whatever they wanted whenever. They had never ever stepped foot into the real world. Then their was Nicole and Stacy who were the wannabie sluts that based their life on impressing Jessica.

Emmett, Tyler, Eric and Mike they were the Jocks, enough said . They were all players except for Emmett who had a girlfriend named Rosalie who was very popular and actually quite nice when she wanted to be. Angela, Ben and Chris were the brains of the school and normally helped me and Alice with homework…tests that were important enough not to get caught cheating in and more homework, rather nice people if I do say so myself.

And then there is Me and Alice, we are the rebels of the school. What other people call us doesn't really matter as I don't give a shit in the first place but we usually end school with teachers screaming at us

"YOU DAMN PUNKS!" was the most commonly used line and that is basically our year group at Forks High.

The bell rang and I dashed out of the classroom only needing to wait a few seconds for Alice to catch up.

"What's for lunch today?" I asked as we stroll down the hallway towards the cafeteria.


"No it is not, pizza is a Friday and it is Monday." I said stopping to look at my pixie looking friend.

An evil grin spread across her face. "Who said anything about eating pizza at school?" she said in a playful tone. I looked at her in my most serious face.



"I like the way you think Alice Brandon." My face broke as I burst out laughing. We quickly grabbed our skateboards from our lockers and zoomed off towards the mall. I just hoped that my dad wasn't patrolling today as I just got freed from my last grounding and my father being the chief of Forks police promised me a night in the cells if I was caught braking his rules or the law…again.

It took us no longer than five minutes to get to the mall, we hid our skateboards in some bushes as the mall had put a ban on skateboards for some unknown reason that I was pretty sure had nothing to do with Alice and I skating down they main hall and breaking the fountain but hey I have been wrong before.

As we entered the mall Alice ran straight for Roxy.

"Alice we just came for lunch remember." I yelled she turned around and looked at me.

"It is only biology bells it will be fine if we just ditch. I mean these clothes are calling to me." she pointed dramatically at the store. I looked at Alice she was wearing black skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt with a waist coat over top. She never wore the same thing twice it just wasn't in her nature. I shook my head as she gave me her puppy eyes. She didn't need them she was perfectly cute without them unlike me who had mousy brown hair that Alice had tried to tame with hair dye that made the bottom half of my hair go blue. My faded jeans and tank top was nothing compared to Alice's pixie perfection but hey I am not complaining.

"Fine but we have to go and see twilight before we go." I said in defeat.

"Oh yeah I have heard of that one, sure we can go see that later." Alice said grabbing my hand and pulled me towards the shops.

Three hours, 17 stores, 5 face plants later……..

"Man Alice my feet are killing me, I don't know how I let you do this to me nearly every weekend" I said as we walked to the food court.

"Easy you do it because I'm your best friend and you don't like seeing me sad" she said smiling.


"Hawaiian pizza okay?" she asked me

"Yeah I love Hawaiian"

"I know" she said.

As I walked towards the table Alice had chosen I was rudely knocked off my feet.

"Oi, watch where your going" I looked up to see a seven foot giant named Sam.

"Oh, hi Sam." I gave a cherry wave as I sat on the floor

"I'm so sorry, I haven't seen you in a while" he said to me as he help me up.

"I've been busy with stuff"

"Okay cool then I guess I'm sorry I would love to stay and talk but I have to get this food to Emily" I looked down to see a plate of food in his hands. Most of it was properly for him.

"Okay that's cool I guess I'll see you around, tell Emily I said hi"

I waved as he walked off, so I continued to walk towards Alice. By now the pizza was there so I started to eat then a brilliant idea popped up in my head.

"Hey Alice do you have any plans after this" I looked at her with an evil grin across my face.

"No, what did you have in mind?"

"You'll see." I said taking a big bite of my pizza. Once we had both finished our pizza we headed out of the food court towards the hardware store.

"Ah Bella, why the hell are we going to a hardware store" Alice looked at me weirdly.

"Because that's the only place in the mall you can buy spray paint silly" I said turning to her and smiling.

"Ah," she said smiling widely, it looked as if I had just given her a new car. We enter the store and went straight for the paint section. We decided to get hot pink, blue and black. As soon as we paid we walk out of the store and out of the mall towards the bush we hid our skateboards in. We got them and started skating to the old abandoned hospital.

As soon as we got there we looked around and then at each other, there was no one there so we decided on what we should paint on the brick wall.

In the end we decide to draw skulls, if I do say so myself they looked really awesome. That's when I heard something I really did not want to hear at this exact moment.

"Hurry up Bella, we have to go now!" she yelled at me as I grabbed all the spray paint off the ground. We skated off down the road as fast as we could hoping that the cops would not see us from the old hospital.

We skidded around a corner and smashed into what felt like a ton of bricks.

"OW!" I moaned.


I knows its pretty short but the chapters get longer as the story goes on, i promise.

So did u.............