Hello everyone! Neon here, and this is my first ever fanfic for Eternal Sonata! I usually write for the Keroro Gunsou/Sgt. Frog section, and I just wanted to give Eternal Sonata a try. This game is SO beautiful~! I am halfway through the game as of 1/30 and currently on Sharp Mountains. I am not done with the game yet, so if I make any errors, just let me know. Once again, I give you 29 Ways to Annoy the Eternal Sonata Cast!
Disclaimer: Eternal Sonata belongs to Namco-Bandai and Tri-Crescendo. The original idea of 29 Ways to Annoy the Eternal Sonata Cast belongs to Demoness Drakon with her fanfic of 29 Ways to Annoy the Keroro Platoon.
1. Steal Frederic's baton and start playing around with it.
2. Steal Beat's camera and spam his film with random pictures.
3. Flirt with Jazz. Make sure that Claves is watching.
4. Flirt with Jazz. Make sure that Falsetto is watching.
5. Flirt with Jazz. Make sure that BOTH Claves and Falsetto are watching.
6. Keep on telling Frederic that he is the smexiest beast alive. :3
7. Steal Salsa's hat and put it in Beat's room. Watch the two's reactions.
8. Bother Fugue right when it starts raining.
9. Get the hell out of there when he takes out his sword.
10. Write love letters to Polka. Make it VEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRY obvious that they're all from Allegretto.
11. Tell Claves that her Unicorn Horn attack is useless and gay. (Seriously, it is.)
12. Ask Frederic why a 39-year-old guy like him hangs out with people that range from kids TWICE the half of his age to adults that are 10 years younger than him. (It's perverted when you think about it.)
13. Start banging random keys on a piano. Make sure Frederic is around.
14. Steal Waltz's poofy hat and start dancing around while wearing it.
15. Tell Crescendo that Serenade is cheating on him for Jazz.
16. Tell Allegretto that Polka is cheating on him for Frederic.
17. Tell Waltz that Mount Rock has collasped, resulting in the huge stop in the production of mineral powder. (AN: I'm not sure if this happens later on in the game or not.)
18. Show Frederic all of the pairings that involves him being the uke.
19. Tell Viola that all her goats drowned at the lake by her house.
20. Make fun of Allegretto when he worries about "Polka and the others" and not "Beat and the others".
21. Tell Salsa that Waltz has decided to stop the mass production of hats.
22. Steal Polka's magical stone and pretend not to know where it is when she asks .
23. Spread a rumor that Claves and Jazz had decided to get married. Make sure Falsetto learns about it.
24. Tell Waltz that all the glowing agogos had suddenly died. Do not tell him why.
25. Hide all of Frederic's music. Laugh at Frederic when he acts like an idiot without it.
26. Place Frederic in a very empty and dull room with no windows or any signs of artistic value for several days. Watch his reaction with a secret camera.
27. Use a lifelike robotic squirrel. Make it run away from Polka whenever she tries to touch it.
28. Steal Arco and tell Viola that he was eaten by an eagle.
29. Emphasize to Salsa that her English voice is REALLY annoying.
That's it! Review please and it'll make me happy! :D