A/N: Sorry for the wait! Actually this fic was written before I got into fanfic, for a Bella & Edward Love Letter challenge, but I didn't win :( oh well... read'n'see. Warning: Fluff. A lot. A whole lot of fluff.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Vampire Love Stories

A Love Letter


Wow, I still can't believe this is true. Believe we are true. Believe I deserve you. Tomorrow's the wedding. I remember when it all began, when my life in what most people would call the real world ended and my fantastic journey into a world made of fairytales, mist and magic began. I've never told you how I felt it, how I lived it, how I saw it. Do you recall as I do?

When I came to Forks, I only wanted to help my Mom – I knew she could only stay with Phil or with me. And I knew as well she desperately wanted to stay with him. Therefore I had decided to move in with Charlie. Of course I'd known all about Forks' weather, and so I'd been prepared for a boring, colorless life. Me, the albino girl – even in the Valley of the Sun with nearly transparent pale skin. How could I have thought I was to meet my destiny in rainy Forks in the remote state of Washington of all towns? But then, on my very first day at high school, I saw you. You and your family were sitting around a table at the end of the crowded room, yet you seemed special to me – and probably to everyone else - even through the distance, the noise and the people surrounding us. Especially you. But the gorgeous boy with the reddish brown curly hair only looked frustrated as he watched me. Although today I know why, I am relieved you couldn't read my mind that day, because I was thinking, rather happily, that at least I wasn't the only outsider in town, and by anyone's means not the most interesting one.

Today I also know why you tried to avoid me. Since Italy – and by the way, Alice loves her yellow Porsche – I've known I am la tua cantante. My blood is singing for you, day and night whenever I am near. I still can't believe you're able to resist its calling when I'm close. This won't be necessary any longer. Soon the day will come when everything will change, when everything that I've been wishing since the day I fell in love with you will fall into place, when my life will be no more yet I will be reborn in this same body with this same soul and mind. As tempting as Carlisle's offer may have been, you knew well I wouldn't resist the idea that it could you to change me. You looked me in the eye just once, and every protest that remained in my thoughts vanished. I couldn't think clear, I forgot all around us. And you knew it.

You say you believe there's a god. You say it's hard to believe everything on this planet emerged on its own. Yet you say you've lost your soul. I believe in justice. And I believe in true love. Because of this simple belief it's impossible that you're eternally cursed. What god could agree to such a noble, such a good, such a loving person as you losing his immortal soul? Who could be as presumptuous as to condemn you? I know I couldn't and I can't and I won't. Even you believe in Carlisle's dream of paradise. Otherwise you would have realized instantly Rosalie and Alice had had a misunderstanding back then in Volterra when you still thought I was dead. However you were just happy about your supposed painless death and about our shared heaven.

Please don't think about it anymore. Even if this were true, I would put my soul at stake anytime for the chance to spend an eternity with you because I love you. For I can't bear to be far from you. When you left me, I felt hollow, I felt empty. So many months I was only a soulless body because you'd taken my heart with you. Thus it will be forever. My heart is yours for, far from you, I can't live anymore. I already hear you saying you can't either, but that is not true. I'll follow you wherever you may go.

You say I'm like a comet to you. Before me, it was night, moonless but filled with stars. When you had left me, everything was dark. Before you came, I didn't know what the word love meant. You came like lightning, unexpected and unhoped-for, frightening at first, then indescribably beautiful. At one time I was afraid you'd leave me. But since the night when you gave me this explanation, I have faith in this our love. You will never leave again, I will always stay wherever you are.

During the darkest period of my life I got to know Jacob Black. Sometimes you hope I had chosen him. When you become quiet and thoughtful in my presence, you wish I had chosen him and some resemblance to a normal human life. What is normal, though? Is the boring life of most people normal, or can you call this crazy, fantastic life we are living normal? You fear for nothing. I need you like the air I breathe, like the earth under my bare feet, like people I can trust and love and who love me in return. Without you, I dry up like a solitary flower in a desert. How should I survive without sun, without water, without air? Because of your love, I know you won't let all that happen to me. It hurts him, and this knowledge hurts me too, but you are my only future, the only future I want.

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb… what a stupid lamb… what a sick, masochistic lion… But I am grateful for the lamb's stupidity. It has grown. The lamb isn't defenseless any longer, no small plaything between the lines of an age-old war. And I am grateful for the lion's self-control. Although he could have hurt the lamb, he didn't. For the lion fell in love with the lamb despite his insatiable hunger, and the lamb fell in love with the lion despite all her senses warning her to run away. So their love grew and grew and is still growing. But their love was dangerous, and the lamb was mortal. Therefore the lamb asked him to make her one of his own kind to spend the eternity together, and the lion agreed. Nevertheless, he had one condition…

Tomorrow this condition is coming true. I am happy. Although I'm not really sure we should have allowed Alice to organize the marriage. Everything will be perfect, we both know it. I'll never forget that one special day, even if I live for ages and ages and see the humans' births and deaths and the earth's changes. I want to show you tomorrow just how much you mean to me, how much I love you. First eternal faith and love, then our eternity. Together.

Yesterday I loved you. Today I love you. Tomorrow I will love you. I love you forever and for all eternity.


AN: This was the last part of the Vampire Love Stories, folks. It's over... so please review! Pretty please!

Anna Scathach