As Always i don't own W.I.T.C.H. or you know any of the bands or their music or you know anything.

Will sighed as she trudged into her new school. It was an academy and going here was really going to hurt her in the long run. She was going to have to get two jobs to be able to pay the tuition and feed herself. This however was a necessary evil because going to an academy then she would not have the police onto her for a while. After all very few runaways were able to afford to go to school, let alone one that they had to pay for.

Closing her eyes she felt strong arms wrap themselves around her and she flipped her assailant over her shoulders. Looking at the heap that was laying on the ground she realized who it was and gave a squeal of delight.


She fell into his arms with a surprised yet happy smile on her face. She thought that she was never going to see him again. Her savior. He was the reason that she was still alive and it seemed that he had followed her to Heatherfeild. Closing her eyes she marveled at how he seemed like the brother that was always able to make her feel safe.

"Well how could I leave you Red? You're my little sister."

Will smiled as he picked her up and swung her around in a hug. He always made her feel so happy. He was the only real family that she had. Back in Fadden Hills his grandfather had been a major contributor to her survival. He had given her a job so that she could afford to feed herself.

"I figured that you didn't have a place to stay so my apartment is for two. Gramps was willing to help me out a little with the money. He was proud that I was willing to go here and told me to take care of you."

For the first time Will didn't feel cold in her thread bare jacket. She didn't feel pain from the bruises and whip marks that blanketed her back. She didn't feel the need to curl into a ball and die. She felt like maybe if she worked hard enough everything might become a distant memory.

"So I arranged it with my awesome powers that not only do we have the exact same schedule, we also have a study hall. I figured with the part time jobs that we are going to have to pick up it would be nice to you know have time for school work so we don't fail."

Will smirked at his words and grabbed his had putting it on her own head. He smiled and gave chase across the court yard. As they were rounding the corner they hit a unknown walking object causing a crash involving three bodies and the floor.

The first thing that Will noticed was laughing. She looked up to see a girl with brown hair seeing the funniest thing in her life. Will for her part was up in a millisecond; however, it seemed that somehow Matt had become entangled with a blonde girl. Will looked around next to the girl that seemed to be having a seizure there was a paper-thin Asian girl, standing next to her was a girl with glasses and braids that offered her a small wave.

"Hi I'm Irma and that girl that you just trampled is Cornelia Hale. The most popular prettiest girl in the entire world. Well that's what her parents tell her. She's the diva of this school. This is Hay Lin and Taranee."

Will smiled and helped Matt up and he just let her keep his hat. Allowing her to have a small victory.

"I'm Will and this is some strange guy that I have never met in my life. He started chasing me for no reason then pounced on that blonde girl. I think that he might be some sort of stalking pervert. Maybe we should call the cops."

"My dad's a cop."

Irma chimed in and Matt at that point was looking very flustered.

"Will! I am not a pervert and you know it. Jeesh. I'm Matt I transferred here with Will. She's like a little sister to me. So there is no way that I would grope her or stalk her. Would you do that to your sibling?"

"Well Matt this isn't a question of you hitting on Will,"

"Matt this is a question of you hitting on Corny."

Instantly Irma beamed when she realized that the new girl had used her favorite nick name for Cornelia. She was also struck with the realization that Will had played along with one of her jokes. Instantly she liked this girl. She realized that this girl seemed to be the only person in the world that could keep up with her.

"Oh god no it's the end of the world Will found another."

Matt said as he leaned against the locker.

"My sentiments exactly."

At that everyone began to laugh. Hay Lin was quick to smile and start laughing with the group while Taranee noticed that even though Will was being sociable she was also leaning toward the outside of the group just like she would. Smiling she walked over to the other girl.

"So what class do you have first?"

"Mr. Collins… history. Great just great. Sounds so exciting."

Taranee and Irma smiled while Hay Lin deflated for a moment and Cornelia sighed in relief.

"You have first period with me. Come on we can go there together. The bell is about to ring anyway. Irma come on. If you guys have A lunch you can eat lunch with us as well."

Will smiled as she walked to class listening to Irma's impression of Mr. Collins. When they reached the classroom Will walked in and smiled when she sat in-between Irma and Matt. She watched as Taranee , who was sitting in front of her, took notes throughout the period and instantly thanked what ever gods there were that she had somewhat met this girl and if she played her cards right would befriend this genius.

Will went through two more periods, Matt remaining faithfully at her side. Biology which she shared with Cornelia and Hay Lin, and Gym which she had with all of the girls.

After the bell rang the girls waited for Will at the exit of the locker room.

