Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.



Chapter 1




Kagome reached up and stopped her alarm clock. Kagome grumbled as she got out of bed. She then got dressed in her new school uniform brushed her hair and went down stares

When she reached the bottom of the stares she walked to the kitchen and saw her mom cooking. (I'm going to call her mom Keko ok)

"Morning honey." Keko said.

"Morning mom what are you making" Kagome asked.

"Pancakes." Keko answered as Kagome sat at the table.

"So what's my miko up to today?" kagome looked at her mom.

"Like I know it's my first day." Kagome answered.

Keko gave Kagome her food. About ten minutes later Kagome left for school.


Kagome arrived at her school. She walked into the mane office to see a women painting her nails. Kagome walked over to the women.

"Ano excuse me." the women looked up at her.

"Oh hi darlin can I help you." She said with a southern ascent.

"I'm new at the school so."

"You're name?"

"Higurashi Kagome."

"Okay heres you're schedule." The women said as she handed Kagome a peace of paper.

"Thank you." Kagome took the paper and left the office. She looked for her locker. When she found it a silver haired boy was leaning on her locker.

"Excuse me you're blocking my locker." The boy looked at her.

"Oh sorry I'm waiting for my girlfriend and her cosine." He said before moving out of the way.

"Thanks, so what's you're name." Kagome asked.

"I'm Takishi Inuyasha and you are?"

"Higurashi Kagome."

"Oh you're kikyo's cosine." He said.

"How do you know Kiki-chan?" Kagome asked.

"I'm her boyfriend." He explained. Another silver haired boy walked over to the two and said.

"Inuyasha, ki…" he paused. "You're not kikyo." He said.

"Yeah this is Kagome, kikyo's cosine." Inuyasha explained.

"I see you look a lot like kikyo. I'm Takishi Sesshomaru inuyasha's brother." He said reaching for Kagome's hand. Kagome took the hand and shook it.

Kagome tried to open her locker but it wouldn't open.

"Shit! Damn locker!" Sesshomaru walked over to her banged the locker and opened it.

"There you go." He said to the girl.

"Thank you." She said with a smile. She then put her books in and closed it.

"No problem." Then a girl throw a can at Inuyasha.

"Hay hanyou boy you done wasting life." Kagome looked to see a girl with short black hair. "What's wrong dog boy…" before she could finish her sentence Kagome spoke up.

"WHAT THE HELL! lesion bitch you leave my cosine's boyfriend alone or I'll kick you're ass!" She glared at the girl as she released her aura on her.

"A-And who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Higurashi Kagome." The girl looked terrified.

"A Higurashi? Shit!" She said before running off.

"Thank you. So you're a miko?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yes the reason she's scared is because I attacked her with my aura." She said.

"What I didn't feel any thing." Sesshomaru said.

"Exactly." Kagome said bye to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and went to her first class.


"Class this is Higurashi Kagome she's a transfer student (I don't know how to spell transfer) so treat her nicely." The class nodded. "Kagome why don't you tell the class a little about you're self and then you can choose you're set." Kagome nodded and stepped forward.

"The name as you know is Higurashi Kagome I'm a miko, my favorite colors are red, black and any other dark color. I was kicked out of my old school and if you piss me off I'll kick you're ass." She then headed to the back of the room. She sat and looked around and when she looked to her right she saw…

"Kiki long time no see." She said.

"Kag, I see you decided to ware the girl's uniform instead of the boy's." Kikyo said as she and Kagome did there secret hand shake.

"Yeah but I'm not going to wear it again." Kagome said laughing.

The rest of the class went by really fast and Kikyo and Kagome had the same schedule so they walked together.


(After class)

"So Kags do you like the school so far?" Kikyo asked her cosine.

"I like it and I've met Inuyasha and fluffy." Kagome and Kikyo walked down the last hall to get to there class.

"Fluffy?" Kikyo asked.

"Yes Sesshomaru's nickname." Kagome explained. Kagome ran into something hard but worm. She looked up to see Sesshomaru. "Oh hi Sesshy-kun." Sesshomaru razed his eyebrow.


"Yes you see I have tow nicknames for you fluffy-kun and Sesshy-kun." She said with a smile. Kagome walked to the front of the room to have the teacher announce her to the class. After the teacher announced her she was appointed a set next to Sesshomaru.

"Ok class turn to page 22." The teacher said. 'Great I don't have a since book' Kagome thought. Suddenly Sesshomaru put his since book in-between them.

"I'll share with you until you get your own ok." Kagome nodded.


'That class went by pretty fast.' Kagome thought as she walked to social studies. (I'm going to skip to launch)


"Do they have roman?" Kikyo nodded. "Pizza?" Kikyo nodded. "UDON!" Kikyo nodded as Kagome screamed. (I don't know how to spell udon so)

Kagome walked into a over sized launch room. Her eyes widened as she gazed at the launch room they had every thing.

After getting there food Kikyo lead Kagome to her table. Kagome saw Sesshomaru Inuyasha to tow boys and one girl she didn't know.

"Kags I'd like you to meet Sango, Miroku, and Kohaku."

"Nice to meet you all and good to see Fluffy-kun and Inuyasha again." Kagome said. Inuyasha chuckled.


"Be quiet Inuyasha." Sesshomaru ordered.

"Ok but why is she calling you Fluffy-kun?"

"It's his nickname." Kagome explained.

"Oh sounds good too me. Ne Fluffy." Inuyasha said and about tow secants later regretted it. Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyasha's throat and glared at him.

