Devlin's P.O.V

"Kenny's pizza's done!" I called semi loudly up the stairs. The spicy smell of mushroom and cheese was filling the room and I knew the smell would bring him quicker then anything I said. I rolled my eyes as he slid down the stair banister, only having eyes for the pizza on the counter. You'd think he would have dressed better for his date. He was wearing a plain black tee with loose jeans that showed just enough of his stomach to make my mouth water. He looked causal yet in style.

Since Mom and Dad were away for the week we broke the usual rule and let ourselves eat in the living room so we could finish the movie we'd started yesterday. It was some old movie Dad had liked as a kid called Ice Age. I pushed play and sat as close to as I could to Kenny without seeming obvious. We ate in relative silence as I tried my best to watch the movie instead of how adorable Kenny looked when he ate, but try as I might I couldn't focus on the movie. I was too enthralled by Kenny's eating. When ever he took a bite the cheese stretched out and trailed down his face so cutely. Also he was so close all I'd have to do was lean in and we'd be……No! I mentally scolded myself. He doesn't like me like that!

I couldn't stop myself from laughing softly though as a particularly long piece trailed looked down his face. He was just too cute sometimes! He was completely unaware of how he looked and gave me a weird look when I started laughing.

"What?" He asked, confusion evident on his face.

It only made him look cuter and made me laugh harder.

"What?" He asked more crossly.

Finally I stopped laughing long enough to answer.

"I never noticed how cute you look with cheese trailing down your face." I giggled.

He blushed a deep red before scowling at me.

"I'm not cute." He insisted.

I laughed even harder and struggled for breath.

"Yes, yes you are." I gasped.

"Shut up." He said playfully, pushing me down onto the couch.

At the very last moment I grabbed his wrist and dragged him down with me. When I opened my eyes again I was surprised to find Kenny's acid green eyes just an inch away from my face. He'd landed with both his arms on either side of me and the rest of him on my chest. Is this a dream or a nightmare?

Kenny's P.O.V

What am I doing on Devlin's chest? Why is he blushing like that? Why don't I want to move? Please forgive me for this Devlin!

Devlin's P.O.V

Kenny is at this very moment kissing me. This is defiantly no nightmare and if it's a dream I'm going to savor it while it last. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me as I kiss him back. His hands find their way into my hair and I love how it feels. How did I ever survive without his scorching kisses? His tongue runs along my bottom lip asking for entrance and I can't refuse him. His taste is spicy and hot from the pizza and I don't think I'll ever get enough of it.

One moment he's got his tongue in my mouth the next there's nothing in my arms but thin air. I look around bewildered. He's halfway across the couch looking at me like the ghost of Christmas past.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. I wanted another kiss.

He looked just as confused as I felt.

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I kissed you!" He yelled, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I blushed and stared at my feet.

"Normally in my dreams you don't yell as much until after I tell you I love you." I whispered under my breath.

"Dreams? What makes you think you're……..Wait did you just say you love me?" He asked in shock.

Normally in my dreams he isn't so straight forward either.

"Yeah." I mumbled, avoiding his shocked gaze.

He reached out and cupped my face in his hand to make me look at him.

"Really?" He asked, his eyes looking oddly hopeful and afraid.

I'm probably just having another dream in my bed and I'll wake up soon anyway so what have I got to lose?

I leaned foreword and kissed his nose gently.

"Really." I whispered as I pushed him onto his back and pinned him down.

He looks so cute when he blushes.

"What are you doing?" He asked breathlessly.

"Technically what Karen told me to do." I answered, leaning down to kiss him one more time.

My dreams often lead to this and I never know how they're going to end. I've had him push me, yell at me, and even try to kill me before. I never expected him to pull me closer, let alone kiss me back, but he does anyway and it feels heavenly. Why aren't all my dreams this great? It's hard to believe he's never dated before seeing as he's such a great kisser.

Oww! He bit me! That hurt!


Wait a second……..That hurt? Dreams aren't supposed to hurt!

So this must be………Oh My God!

I sat up so quickly I was almost dizzy from the lack of oxygen and blood loss.

The blood filled my mouth and Kenny's taste was clouded over by the heavy flavor of metal. He noticed the blood and tenderly licked my bleeding lip.

