They were dragging. They all were barely able to keep their eyes open and yet they were still fighting Phobos for the fifth time that month. Will was at the heart of the battle generating quintessence, shooting bolts of a lighting like substance believed to be life in it's very essence. Though Will had kept the battle going for the first few hours she herself was finding it harder and harder to stand. Each time that she was thrown to the ground she stayed there a minute longer, lingering in the desperation and weariness.

Just as she was standing after having bit the dust Cedric grabbed her and sent her flying through the air. Will shivered and couldn't stifle the cry as her body crashed through the stone and into a room in the castle. Will could only hear her heart beet in her ears as she slowly moved a finger and then her hand and then pulled her body into a sitting position. Looking up the first thing that she saw was a petite blonde girl cowering in the corner.

Will knew that look, she had used it herself. It was the wide eyed I am innocent look but I know that I am going to be beaten. She remembered her fathers snarl everytime that she had mistakenly allowed it to show on her face. These thoughts scared her for a moment but then she realized with a sigh or relief that come Thursday he could never touch her again. Shaking her head she brought her attention to the blonde. Gingerly she scooted to a point where she was across from the girl completely forgetting the commotion outside. She watched, as the girl looked up at her surprised, fearful, and somewhat hopeful.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you. My name is Will. What's yours?"


"Hi Elyon nice to meet you."

Will flashed the girl one of her smiles that even Matt could not build up a resistance to…..however Susan could. Go figure. Will was wondering what she could say to get the blonde girl out of there. She was obviously on thin ice.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

The smaller girl in front of her seemed to shrink back and Will only gave her a reassuring smile and shook her head signaling her benign presence. She gently offered a tentative hand to help Elyon off of the cold floor that the young blonde was now laying on. The blonde looked shocked for a moment and her breathing quickened as she took Will's hand. Will realized that whoever had hurt her wouldn't have bothered to pretend.

"What are you doing here?"

Will gently prodded the blonde-haired person who was still shivering in her presence and gave the hand that she was still holding a gentle squeeze to offer some form of comfort to the other girl. 'I really need to get her out of her.'

"I am Phobos's sister. Younger sister and he keeps me here. WwWhat are you doing here?"

Elyon's stutter was noted by Will as she realized how important this new piece of evidence was. It had been assumed that Elyon was dead but no she was merely a prisoner in the castle and Will's eye's widened as she realized that she had the power to save the young blonde. She could save Phobos's sister. She could stop the torment that this other girl was going through.

"Oh me? I'm just dropping by. You know flying through windows and all that."

The blonde smiled sheepishly up at her and Will grinned.

"That wasn't a window that was a wall."

"Well then these walls are rather flimsy. I do believe that your majesty is not safe here. Would you care to accompany me to safety where no one can touch you?"

Elyon's eyes flashed fear. Her body language screamed fear as she started to shiver again and again Will gave her hand a small squeeze before offering the blonde a reassuring smile. Elyon realized that somewhere through out there conversation there was a joke and she had actually smiled. The red head had a strange effect on her. Like nothing was going to hurt them….like she wouldn't hurt her. For Elyon this was a new feeling.

"I promised that I wouldn't hurt you and besides it isn't safe here. Just anyone can come crashing through these stone walls and what kind of person would I be if I left a friend of mine remain locked away in a place like this. If the other guardians found out…..My dear the other guardians would kill me."

A friend. She had a friend and somehow this red head didn't overwhelm her.

"Your really a guardian? My nanny used to tell me stories that one day a guardian would come and save me. Are are yyyou going to save mmme?"

"Well not if you don't come with me."

Elyon grinned as Will held her hand and out the window they went. Flying Will realized that the other guardians were at the meeting place….they had to be. So Will flew west with Elyon who was now shaking all out starring at the ground. Elyon wasn't afraid of the red head anymore but she was afraid of falling.

"Don't worry I wont drop you. AND look there are my friends."

Will stated this as she flew down and landed next to Susan and then gently she placed the blond on the ground. Elyon grinned bashfully up at them and the other girls along with Susan gasped as they realized who this person had to be. Elyon for her part was leaning close to Will almost hiding behind the read head having never been around so many people Elyon couldn't stop the slight shiver from creeping down her back.


Susan was the first person to voice her surprise while Yan Lin spared a glance at the young guardian that had just flown in. Will was panting but other than that she seemed fine however she had found that Will Olsen had a way of covering things such as injuries and feelings. She was always happy but she knew that the girl was a runaway and her ties at the police and justice department could only keep the hounds off long enough.

Elyon finally gave into her own shock and blacked out the last thing she remembered was Will catching her as she fell and a sense of knowing that she was going to be safe as long as the red head had her.

