Hey, Bonfiore'sGirl here! Sorry this took so long, guys! Mega writer's block took hold of poor Jade, and I had to personally pry her from it's clutches. Basically, I had to write the section she couldn't. Can you find that section? If you can, put it in your review!
This chapter is from Roxas's POV, except for the end, which is in *drumroll* Axel's POV! Yay!
Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to HisLastWalk, for being an awesome reviewer!
Disclaimer: If we owned KH, the universe would explode. Still breathing? Dang. I guess we don't own it, then...
Anger Management
I tapped impatient fingers and glared at the back of Seifer's beanied head. It was his fault the left side of my face was sore, even if it hadn't actually been his fist that hit me. Hayner's feelings be damned, it was all Seifer's fault.
It wouldn't even have come to this if the arrogant asshole hadn't pulled that stupid move this morning. He'd walked up with his stupid swagger and tossed Hayner's vest at him, saying he'd left it on Seifer's floor. Hayner had turned red up to his ears and before I could work past my shock to yell, Seifer was gone.
Hence, the fight between me and Hayner. Now don't get me wrong, Hayner's a cool guy; I've known him all my life. And I don't have anything against it, but until recently, I had no idea Hayner even vaguely swung that way. And definitely not in Seifer's direction. I may have taken it a bit too far, however…
Because you're my friend, Hayner! And I never thought you were that fuckin' easy!
Yeah, that maybe had been going too far. But, really. Hayner and Seifer have been enemies since…well, since the earth began turning. And after one stupid make out session against a wall, Seifer got in my best friend's pants? That gives me the right to freak out a little. I might have been willing to give the stupid meathead a chance, but moving that fast was just not okay in my book.
The teacher was passing out papers, and instead of just handing them to me over his shoulder, Seifer turned a little to give me that stupid, cocky, condescending smirk of his. The muscles in my arm tensed, preparing to throw a punch, but I stopped myself. I really didn't need two fights in one day, and honestly, the scumbag in front of me wasn't worth it.
I settled for a fearsome glare and snatched the papers from him, angling them in an attempt to give the bully a paper cut. It didn't work. Clenching my jaw, I shoved my hand in the air more forcefully than necessary, asking to go to the bathroom when the teacher called on me.
In the hallway, I clenched and unclenched my hands, trying to calm myself down. On the way to the men's room, I passed the spot where I'd seen Seifer and Hayner talking the day before, after the beanied idiot had taken Hayner out of class. Maybe that's where they'd discussed going to Seifer's to…? Disgusted, I hurried past the offending area and kicked the bathroom door open when I reached it.
In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face and looked at my reflection in the cracked mirror above the sink. There were a couple of fragments missing, one at about eye level. The left side of my face was beginning to swell, and I touched it carefully.
The bell rang and I rolled my eyes at my reflection. I pulled the lever of the paper towel dispenser, and swore when nothing came out. Drying my face with the inside of my jacket instead, I went back out into the halls, now teeming with people. When I got back to the classroom, I was relieved to find it empty except for the teacher. I gathered my stuff and attempted to mentally prepare myself for the usual after-school routine.
Olette hurried toward me while Hayner and Pence simply walked past us, the later looking over his shoulder apologetically. Hayner didn't even glance back and as pissed as I was, it still kind of hurt to be fighting with my friend like this. And over some stupid guy who (I thought) we both had hated anyway.
Olette offered a smile and looped her arm with mine to lead us off in the direction of both our houses. I adjusted my backpack and followed her lead, ignoring Hayner just as fiercely as he had me. It was only a few blocks before I broke down and began venting my frustration to Olette in one long rant. And thank god I had a friend like her; you just couldn't say this stuff to people like Pence and certainly not to Hayner in this case.
"Dude, I can't believe he did this!" Olette didn't have to ask who I was talking about, and just gave me this sympathetic look that made me want to spill my guts even more. "I mean…come on! Did you see this coming?!"
"Well…" Olette avoided my pointed stare. "They've been in each others' hair for years. And, I mean, it's not like anybody else can get under Hayner's skin like Seifer." She smiled in that girl-way. "And you have to admit, Seifer isn't half bad-looking."
I gaped. "No I do not! He's a stuck up asshat! I can't believe you're on his side…"
Olette gave me a reproachful look. "Roxas, I'm not on anyone's side. I'm just trying to say that…maybe you're overreacting."
