Tom didn't have to search long before he found his boyfriend. The brisk, night air had done little to cool him down, so when he approached the older one in a small coffee shop close to the hotel, his mere presence disrupted the tranquility of the warmly-lit store.

Almost expectedly, Ryuuji looked up from his steaming cup of tea to find an angry Tom bearing down on him. He groaned inwardly, but kept an unexpressive exterior, waiting for his lover to speak first. He thought he knew what was coming, but hardly expected what happened.

For the second time that night, Ryuuji's ears rang with a loud smack, this time accompanied with a stinging pain down the left side of his face. His head jerked to the side from the force and his grip on the teacup tightened just the slightest. He couldn't reprimand the other for such an action, so he simply, silently, looked back to Tom and waited for him to speak (rather, more likely, yell).

"What is your problem?" It wasn't a shout, but a low growl-- potentially more dangerous and threatening than outright anger.

"He instigated," Ryuuji said calmly, showing amazing discipline. Generally, if someone hit him in anyway, he was on them and didn't let up until he was sure they'd learned their lesson. Tom, of course, was different and it found Ryuuji conflicted between the instinct of attacking back and the realization that if he did, he'd lose everything.

"Don't give me that bullshit," Tom's voice growing louder as he spoke, "you had no right to raise a hand against him!"

Now a bit annoyed, Ryuuji's eyes narrowed at the one still standing. "And he had a right to pry into our relationship, like it was his business?"

"If he wants to pry, let him! What? You think I'm going to keep my brother out of the loop? You obviously have a lot to learn about us." All twins, really, and Ryuuji should have known. As opposite as they appeared, they couldn't be more similar in their understanding of exactly where they stood with each other-- at the top. It was an unspoken, yet unbreakable, vow and Ryuuji had threatened it in a major way.

"And you obviously have a lot to learn about me." Standing, Ryuuji discarded his earlier thoughts of apologizing and hoping for forgiveness. It wasn't who he was when he felt that something was so undeniably unfair. Tom was his; didn't the older twin realize his brother was hoping this would happen? He refused to play into Bill's plan, even if everything he had done thus far had been just that. "If you want to be attached to your brother's hip for the rest of your life, be my guest, but I'm dating you, not him. Our relationship is personal, which means it's no one's business but ours."

"Ryuuji," Tom sighed, shaking his head in frustration. "How can you possibly expect to come in here and change everything that we've built up our entire lives?"

"I'm not trying to change everything," the brunette argued, frowning. "I'm trying to have a relationship; with you." He hesitated, then looked the other square in the eyes. "Who means more to you?"

"Don't ask me that." Talk about unfair. Ryuuji couldn't possibly understand what it was like to choose between the two-- he didn't have two people pulling him in opposite directions. His affection for the manager and the love he felt for his brother rivaled each other fiercely, and to say which one was more passionate and sincere would be an impossible task.

"I can't settle for being second in your life," Ryuuji told Tom, brushing by him to leave the shop, "and I can't stand not knowing where I stand with you."

The younger one's eyes focused on the cooling liquid still sitting serenely in its cup. His fists clenched as he heard the shop door open and he suddenly spun around. "I would like to know the same, since apparently my happiness isn't placed above your jealousy and childishness."

"Jealousy?" Ryuuji whispered, nearly laughing at the irony. "Perhaps you should take a good look at your dear brother and tell me who's the jealous one." Not missing a beat, he added, "I hope you realize that he's trying to break us apart."

"Bullshit," Tom murmured to only himself, his shoulders slumping as the light jingle of the bells attached to the shop door rang through his head. Bill wouldn't...would he? Only one person would know for sure.

"How did it go?" The concern expressed betrayed Bill's true feelings of the situation as his brother entered the hotel room rather dejectedly.

"I smacked him," Tom said simply, "we fought a little, and he left."

The singer couldn't help the spark that flew through his eyes-- everything had gone perfectly. Ryuuji was out of the picture. "He wasn't good for you, anyway. He didn't understand you."

Tom shook his head, still frustrated and confused, and crossed the room to take a seat on the sofa. "He said..."

Ah crap. The minute excitement died down and Bill joined his brother on the couch, linking an arm around his shoulders lightly. He studied Tom for a long moment before pressing the matter. "What did he say?"

"That you were trying to break us up." As miserable and unsure as he felt, the older twin's voice stayed strong.

Bill immediately frowned, delicate fingers turning the other's face towards his. "You know me better than anyone, Tom. Do you really think I'd do something like that?" His hand dropped to grab his brother's. "Would I do something to purposely make you unhappy?"

