I've decided to type this out because I haven't fully thought of how I'm going to write the next chapter for my other story. I hope I keep

Disclaimer: Code Geass is owned by Sunrise, none of the characters are in my possession.

I look down on my oversized white T-shirt and maroon shorts. I really, really should have ordered a medium size instead of a large at the beginning of the school year. I rubbed my hands against my arms; it was awfully cold outside, especially for the month of April. I look at the sun, brightly lighting the school grounds, it would be warm if it wasn't for the harsh gusts of winds that would blow continuously. I shivered.

Why? Why do we have to exercise in even bad conditions? Physical Education is such a cruel class; especially when they bring out the dodge balls, baseball bats, and volleyballs. I'm not the fastest runner…or the best catcher. You have got to be a fool to say I'm the strongest thrower. It's the same with Lelouch…

Each class is split differently, first by grade level and then by gender. Strangely, the Physical Education teachers that are tougher always, and I mean always teach the guys' class. The perky-sounding push-over teachers always teach the girls' class. Not that I don't mind having a light teacher, it's just…isn't it a little sexist to think that guys are the ones who can handle a rough work-out. What am I to say that though? With how I run, I can't prove them wrong.

After doing meaningless stretches, i.e. jumping jacks, push-ups; my teacher, Mrs. Van, sent us all for a run around the school. From where I stood, it would be a...half-a-mile run. Mrs. Van placed her silver whistle in the center of her lips and blew a shrilly scream. That shows that we should run--and we are-- and as always, I'm nearly last.

The wind blows strongly and numbs my cheeks; I barely took fifty steps and my legs already burn. I wanted to stop, but yet I didn't. I can't, can't be the most unfit in the class. I've a small competitive side of me that no one knows…everyone thinks I'm the happy-go-lucky girl who doesn't have a deeper side to her. I doubt anyone understands…

I closed my eyes. It often helps when I run—and it did. While I leapt in the air, picking up my speed with all my might, so did the current of air. Too bad, though, while I was in the air, a HUGE blast of wind propelled against the entire class.

I got knocked off my step and crashed forward on the concrete. A loud thump could be heard when I fell.

My entire body was sore. My arms wobbled as I used them to lift my upper-half body back up. I watched as all the runners jogged pass me, without even a glance at where I was. I can't believe this.

I can hear Mrs. Van screaming frantically, something of the phrase with the word 'first-aid kit' in it. I couldn't really hear; I was concentrated on the sound of red liquid dripping down my chin and onto the ground. Gosh, I was bleeding an awful lot.

By my side-line sight, I could see someone sprint at lightning speed, carrying a red bag with a white cross over their shoulder. It's…it's a boy…with a worried look over his eyes. Hmm…

He skids to a stop next to my body, sneakers squealing. Bending down his lanky legs, he grabbed me by my shoulder and flipped me over, eying my every injury.

"Shirley? Shirley! Are you okay?" he unzipped the first-aid bag, and pulled out cotton balls and a bottle of hydrogen-peroxide.

My arms and knees were all scratched. It felt as if many sewing needles were stabbing my limbs. He tilted my chin to the left, having the wounded side facing him. Using a hydrogen-peroxide drenched cotton ball, he harshly dabbed my jaw.

"NNOOOO! Lelou! STOP IT, IT HURTS!" I push his hands aside; the pain was worse than a leg muscle cramp. A tear slid down the corner of my eye and dropped to my hair.

Lelouch looked at me flabbergastedly. "Sorry…" he murmured,"I'll try to be more careful." Lelouch placed his index finger on his lip, showing he was thinking, "How about every time I accidentally hurt you, you grip my arm as hard as you could." He extended his arm, offering.

I nodded and smiled; what else could I do?

For the next ten minutes, he softly applied the disinfectant towards my figure, and I tried, and I mean tried not to grip his arm as hard as I would. I didn't want to hurt him, in fact, who would? While bandaging my leg, he lifted my leg so slowly, like it would sever even moreif he wasn't careful. I could barely feel the pain anymore. With him, everything feels so calm…

Lelouch carried me back to the nurse's bed, instructing me to be more cautious. I agree, though not listening closely. Afterwards, my cell phone had rang—text message.


So terribly sorry…hope I didn't hurt you TOO much. Your wounds should heal fast enough if you had been listening to what I had said. If you need any help of any sort, don't be afraid to ask :).


I stared at the message longer, realizing that this was real.

It was impossible not to like him.

Well, there you have it. My pile of excrement—err, no. my work shuffled in the back of my mind. I hope it didn't come out too bad. Ta-Ta for now. ~Tutu