Soon after her first meal on earth the guardians started to deeply discuss their game plan. Elyon had not allowed Will to leave her and Will had looked after the other girl nodding when she was ushered by Hay Lin the strange but sweet girl to change clothing. She now found herself in what they had called sweat pants and a black hoodie that was warm and loose on her.

"What are we going to do?"

She finally asked as she found herself alone with Will for the first time in the entire night. She was laying on the air guardian Hay Lin's bed with her arms wrapped around a pillow.

"Well the others are doing a patrol, and coming up with a game plan currently for keeping you safe. You should stay on Earth for now until Meridan is safe enough for you to return. So that brings up where you are going to stay. Then there is the whole safety thing. Then there is the fact that we still have to find a way to defeat Phoebe and Cassandra. That's why the other guardians are currently having said meeting in the other room but I think that they are missing the most important part. The human part."

"They are kinda…..well this world is amazing and so different from my own. I mean…I don't know what to do….or who to trust."

Will caught Elyon's eye to make sure that what she was about to say got through to the blonde.

"You can go to any guardian for protection. Caleb is nice too. The others may seem well, Hay Lin is sweet and overbearing Cornelia covers up everything that is on her mind up by pretending to be egotistical, Taranee is shy, and Irma covers everything up with a joke. Nice group right ? The adults don't know what to think of you but this is going to be what will happen. You are going to wind up with a home, start school, and help us save your kingdom that if you want to you can rule. It's only what you want and no matter what they decide I am going to stand by your opinion with where you would prefer to go. You should never be a prisoner here."

Will's words began to sink in and Elyon found herself in the read heads arms as she hugged her friend. These weird thoughts were very new to the young girl as she had never had a friend let alone the chance to hug one.

"As far as the record goes I feel safe around you. So tell me what school is like."


That night Susan and Will were standing the nightly watch well sitting in the kitchen alert and ready should something happen.

"Will I want to know something. I know that you know that I am very well aware of the fact that you are a run away. So where are you currently living? You have an apartment right? Your not on the street?"

Will grinned. Ever since the Hay Lin incident Susan had made it a point to well treat her like a part of the team and she found herself looking more and more forward to their training sessions. Susan very rarely fixed her 'you are the spawn of evil' glare on her anymore.

"I live with Caleb and Matt in an apartment. It has two bedrooms and Caleb sleeps on the couch why?"

Susan's face showed what Will had been afraid of. She wasn't at all thrilled about Will rooming with boys but then again they were both well aware of the fact that Will's living situation was nothing that Susan would be happy about.

'Ahh the spawn of evil look. There it is….haven't seen that in a while.'

"So let me get this straight. You live in an apartment with two boys and you are not dating either of them correct? I mean you have your own room and you are responsible. But you are just a kid period. You shouldn't be living in an apartment with two older men. What is this world coming to."

Will even though she didn't care for the assault on her ears from Susan's soliloquy was well happy with the thought that an adult cared that much.

"Matt's my older brother! Seriously we would never go near each other in that way and Caleb is the rebel leader. He's to busy for girls didn't you know that?"

Will asked and Susan smiled a little but she could tell that the idea of her living alone bothered Susan.

"How old are you?"

Will sighed as she looked up at the older woman.

"I'm fifteen and next Thursday I am going to be finally old enough to emancipate myself so that I will never have to go back to that place."

Susan's head suddenly popped up as she looked at the younger girl in front of her.

"Your birthdays next Thursday ? We have to throw a party. At least have a get together with the others. How come you haven't told us! Oh and we need to talk about Elyon."

Will's eyes were glowing at the mention of a birthday party which she had never really had. Matt was going to have a get together however her father had beat her to unconsciousness and that was when he had found out about the abuse. Will had made it back to a riffled Matt who at the sight of her forgot about the party that Will had missed.

"What about Elyon?"

"Do you think that you could share a room with her? I mean there is the whole fact the none of us …..well she seems more at ease with you. And then there is the fact that it would tip the scales with the boys. But then again….would you be able to convince Matt to allow her to move in with you?"

'She was held prisoner by her brother which is a form of abuse and I know Matt. If I can make it seem like she was abused just as I was well he wouldn't let her live anywhere else.'

"Yeah but I don't have a bed for her."

Susan gave Will a knowing smile as she realized that this would allow her to see the inside of the younger girls apartment. But then a new thought struck her. She could help the younger girl. The teenager that had worked herself to unconsciousness before deserved a break….and a really wonderful place to live.

"Ohh just let us adults handle that."