Tom swallowed hard and returned his gaze to the floor. "He said you were jealous of us-- of him-- and I know how you get..."

"That's absurd," he said, perhaps too quickly. Withdrawing slightly at the curious gaze his slight outburst elicited, he offered what he thought to be a reassuring smile. "I hate to see you like this. You shouldn't have to choose between your brother and your lover."

"I tried to tell him that..."

"And he didn't listen," Bill assumed, placing a hand on his brother's head at the confirming nod. "He's selfish, he wants you all to himself."

"He never minded before," Tom said. "Before everyone found out."

"Perhaps it took a while to build up," Bill suggested, easily playing the shoulder-to-cry-on and loving every minute of it. Not only had he pushed Ryuuji away, but this was sure to draw Tom in closer to him.

"I think he's under the impression that you're in love with me, or something," the gangster laughed slightly, shaking his head. "Maybe that's why he's acting like this."

The singer hesitated, then took the plunge. "What if I was?"

Tom immediately tensed, the smile dropping from his lips and his eyes slowly venturing to his twin's face. "What?"

"What if I was in love with you?" Bill repeated, struggling to maintain his confidence despite the undesirable reaction. "What would you do?"

Tom stared for a few more seconds, trying to determine whether this was some kind of bad joke or a confession of true emotions. Feeling the other out, he played along. "I'd tell you to go see a psychiatrist and maybe get a girlfriend."

The flinch was unavoidable and very noticeable. Bill recoiled, pulling away from his brother and standing in a single, fluid motion. "Well," he said with a tight smile, "I'll keep that in mind if I ever feel the need to fall in love with you."

A bit confused by the uncharacteristic behavior and sudden distance, Tom watched as his sibling quickly escaped the conversation and headed toward the door. "Where are you going?"

"I thought maybe I'd see if I could go find Ryuuji. He might do something stupid and lover or not, he's still our sound manager." Before Tom could protest, Bill waved a hand and gave a small wink. "Don't worry, I'll try not to get him upset again." With that, he slipped out the door and shut it firmly behind him.

After a bit of searching, Bill found the man he was looking for along the walkway of a near-silent bridge. The crashing waters underneath broke against the cold steel before rolling back upon themselves and renewing the process. Ryuuji was watching the aquatic dance, leaning heavily on the railing, seemingly lost in thought. Sighing to himself, relieved that the brunette was only thinking and (hopefully) not thinking of jumping, Bill approached him cautiously.

When he heard his name called, Ryuuji snapped from his daze and turned his head to watch the younger twin approach him. His expression immediately went from peaceful to resentful as he stood up straight. "What do you want now?" he hissed, the irritation from the earlier fights prickling his skin.

Bill remained silent and leaned his hip easily against the railing, looking out over the raging sea to the horizon, where the first rays of sunlight were threatening to break through. He kept his eyes locked on that point of light, where he knew the sun would first rise, as he spoke. "I didn't want to let him go," he murmured, his voice nearly masked by the roar of the waves below. "I didn't even realize I would have to, eventually, until I found out about you two."

Sensing that the younger sibling had come to smooth over the bad feelings that rose from their argument, Ryuuji leaned back against the railing, his own sights lowered to the intricate pattern of the bridge's design. Wires criss-crossed and intertwined, forever fated to be close to one another; to be connected. His eyes slowly closed and his head bowed, forcing the next words from his mouth.

"He's not yours to control, but...he's not mine, either. We both know Tom well enough to know that he'll keep who he wants and get rid of who he can't stand. The fact that we're both in his life is what matters, and...there's no way we should argue about who's more important."

"It's not fair to him," Bill agreed, chancing a glance to the man at his side. "If we care about him, truly..."

"Then we'll get along and live with the fact that we're both in his life and that it'll stay that way," Ryuuji finished.

Neither seemed happy about the prospect, but found some joy in the knowledge that their decision would bring Tom happiness. Bill had never had to share and Ryuuji had never had anything to share in the first place. It had been a rocky start, but as the sun finally peaked over the calming waters and illuminated the closely-knit metal of the bridge, the two reached a silent agreement that they could (and, for Tom, would), quiet the jealous whispers in the dark corners of their minds.

I'm such a loser. I always have to make the title fit in with the story somehow. WHAT, NO MORE SEX? But this ending is so corny and perfect XD. Well, here you are, my dear. I hope you enjoyed~