A/N: While I was half-asleep this morning, I came up with this completely random idea. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin.


The Dare and it's Forfeit

Arthur stormed into his chambers and chucked a cloak onto his table. He was followed slowly by Merlin who was staggering under the weight of a chest. "How could I have lost?" Arthur growled.

Merlin winced as he put the chest on the floor (and his foot), "What was the dare?"

Arthur scowled as he remembered the night before, "I suppose you should know the whole story as you will be doing the 'forfeit' with me." He sat on a chair and signalled Merlin to sit on the other, "Last night, both Morgana and I had too much to drink and we got into an argument."

Merlin nodded, he had been serving Arthur and had witnessed the argument.

"Well, Morgana and I decided to settle it by a dare. The dare was to get something of my father's and display it from the tower." Arthur signalled in the direction of Camelot's highest tower. "My object was my father's red cloak and Morgana's was a piece of my father's under-garments. The first person's object displayed was the winner and the loser, including his or her servant, has to forego a forfeit."

Merlin fell off the chair, "How come Gwen and I got dragged into this?"

Arthur ignored his manservant, "When I woke up, Morgana had already completed the dare!"

"Wha...What about the forfeit?"

"Oh, that's in the chest."


Merlin held a garment up for Arthur to inspect. The prince shook his head. He held another one up. Arthur shook his head again. Again, Merlin held another garment up. Again, Arthur shook his head. Merlin rolled his eyes. He was about to pick up another when Arthur stopped him, "That one would suit you."

Merlin groaned as he placed the garment to one side. Arthur was rooting through the chest, "I'll wear this one." He pulled the garment out, "Now, how do I put it on?"


"Are you sure she wanted us to do this too?" Merlin asked, desperate to get this 'forfeit' done.

The Crowned Prince glared at his idiot servant, "Yes! Ow! Careful! You just poked me in the eye!"


Arthur stood before the door to his chambers. He smoothed down his dress and tried to resist the urge to wipe away the lipstick on his lips. He turned to Merlin, "Ready?"

Merlin adjusted his bodice, "One Question."


"Does my bum look big in this?"