1 Metal Gear Solid: The Compilation


…By espresso d gecko

Chapter One: The Situation

The starry night sky served as a backdrop for the white, snow-caped mountains as a black shape formed in the glow of the moon. A circle of dark wind swung like a halo above it and it hovered quietly and steadily through the air, and through the cravasses of the Rockies that surrounded it. A voice called through the night.

"They call themselves Philosophy. Their leader is a man by the name of Socrates."

"I thought he died a few hundred years ago," a deep, scratchy tone replied.

"No, not THE Socrates. It's just what he calls himself."

The halo became more solid and the figure sped. Something opened in its side and as the moon light whipped over the object, it revealed a scruffy face and a stalky body in the doorway of a fairly small helicopter. He peered quickly into the vast nothingness and then turned back to a seat. He put his hand to his ear. "Hmm...it sounds familiar."

"It should. From the Big Bang a few months back."

"That's right. Terrorists set off an explosion on the Three-Mile Island."

"Yea. And it didn't just take out the plant. A big chunk of Pennsylvania was wiped off the maps with it."

"My memory is a little fuzzy. How'd they connect him to the explosion?"

"The government led a huge investigation following the attack. Apparently, Socrates had visited the plant the day prior to the explosion and phone calls were traced to some of the aliases the terrorists used. When they went to his home to arrest him, they caught him in the middle of a conversation with two fugitives of the Big Bang. That basically confirmed their suspicions and they took him down right on the spot."

"What about the other two terrorists?"

"One of 'em got a bullet in the forehead, the other got one in the thigh. He limped to cover, though, somehow eluding the cops."


The man in the helicopter stood again, walking to the doorway. He leaned against the wall, trying to make sense of the land around him, but it wasn't familiar.

"So, wondering where you're headed?" The voice echoed through his ear.

"Yea, actually."

"Heh. About four hours ago, a government morgue was breached and two bodies were stolen from the freezers. Just after the abduction, Philosophy contacted the Pentagon and claimed they had taken control of Hell's Outpost."

"Hell's Oupost? Sounds cozy."

"That's where you're headed right now. Its located in the Rockies."

"Maybe not so cozy. What is it the terrorists want?"

"They're demanding 15 million dollars for the return of one of the bodies. An additional 30 million for the second."

"What good is a frozen corpse?"

"One of them has been IDed as Socrates, and the other...well, the government denies its existence, but its clear that Philosophy has two bodies. They've repeated it to U.S. officials more than a dozen times."

"I wonder why the government would deny that they had two bodies..."

"Well, since the Patriots remain mysteries, we can expect more unusual behavior from the government."

"You never answered my question."


"What good is a frozen corpse? Even if it is Socrates. You can't do anything with a dead body."

"Do you know what Socrates was famous for?"

"I dont watch the news much."

"Well, I guess the Patriots' doings give you good reason. Anyway, Socrates was credited for his scientific theories and his philosophies. His most famous quote was 'Where there is neither life nor death, there is nothing.'"

"Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out."

"He used science to try and prove his philosophies and theories such as the one in this quote. But, the only way he could do that, was to build life and death into actual things."

"We've got guns and medicine for that."

"No. Guns only bring death, and medicine only purifies life. What he wanted was something you could touch that was the real manifestation of life or death. So, he created a theory."

"Theory? So, it wasn't proven?"

"Right, but he came very close to finishing his research. He created a theory that stated when both the Hell Cell -- the manifestation of death -- and the Perfect Cell -- manifestation of life -- were fuzed, the outcome would bring nothingness."


"Basically, when they were combined, they would cancel each other out, and there would be nothing in their place."

"That's pretty simple, but what's so terrible about that?"

"When they cancel each other out, they bring forth a giant explosion that can decimate all matter it touches. That is what is so terrible about that."

"So, with this...Perefect Cell...Philosophy could resurrect their leader."

"Precisely. And he could make his theory, fact."


"Now, dont refer to our agency as...well, what we used to call it. Just refer to it as CODE."


"You should be coming up on Hell's Outpost very soon. As soon as you drop, contact me using Codec."

"All right. Wish me good luck, eh, Otacon?"

"That's what those cigarettes of yours are for."


"Talk to you again soon...Snake."