"What did you call me?" Sesshomaru asked the hanyou.

"O-onii-chan." Sesshomaru let go of his throat. "Why can she call you Fluffy and I can't?" Inuyasha asked his onii-chan. Sesshomaru shrugged.

"She new so I'm cutting her some slack." He explained.

"Aww thanks Fluffy-kun but I can take care of my self." Kagome explained."

"No kidding she got in so many fights she got kicked out." Kikyo told her friends.

"Hay the football guy was asking for it. Hitting on me the way he did." Kagome defended her self not very well I mite ad.

"You bet up a guy from the football team." Inuyasha asked.

"The jock to be exact." Kikyo corrected.

"Wow clear the halls Kagomes coming to town." Sango exclaimed.

Kagome got up and started bowing. "Thank you thank you you're to kind." She said. She then sat down and said. "I'm never wiring the girl's uniform again."

"Why?" Miroku asked.

"Because the skirts to short and you can't do anything in it. No kicks no binding down to far. But I told my mom I'd try the girl's uniform." Kagome explained.

"Oh makes since." Inuyasha said as Sesshomaru nodded in agreement.

"Say Sesshy-kun you're like three years older then us. So why are you at the same level as us?" Kagome asked the 18 year old.

"My father wonted me to watch over Inuyasha so I started school late." He explained.

"Oh ok."

Launch ended pretty fast and Kagome Kikyo Sesshomaru Inuyasha Sango Miroku and Kohaku walked to music.


Kagome and the others arrived in music. Kagome spotted her little brother Sohta. Kagome snuck up and saw Kohaku staring at her. She put her index finger to her lips to make sure he stayed quit and he did.

Kagome raped her arm around Sohta's neck and gave him a nogy.

"There's my little brother I haven't seen you all day." She said continuing the nogy.

"Ka-Kagome lot go." Kagome obeyed and lot go. She then ran to were every one else was. When she got there she polled a chare over and sat down.

"Yo." She said with a peace sine.

"Hay Kags did you attack Sohta again?" Kikyo asked her cosine. (can some one please tell me how to spell Kagome's little brother's name)

"Hawed you know?" Kagome asked sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

"I saw you." Kikyo explained.

About four minutes later the teacher came out. "Ok redeyes have decided to additions girls to become there lead singer. Sine up on the paper next to the stage and let the fun began." She announced.

Then Sesshomaru walked over and said. "Kagome are you going to addition for our band?"

"Our band?" Confutation on her face.

"Yes I'm the lead guitarist Kikyo plays piano, Miroku plays the base gutter, Sango does the special effects and Inuyasha plays drums." Sesshomaru explained to the miko.

"Oh ok I'll sine up." She said with a smile.

When the additions started Kagome thought shed never hear again the girls definitely couldn't sing then they called her name.

"What song are you going to sing Kags?" Kikyo asked.

"The song I rote when I was little."

"Oh you mean hold me titer?"

"That's the one." Kagome said smiling a smile that was so bright you mite need sunglasses.

"Fluffy-kun I'm going to start the song and when I tell you start playing ok?" Kikyo asked ignoring the fact she just called him Fluffy-kun.

"Sure but don't call me that." The piano started playing. Then Kikyo signaled Sesshomaru to start. Then Kagome started singing.

"I can see my blood flowing throw my fanes.

I can see my heart throbbing in my chest.

How could I have ever lot you go when all I think about is how you held me!

Hold me close. Don't lot go." She really added volume here.

"Hold me titer and don't lot me fall.

I am a you're angel I am you're light.

Say who you are for I am here I am there in you're arms.

You said you would protect me and you kept you're promise but now it's time to lot go.

It's the sad part if you protect me you die if you don't protect me I well die.

Who do you choose is it me or you………
hold me close don't lot go.

Hold me titer and don't lot me fall.

I am you're angel I am you're light.

Don't lot me go. Don't look away.

How could I have ever lot you go when all I think about is how you go!

Don't lot me go!

Don't lot me fall!

Who am I to think I could change?" the music slowed down.

"Why won't you hold me the way you use to? I miss you're warmth. You loving smile." The music sped up again.

"Look at me and hold me titer.

You're heart is mine to.

I am a angel of the realm I am the keeper of you're heart.

Oh wow oh wow…

Look in my eyes and tell me you love me.

Hold me titer then ever.

Say my name.

You are my love. You are the keeper of my heart.

Hold my heart in you're hands hold 'my heart to yours.

Be my love and we will win the gold." The music stop before Kagome was done singing.

"Ok, ok I've heard enough. We'll decide who our singer will be and announce it in a few minutes." Sesshomaru said before leaving.

After ten minutes Sesshomaru Kikyo and the rest of the band walked out.

"Ok we've decided that our new singer well be Higurashi Kagome." Sesshomaru announced. Kagome then started jumped up and down as one girl ran at her and another yelled. "kill rex kill."

When the girl grabbed Kagome, Kagome grabbed the girl's hand that was on her arm flipped the girl then put her right foot on the girl's stomach and put her hands on her hips, her face to the side with a ear to ear smile.


Medog: yes first chapter I'm so assume.

Kagome: medog was inspired by 'a miko's life in sakura high' to make this story.

Kikyo: Yay I'm Kag's best friend!

Kagome: Yay I'm kiki's best friend!

Inuyasha: medog well make the chapters longer…

Sesshomaru: but to get the story started medog is starting with this.

Inuyasha: that was my line.

Medog: REVIEW!!!