"I can't even think of a word to describe it."
"Try 'bioluminescence.'"
Shawn and Juliet had taken their blanket and dinner and had climbed a low rock overlooking an ocean alcove. Any misgivings Juliet had about Shawn's reason for hiking up a big rock in the calm, cool Santa Barbara night were gone now as she sat wrapped in his arms, the beach blanket draped around them. In the water before them, spread out like the stars in the sky, hundreds of jellyfish were pulsating--giving off a green glow as they undulated up through the sea and sank gracefully back down again. Their bodies like crystal bells, their tentacles glossy gossamers.
"Who would've thought bioluminescence could be so magical?" Juliet whispered.
"It's actually the light given off by a chemical reaction taking place within a creature. In this case a jellyfish. They congregate here to mate and the light they emit is to attract mates."
Juliet gazed back at Shawn from where she sat between his legs, her back resting against his chest. "Thanks for clearing that up."
"Well, I am known for my skills of enlightenment."
"Oh, yes, of course. How could I forget?"
"Mocking me, Jules?" Juliet turned a shocked expression on him.
"Me? Never." But she let a giggle slip.
"Uh-huh. Just as I thought." With that, Shawn began tickling her mercilessly, skimming his fingers over her ribs where he knew she was most sensitive. Shawn got caught up in listening to Juliet's musical laughter, and she seized his moment of distraction to flip their position--Shawn found himself pinned to the ground staring up into her sparkling blue eyes.
"Gotcha," she said smugly.
"No fair using your police maneuvers on me."
"You've never complained before." Shawn smirked and Juliet couldn't help but sit there for a moment longer, loving the way his eyes crinkled when he gave her that smile. She gave him a short kiss before letting him up.
"Did you like your surprise?"
Juliet cocked her head to one side. "I loved it, Shawn. I love all of your surprises." Juliet bit her lip as she reconsidered that statement. "Uh, except for that one that involved Cheez Whiz and a Koosh ball…."
'What is she saying? That was a classic,' he thought, reminiscing.
She locked eyes with him again. "But I always love you Shawn. No matter what. I love you."
Shawn never tired of hearing her say those words. Those words that had come to mean more to him than he ever thought possible. She made them mean something to him. "I love you Jules." Shawn reached for her and pulled her in for another kiss. "Whadya say we head back. I think I could use some more pineapple cake. You know, for sustenance." Juliet smiled and stood up, helping Shawn do the same, and leaned over for one last look at the glowing jellyfish. "Yeah, I wouldn't get too close," warned Shawn. "This particular species of jellyfish have a sting that packs a wallop."
"Oh!" Juliet made a hasty retreat from her perch at the end of the rock. After climbing back down to the beach, the two began their stroll back down the beach and left the jellies to their task of finding a mate. Two lovers were heading home, hand-in-hand, knowing they'd already found where they belong.
"Best six month anniversary ever." Shawn heard her whisper while they walked back to the car.
'Just wait until we hit the one year mark,' he thought to himself with a smile.