He pulled back and whispered so sweetly into my ear.

"Sorry I didn't mean to bite you so hard."

I was oblivious to his words as I dabbed the blood with by finger. The gash stung and I felt the realization sink in. A fully awake, fully sober, and now a fully aroused Kenny just kissed me…..No made out with me!

I have a million questions, but all that comes out is a whimpered: "Why?"

"Why what?" He asked confused, my blood still coating his lips a little

"Why did you let me do that?!" I yelled, crawling off him completely until I was at the very end of the couch. I looked at him expecting an answer and only got a baffled look in return.

"Because Morgan told me to." He said, like it was the most apparent think in the world.

I was so embarrassed and ashamed at my lack of self control I felt like crying.

"I'm so sorry Kenny….I didn't mean to….Please don't hate me!" I begged, clenching my eyes and waiting for the upcoming anger.

"For what? I kissed you first."

I blushed down to the roots of my hair and went back to staring at my feet.

"Did Morgan tell you to do that too?" I muttered under my breath.

"No I wanted to." He answered, his voiced filled with something I couldn't name.

"You wanted to?" I asked in astonishment. I couldn't believe it. This had to be a joke.

"Don't lie to me Kenny. Don't get my hopes up like this." I begged.

I realized this must have been a dare or something. Morgan made him do it. They were messing with my feeling for a few laughs. God…..For a moment I'd actually believed he might have kissed me because…..He cared about me.

"Devlin did you really mean what you said?" He asked quietly.

I panicked; I couldn't let him think I'd meant what I'd said.

Even if I did mean it with all my heart.

Kenny's P.O.V

Devlin shook his head wildly as tears started to trail down his face.

"Of course I didn't mean it! It was all a joke! Why would I feel like that for my brother?" He yelled.

He looked like a kicked puppy and I wanted nothing more then to pull him into my arms and tell him it would be okay. That he didn't have to lie. That I love him too.

And that was exactly what I did. I held him in my arms and rubbed his back soothingly.

"I'm not lying, I'm not trying to get your hopes up, I'm not joking, all I'm trying to do….All I've been trying to do for the last year is tell you…..I love you Devlin."

He looked at me with red rimmed eyes and I saw he wanted to believe me, but he was afraid to.

I whispered it into his ear over and over again, hoping the more I said it the more he'd believe me.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you Devlin. This isn't a trick."

Devlin unburied his head from my shirt and smiled softly.

"Prove it." He challenged, needing confirmation I wasn't doing this as a joke.

I smiled my best sexy smile and brought his face just an inch away from mine.

"With pleasure."

Karen's P.O.V

I called Devlin a million times, but he wouldn't pick up! Kenny must be on his date already and he's all alone! Who knows what he'll do to himself! I ran the whole way there and didn't stop until I was at his doorstep. I was about to knock when I felt someone grab me from behind and grab me. They covered my mouth with their hands and hid me in the bushes next to the front door.

"Shhhh." I familiar voice whispered from behind me.

"Morgan?" I mumbled around her hand.

"Yeah, I'm going to let you go so be quiet, okay?"

I nodded sadly at the loss of her touch.

"Care to explain why you just did that?" I asked, trying to sound cross.

Her smile was so breath taking I though I'd melt on the spot.

"Look." She whispered, pointing to the side window.

I wondered what could possible have her so excited and peered into the window. I felt my eyes widen in shock at the sight. Kenny had Devlin pinned to the couch as he appeared to be ravishing the older boy into oblivion.

Needless to say, it was H-O-T. Hot!

Morgan came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Seeing as my dates a little preoccupied at the moment, how would you like to take his place? It's a little late for a movie, but I'm sure we could think of something more …..Interesting to do."

"Such as?" I asked breathlessly.

"Well my parents aren't in town and I wouldn't mind doing what they're doing." She suggested seductively, her breath washing over my ear ever so tantalizingly.

I felt her grip loosen, allowing me to slip free if I wanted.

But all I could do was take a deep breath and turn to face her with a confident smile.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Well what do you think? I nice ending if I do say so myself. Please give me one last review for old time's sack! I really want to know how I did with this one! It had a lot of first for me!

Yours truly,
