I'm a huge fan of 24 and this is just a random drabble. Let me know what you think.
The room was so small and I still wasn't sure how I'd gotten there. I'd been in the middle of class when two men in suits had come in and flashed FBI badges. They said they needed me to come with them. I refused at first and that's when the handcuffs had come out. They slammed me into wall and cuffed my wrists together tightly, much to the amazement of my English 101 fellow students.
I knew that there had been some sort of airplane crash near D.C., but I hadn't thought anything about it. My brother was a pilot and he said that air traffic controllers had so much stress to deal with that they often committed suicide.
I was forced into the back seat of a dark SUV and driven to the FBI building in downtown Washington D.C. My mind was immediately reeling with questions. Did this have anything to do with the movies and music I'd downloaded off the internet recently? If that was the case, they should've arrested all the college students. Everyone downloaded stuff off the web.
Now, as I grew uncomfortably nervous and somewhat claustrophobic in this room, I went through all my recent actions. I hadn't gotten any speeding tickets, hadn't really broken any laws…I had absolutely no idea was I being held here.
The door to the room opened and two people walked in—one a slender woman with red hair and a gun on her hip, and the other a good-looking man wearing tactical gear.
"Why am I being held here?" I asked, looking from one of them to the other. "Did I do something wrong?"
As the man went to uncuff me, the woman spoke. "I'm sorry about having to use the cuffs, but my agents indicated that you weren't willing to come right away. We needed to speak with you about a matter of national security."
"Listen," I said. "I downloaded three Taylor Swift songs onto my IPOD. That's it. I didn't do anything else."
"This doesn't have anything to do with the music you downloaded, I'm afraid," the woman said, looking down at the folder in her hands.
Something suddenly told me that I had a problem. I didn't know what it was, but instinct told me that something very bad was about to happen.
"Ms Emerson, do you have a brother named David?" the man asked me, sitting down in front of me.
"David? Yes, he's my brother, but I haven't seen him in almost two years. He stays really busy with work," I explained. "Is he okay?"
"I'm afraid he's dead," the man told me quietly.
I choked on air, unable to comprehend what had just happened. David, my beloved older brother, was dead. "How?" I gasped, tears filling my eyes as I desperately tried not to cry.
"Ms. Emerson, your brother was involved with some unsavory people. He was working with terrorists. The same people responsible for the plane collision an hour ago."
I was incredulous. These people obviously had the wrong David Emerson. My brother would never be involved with terrorists. "I'm sorry, but you're wrong about David," I insisted. "He's a good man!"
The woman put the folder down on the table and opened it. A picture of my brother, covered in blood, with his eyes wide open despite the fact that he was obviously dead, stared up at me. Immediately, I felt sick to my stomach.
"Get that away from me!" I screamed, pushing the folder away and burying my face in my hands as I fought the urge to throw up.
"Ms. Emerson, the men responsible for today's attacks want something now," the man announced. "They want you!"
Let me know what you think, please!!!!