"Overre…overreacting?!" I stopped short on the sidewalk. "That's not the point! The point is that my best friend, who I have the highest respect for, randomly started making out with his enemy, his nemesis, and within twenty four hours, wound up fucking him!" Olette flinched, probably at how blunt I was being. "I'm a dude, I can understand hooking up fast sounds pretty cool, but not with the guy that's wiped the floor with your ass since grade school. Some warning might have been nice. Or, you know, maybe telling me and not having to find out from Seifer.
"How'm I supposed to even be okay with this? The Seifer I grew up with pushed people over on the playground when they asked to share his space in the sandbox." I hesitated, but you know what, if I was gonna sound like a girl, so be it. "What if Hayner thinks more of this than Seifer does? He's not gonna be nice to somebody unless he fucking wants to. I'm not trusting that asshole with my friend. Not if it's important to Hayner."
I think Olette understood probably better than I might have liked. "You're scared for him," she said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and kept walking. Olette caught up with me quickly and, to my surprise, looked kind of annoyed. "I can understand that you don't want your friend to get hurt. But maybe you should let him make his own choice on this. He might know more about what's going on than you do."
Well, duh, I thought. He didn't even tell me when he-
"And there might be a good reason for that." Olette made her 'you're being stupid' face. "You guys had a fight when you found out he had anything going on with Seifer. Obviously, you're not being the most supportive friend." I tried to get out my side of the argument, but Olette cut me off. "Why don't you try not yelling at him and maybe he'll talk to you about what is going on."
We'd reached her house, so Olette hugged me and dashed off to her front porch. "Oh, and you should ice that face of yours!" she added with a wave. "You're starting to look kinda purple! See you tomorrow!" She slammed the door and I started on the last five blocks to my own house.
Except that I was interrupted about ten steps from Olette's house. Out of nowhere (literally nowhere, I don't know how he did it), Axel showed up and draped his arm over my shoulders.
"Roxy!" The big redhead grinned like the idiot he is and leaned even further into my personal space. I shoved him off me and scowled. "Aw, Rox, don't be like that. I know you missed me!"
Yeah, okay, maybe that was a little true, but he didn't need to know that. "You moron, you're supposed to be in college. What the hell are you doing here?" Axel kind of had a habit of stalking me whenever he was in town, but he was normally away at college, so I didn't have to watch my back to keep from getting jumped on the streets.
"On break, sweetie," he said, still grinning his head off. Most annoying thing about Axel: the dumb nicknames. "So I came back to see you. Now, why the pissy face? Did Hay-Hay do something stupid again?"
The mention immediately put me in a bad mood again. Axel I could complain to, because he knew nothing about this, and as grating as he could be, he was always on my side, even if he knew I was wrong. That's really why I liked him at all.
"Yeah," I growled. "Something really stupid. Him and Seifer both!" Before I knew it, we were in front of my house and I'd really only expounded on the idea that Hayner was an idiot and Seifer seemed to be just bound and determined to ruin my life.
"Can I come inside?" Axel leered at me from my porch.
"No," I said, completely deadpan. The guy was okay in small doses, but dealing with him for an extended time after today would literally push me over into the category of insane. "Go home." With that, I slammed the door in his face and went to put something cold on my face and concentrate on not feeling bad about fighting with Hayner.
(Axel's POV)
The front door slammed, nearly hitting me in the face, and I backed up, smile dropping. So Roxas was really bugged by whatever was going on? That couldn't be good. Because an irritated Roxas was one that didn't want to hang out with much of anyone, let alone me. Well, that wouldn't do.
My decision was made the instant Roxy got all pouty and pissed. Whatever was going down had to be fixed. I knew from experience Hayner was never going to listen to me. My only other option was Seifer. I'd heard of the guy before, not favorably. Roxas bitched about him a lot.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and jumped lightly off Roxas' porch. Feeling glass, I pulled out a monocle that had probably been hanging out in my pocket for who knows how long. It was definitely a sign. I put the monocle in place, striking a spy pose. Very suave and mysterious, I'd say. Time for some detective work! I felt a smirk growing on my face. This was going to be fun…
A/N Yay! It's finally done! Could you find the part that I (Bonfiore'sGirl) wrote? Please review! Re-reading everyone's reviews is ultimately what snapped Jade out of her writers block and allowed her to finish the chapter! Thanks for reading! And, as always, constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated. Hope you liked it! -Bon'sGirl