Title: Report
Author/Artist: Picupzors/Picup
Pairing: Seta Souji x Amagi Yukiko
Fandom: Persona 4
Theme: #10 -- #10
Disclaimer: Atlus owns Persona 4, I do not, sadly.

"I can't believe I have to say this… But I am disappointed in you, Souji. I know it's been a couple of months since you have moved here – but scoring below average in your midterms? As your guardian, I will have to take responsibility if there is no improvement."

Lying flat on his desk, Seta Souji had to sigh as that thought came into his mind. He remembered when he got a warning from his uncle Doujima – who was not impressed at all with his midterm marks.

Then again, neither was Souji.

Vowing to do better – to get in the top 10 – or even #10 (which was a good standard to start with), he started to work harder. Expeditions to the TV were less, as everyone (especially Satonaka) started to work harder.

It was one week before the exams, and Morokin, just to laugh in their faces and watch them squirm – assigned them an assignment on Ro-mi-o and Ju-li-e-to – or Romeo and Juliet, which was how it was spelled in English. Apparently, it was worth 20% of their final mark – and there were questions going to be on it on the Final (which was highly unlikely, but no one wanted to fail…).

They were given an act, and had to translate and give a brief description on the symbolism of the scene.

At first, he didn't have too much trouble with the assignment… but when 'Romeo' and 'Juliet' met together at the… dance…. Ball…


He shut his book in frustration – gathering his books, he slipped it in his school bag, and stormed out of his room.

Disappearing down the stairs, he told his young cousin he was going out for a walk; he would be back for dinner...



Tap… Tap… Tap…

Souji watched the pebble he tossed fall into the river after three hops. He sat on the flood plains, watching the river just drift away with no care…

Another heavy sigh escaped his lips – he wished he could drift away with no care… No finals… No pressure… No stupid Romeo and Juliet report…


He nearly jumped up from his seating, glancing quickly beside him – seeing a shiny, black shoe crunch against his note book.

Eyes followed the foot – to the leg, and up to the face of one he recognized very well.

"Oh, Amagi."

He greeted, giving her a curt nod. Amagi Yukiko stood there, a small bag of groceries in her hand, Junes written on the front. She smiled back at him, "Hello, Seta-kun."

He patted the ground gently next to him, indicating that she could sit next to him – and she accepted the offer graciously. Taking a seat next to him, and patting her skirt down, both grey and dark eyes followed the river, watching it drift down.

"… What brings you here, Amagi?"
"I was going to ask you the same, Seta-kun."

She paused, probably thinking about what words to choose for her response. "I was running quick errands for my Mother, and I spotted you on the riverbank. How about you?"

Her eyes tore away from the river, and she glanced at the grey haired teen beside her. He seemed to show an expression of discomfort, a small frown willing its way onto his lips.

"… Morokin's Romeo and Juliet assignment?"

She asked, getting a nod. She giggled a little, "I agree, it is frustrating at times… And because William Shakespeare wrote it in old English, even for English speaking people, it would be hard for interpretation without proper instruction…"

She trailed lightly, before pursing her lips… "I can give you a hand… How about... saying the act out loud…"

Souji stiffened a little, talk to Amagi in English…? Would he make a fool of himself in front of a good friend and the top student in class?


He opened up his notebook, flipping to the page where he left off. He glanced at his notes, quickly reading the katakana that he wrote down…

He paused, clearing his throat – before opening his mouth.


"…Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged."

He stopped there, looking over at Amagi who seemed to be staring out in space… At first, he thought she was watching something in the river, but as he followed her gaze, he saw nothing…


He watched her nearly jump up at attention, blinking a couple of times. "O-Oh…? S-Sorry…"

"… I never knew Amagi was a dreamer."

He teased quietly, taking a seat next to her once more. A delicate blush was on Amagi's face – trying to avoid his laughing gaze. "I-I was just thinking about the meaning of that statement a-and I was…"

She trailed again, and Souji laughed quietly.

"… Then, allow me to purge my sins..."

He made up quickly on the spot, making Yukiko look at him bewilderedly as his hand slipped on the jaw line of her face. He gently made her look towards him, and leaned forward, their lips meeting in a soft kiss.

She made no move to go away, heck, she moved against his hand – her lips moving against his.

Moments passed, and they slowly parted with each other, Yukiko whispering against the edge of his lips.

"... You kiss by the book..."

Souji chuckled lowly at that statement, about to go in for a second -- until a cell phone shot off, a playful tune playing, indicating a call -- which startled both teens.

Souji looked away, a nervous laugh escaping his lips as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, and Yukiko turning a crimson red, as she slipped her cell phone out -- picking it up with a nervous, "H-Hello?"

She paused.

"O-Oh... No I'm not busy right now... I-I just have to return these groceries to my Inn... Yes, I'll come over and help you do your Shakespeare report... Right, I'll be there in about a half an hour."

She hung up, glancing over at Souji, who was looking over at her now with a curious gaze. She just had a small smile on her face.

"It was Chie... She asked me if I could give her a hand..."
"... Ah... I see... Here, I'll walk you home."

He stood up, helping her up as well -- before they gathered their things and headed back up to the sidewalk path, and started down to the Amagi Inn.


"Hey! The marks for the finals have been posted!"

Souji looked up from his book that he was reading on his desk, blinking. With a heavy sigh, he stood up.

Here goes nothing...

He left the room, an unreadable expression on his face.


"Hm? Oh, Seta-kun, hello."

Yukiko Amagi greeted him curtly as he came up to her while she was looking at the school bulletin board on the first floor. Dark eyes blinked – as she saw a wide smile on his face, and his eyes were flickering with joy.

"… Thanks. Amagi."

He said, stepping forward, and suddenly giving her a warm embrace. Her eyes widened in shock – and a blush crept on her face.

"I got #10 on the test scores."

A/N: Ah. Finally, my first embark into 30kisses.

... And for a starter, I didn't like it. Trust me, I'll do better in future prompts, this one was actually harder for me to work with then I thought. xD;

Most likely, a lot of you probably don't like to think of the prospect of Souji... well, doing bad, or being a moron in general. I actually... like to change his personality once in a while, I mean sure the whole caring and listening and etc. is good -- but changing up his personality once in a while to a more... goofy type of guy, I actually liked thinking like that.


Oh well, this idea was actually... It still didn't turn out like I thought it was -- I-I'll just do better with my future prompts.

Uh, enjoy, read, review, and do stay tuned for my next upcoming which will be probably sappier than this.

I don't own Shakespeare, I forgot to mention that xD;