The first thing that Susan did that night was call Matt with a number that she had found in Will's jacked and after explaining what she wanted to do and that she was an associate of Yan Lin's Matt agreed. Caleb and Matt were with her while she rallied the troops. Theresa(cook) had a few extra dollars rolling around along with Elizabeth (Hale). Cassidy knew the landlord at her building and was sure that she could get the teenagers a room that night. So in the dark of night the adults drove to the address that Matt had given them and were shocked to see that their leader in training was living in a dank part of town. The three story gray building had paint chipping off the walls and walking up to the second floor they knocked on the door that said 2b in faded letters. Matt opened the door and was shocked that these were the women he always saw at the restaurant.

"Caleb's changing but you guys probably want to come in and you know lock the door."

"I can see that."

Elizabeth said as she walked in to see that there was a couch facing a wall that was well worn. The kitchen had a stove and rusted over pots that still had the sign of use and Susan cringed along with Yan Lin.

They had both seen that the younger girl had some potential in the art of cooking and Yan Lin even went as far as to allow the girl to cook some nights at the restaurant. Susan allowed the girl entrance to her apartment during certain weekends for training and had seen first hand the talent that Will held in the kitchen as the red head had made a chicken soup from scratch.

"So you guys want to….help us out why?"

Matt asked as Caleb walked out of the room in his Meridan garb. Matt just gapped at him for a moment then he turned to see that the women that he had been looking at were now giant FARRIES!

"Matt calm down. Don't scream. We are guardians of the veil."

Theresa said before the teen boy could even breath.

"So guardians….that means that your good right?"

Yan Lin laughed at how the boy seemed to just be going with it and nodded at him and then summoned a ball of air that revealed an image of Will in her guardian uniform and Matt took in a sharp intake of breath.

"So she's one of you. Along with Irma, and Taranee, and Cordelia, and Hay Lin. I'm betting that they are the younger guardians….Right? And the reason that Will has come home some nights with bruises that she tries to keep me from seeing is because of whatever it is that you do. And you are willing to help us because well you're the good guys right?"

The other guardians were speechless but after a minute they all laughed.

"One thing before we move you Matt…..please don't tell Will that you know that she is a guardian."

Matt nodded and grabbed his boxes of clothing and Will's he didn't care where they were going anywhere was better than where he was living at that moment in time. Maybe if he asked they could help with a few things for Will…

"Look I know that Will's birthday is Thursday but we wanted to get her presents now. You know like maybe some pots and pans. The new apartment has three rooms one for the girls and one for You, and one for Caleb. What I really want to know is do you know Will's clothing size?"

Elizabeth asked. She had made multiple successful investments, and her job as a as a statistics analysis scientist didn't skimp on the pay check. She was making a wonderful salary and had more than enough to buy some clothing for the girl that had saved Cornelia's life multiple times.

"Alright by the time that she gets to the apartment tomorrow we are going to stock up the fridge and have the rooms ready along with some clothing for Will. Is there anything that she prefers?"

Elizabeth asked and Matt only smiled.

"Well she loves jeans and cargo pants. A hoodie would also rock her world we have been saving up to go out cloths shopping but the thing is that well…..the land owner jacked up the rent and …."

Susan wanted to go show the man exactly what she thought about what he was doing to the teenagers. Yan Lin was thinking the same thing and they were both relieved that Cassidy was signing the lease to the apartment for the kids because well….she would have done more than think of doing something rash and violent.

By the time that they reached the restaurant that morning the entire apartment was decorated and more than ready, sporting: clothing for both girls, new pots and pans, a fully stocked fridge, a television, a computer, and some furniture. When they left the apartment, they realized that it gave off a homey aurora and that Will and Elyon would love it there. They left the boys and when they had closed the door they had heard Matt explaining to Caleb what a television was used for.

Walking into the restaurant Susan smiled at the scent of pancakes and they all walked in to see Will carrying a plate full of pancakes out and placing it on the table. Elizabeth watched with wonder as Cornelia broke her ever-present diet to grab two of them and soak them with maple syrup. Will glanced up at the women and smiled as she nodded to the empty chairs.

"I made more than enough for all of us. I'll be right back and grab the rest."

Will said as she stood up and walked out of the room. When they were all seated, the adults were barely able to hold their eyes open but yet buzzing with excitement as they wolfed down their breakfast and laughed. Elyon seemed to have began to let down her walls around the group, Will was happily chatting with Irma, Cornelia was discussing something with Taranee and Hay Lin was trying to make Elyon seem more at home.

All in all everything seemed to be going in an upward motion for everyone.

So i would like thank the reviewers and let them know that they helped. Also i forgot to do this in the first chapter.

Will used Matt's last name her father had changed it when they moved and since she was only two she couldn't remember it and after her father had beat her she had started using Matt's last name and calling him her brother for a while. Just so we are clear.

Elyon came into some major playage in this chapter and i hope that it was enjoyable. as always


oh and just so no one forgets i own nothing......nothing at all.....