Bella's POV.

Much to my dismay, the sun was shining when I woke up that morning. School passed dreadfully slow but I kept telling myself that surely Jasper would be at school tomorrow no matter what. I woke up the next morning to not only rain, but a huge thunder storm. The first thunder storm I'd seen since I'd arrived in Forks. I showered and dressed quickly in jeans and a t shirt and headed to school. The rain was pounding down against my windshield and I didn't think it was possible, but I swear the wind was threatening to knock my truck right off the road. After what seemed like forever, I pulled into the school parking lot and ran to the building.

Angela found me almost instantly and invited me to Tyler's party that night. "I don't think so," I replied. "I'm not much of a party person".

"Oh, come on Bella," said Jessica, coming out of nowhere. "It's a Friday night, live a little!"

After them both badgering me for about ten minutes, and Mike popping in telling me I really should come, I finally agreed. It wasn't like I had to stay the whole time anyways. I'd simply make an appearance and then slip out when everyone was too drunk to miss me.

My first few classes flew by surprisingly fast and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I sat at my usual table next to Angela and snuck a glance at the Cullen's table. I almost fell out of my chair. They weren't there. Not one of them. It was storming like crazy outside; certainly they couldn't still be hiking. I turned back to my friends and tried to concentrate on some form of conversation, telling myself that Jasper was in the library or something. I just knew that when I got to biology Jasper would be sitting at our lab table.

Of course, I was wrong. As I walked into the classroom my heart literally sunk. Where was he? And why did I care so much?

I didn't even finish my biology test because every five minutes I was looking up at the door just waiting for him to walk in. Gym class didn't go so well either considering we moved on to soccer and I ended up somehow scoring…for the wrong team.

A couple hours later, I sat on Jessica's bed watching her try on outfit after outfit. "Too slutty," she'd say. "Not tight enough," she'd say about another outfit. I swear, I thought we were going to be there all day. Angela finally arrived and came to my rescue, telling Jessica that she looked just fine and we needed to get going.

The outfit Jessica decided on was a tight black mini skirt, a blue flower print tank top and blue heels, while Angela was wearing dark skinny jeans with a hot pink camisole and a white lace shirt over it, along with white flip flops. And of course, they never missed an opportunity to dress me up as well. I drew the line at a skirt and heels but we finally agreed on something, somewhat. I was wearing light blue jeans with a green cut off belly shirt and black strappy sandals. I felt ridiculous, but they both kept saying how good we all looked, so off we went.

After dropping my truck off at my house (against my will), and going out to dinner, "girls night" is what they wanted to call it; we finally made it to Tyler's house around 11. It seemed like everyone was already there, and everyone was also already drunk. Like I said, I wasn't much of a party girl so as everyone offered me drinks; I politely declined although Jessica and Angela drank enough for all three of us. It was around one in the morning when I started to feel strange. I was really dizzy and my stomach felt queasy. I took a whiff of the fruit punch I was drinking and dropped it instantly, vodka. I knew enough about alcohol from my mother partying and watching movies and I had no doubt in my mind that someone had spiked the punch even though Tyler told me time and time again, it was alcohol free. I managed to stand up and found Angela and Jessica. I told them about the punch and Jessica tried to act sorry but then preceded to hand me a beer, and for some reason, I drank it.

It wasn't until around 3 in the morning that I realized I had no idea how we were getting home since I was supposed to be the one to drive. I guess a more accurate question would have been how I was getting home because Jessica was off in some room with Mike and Angela was with Tyler. Obviously I knew I was far too intoxicated to drive and I didn't feel like sleeping at some random place in Tyler's house so I decided to sleep in Angela's car. Or at least that was the original plan.

There were still quite a few people up at this time. Some were dancing, others just talking, but none of them mattered when I saw a tall, pale and blond figure walk through the front door, Jasper. He took one look at me a motioned me to come towards him. I stumbled along, weaving in and out of the people around me and when I finally got to him, he grabbed Angela's keys from my pocket and hung them on hooks by Tyler's front door. I don't even know how he knew they were in my pocket, or how he knew I was at this party, but he took my hand and led me outside to his car.

His expression remained the same, annoyed and he didn't say a word as he drove. "where are you taking me?" I finally asked, breaking the silence.

"To my house" he replied. "You are obviously in no condition to go home."

"What? Your parents won't care?" I asked. "And how did you know where I was? Why do you think you had to come to my rescue? I haven't heard from you in two days. You didn't go to school. You didn't call me. You act like you like me but then you just disappear and come out of nowhere like you're Spiderman and I'm just little Mary Jane. It's not like that. I would have been fine! I didn't need you to come rescue me!"

"Bella, stop!" he yelled. He turned to face me and his eyes were black as night. "You're wasted. Just shut up and let me take you inside without you causing a ruckus."

I shut up, didn't say another word. If that's how Jasper wanted to play, then fine. He pulled into a hidden driveway in the woods and eventually parked in front of the most beautiful house I had seen since I'd been to Forks. I was about to gawk and tell him how nice it looked but I fought with myself and stayed silent remembering how mean he just was. He walked me into the house and kept his hand on my shoulder. "Well, this is it" he said as we walked into the fully lit great room. I shrugged my shoulders and didn't say a word. Jasper must have known I was annoyed because he took my hand and lead me up the stairs to his room I assumed. When we reached the top of the stairs, a door at the end of the hall opened and Rosalie Hale walked out, fully dressed in a red dress with matching heels.

"Oh!" she said, obviously surprised to see me. "Hi Bella. You're home late, Jasper." Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Go to bed or something," he said obviously annoyed.

A look of confusion crossed her face, just for a minute. "I was just..going to the bathroom. Night guys." She said as she scurried into a room which I assumed was the bathroom.

Jasper didn't respond. Instead he walked straight down the hall in the opposite direction and opened a different door and motioned for me to go inside. His room was red with posters covering almost every surface. He had a bunch of guitars lined up against a wall and some amps also. He had a four poster bed with black bed sheets and a black leather couch opposite the bed. "Sit," he said, motioning to the bed. I did as I was told.

Jasper put his hand on my knee and squeezed. "I'm sorry for getting irritated in the car. I just never saw you as the type of girl to go party and stuff. Go to sleep please and we'll talk more in the morning."

I wanted to say no. I wanted to argue but all of a sudden I became tired out of almost nowhere. I agreed and let him pull back the blankets for me and tuck me in. "I should sleep on the couch," I said groggily. "You can have your bed".

"Silly girl," Jasper smiled. "Just go to sleep. Sweet dreams."

I closed my eyes and felt his lips on my forehead before I peacefully drifted off into the best sleep I'd ever had.

A/N: Hope you liked it...hope you guys are actually reading it. Let me know how it is!