"So Will we are going to eat outside today."

Hay Lin said happily as she bounded over to give Will a hug even though she had only known the girl for a day. Matt met them and they all started walking to the table.

"We are going to go get the slop. You guys coming?"

Irma asked looking at Will and Matt who both seemed to be walking over to their lockers.

"We'll meet you at the table. We aren't big on school food."

Matt said and they shrugged and walked quickly to make sure that they were going to actually have time to eat and not spend the entire time in line. When the others were out of sighed Will smiled as she pulled out a guitar. This was how she survived on the streets. Matt was great so was she and both of them could sing.

Matt would get them gigs and all Will had to do was work at her other job and they would survive. Between the three income sources Will could see them making it though school. All they had to do was make it through school.

"You think that they will be able to put up with our playing? Or should we not and just pretend to be normal?"

"Matt I have gone through three periods with no music how can you deprive me any longer. Come one we both know that they'll love it. You want me to sing or would you like to?"

"I think that we should go through the usual covers. You know Skillet, Nine days, and maybe a little Mayday Parade today. What do you think Matt?"

"Well I think that we should play some Maroon 5 if you're planning on doing" Absolutely Story Of a Girl". Because that song just isn't complete without, "She Will Be Loved."

Will nodded and pulled out her acoustic and put in her amp. It really was a nice guitar. Matt's grandfather had given it to her on her birthday a year ago. That was also the day that she had come to them because she was beat to the point that she couldn't get up let alone walk.

She had crawled from the alley in which he had beat her and told them everything. They had let her come to them every day after that. When she was beaten they would stitch her up. The old man had even bought her the train ticket down here so that she could come down and escape the abuse.

They were on "Whisper In The Dark," when the others got there. At first they could only stare at them then Irma smiled at them and ate in silence listening to Matt's voice and Will's acoustic. Cornelia was shocked and at first she really wondered but then she realized how lucky they were to have music at the table. Taranee and Hay Lin were both staring in awe.

Once they finished that song they looked up and smiled at the others.

"Hey Will sing one for us."

Irma said and Will smiled and nodded at Matt. She handed him the acoustic and they stared at each other realizing that they hadn't figured out a song for her to sing.

"Saving Me by NickleBack."

Matt nodded and by the end of the song all of the girls could swear that they were in love.

"We are getting together at my grandma's house after school today. Would you guys like to come over?"

Hay Lin asked before any of the girls could stop her. They all knew that this was going to be a meeting of the guardians and they were already getting enough crap from the older guardians because of the fact that they hadn't found a leader. Did they mention that the old guardians were their parents? Yeah. They were so going to be killed.

"I can't make it I have to secure us a gig, but Will if you want you can go."

Matt said and Hay Lin squealed not giving Will a chance to answer while the other girls realized that they were going to be killed.

At the end of the day all of the girls were walking to the restaurant while Matt started walking in a different direction. When they reached the restaurant and walked in Irma realized that she was taking her last breath. Cornelia was literally shrinking behind Taranee who seemed to be cowering behind Hay Lin who was smiling and talking to Will.

They were all surprised at how Will didn't even seemed fazed at how hyper Hay Lin was and spoke with her and was even smiling.

When Susan saw them with the girl at first she was livid because this was a crucial meeting but when she noticed the thread bare clothing, and how thin the girl was she sighed and let Yan Lin walk then to another table. As they sat down and began to talk she watched as three teens let out a breath that they had been holding.

She then felt it. She looked up and saw that the heart had left her neck and was heading straight for the girl that was with the younger guardians.

At first she thought that this meant that The girl was a threat but then she noticed that it hovered over her then fell into her hands. The girl looked around surprised and she noticed that the girls were as shocked as this new one. Yan Lin who had watched the entire thing walked over and smiled.

"It Looks like we have found the new Keeper of the Heart, and Leader of the Guardians."

"What? I'm just Will. I promise that I have no powers or anything like that. I don't even know what this heart is! And what do you mean guardians? If there is one thing that I know, it's that I am not a leader. I promise you that."

Will said and Yan Lin smiled and told the girl about the veil and the other girls showed her their powers.

"But I have to find a job I don't have time to be traipsing about sowing."

"Will I have a proposition for you, I will give you a job here as a waiter, and that way you can tell your parents that you are working while you are out. Besides I could always use some help. So while you're here I will let you work. How dose six fifty an hour sound? Along with a meal every night."


"Great now come met the other guardians. Girls you found your leader just in time. We need to have a huge meeting."

Thats the first chapter review if you want another.