Disclaimer: All characters belong to Eric Kripke.



"Bela?" Dean pushed her room door in and stared at the still sleeping figure. He sighed, pressed his hand against his forehead and closed his eyes. Another sigh left his mouth and he walked towards the bed, carefully took hold of Bela's ankles and positioned her more comfortably on the bed. Her body responded to this with some movement, but Bela remained unconscious. Dean sat on the other side of the bed and flipped open his phone. "Where'd you go, Sam?"


Dean turned back to her and gasped. He grabbed a blanket from under the bed and laid it gently over her shaking form, "Bela?" Her forehead was warm and sticky to touch. Dean pulled the blanket off her, picked up the other pillow and stared at the blood stain on the underside.

He swallowed, scrunched his eyes for a moment, and slowly lifted her head. He placed the blood-stained pillow upon the other one, stain on the underside as it was before. Once her head was resting on the pillows again, Bela whimpered.

"It's time to wake up, Bela." Dean took hold of her hands, "Time to get up."

She struggled against the light peeking into her eyes. Another whimper escaped, but it was tailed by a cough and she quickly sat up with Dean patting her back while still holding her left hand. Bela covered her mouth with the other. The sound of the cough surprised them both. Dean left her side briefly to grab her water bottle. Bela drank, then coughed, and drank some more.

"You're not well, we should—"

Bela shook her head, "No. I'm—"

"I saw the blood stain, Bela."

She drank again, and then looked at her right palm. She showed it to Dean.

He moved as if to pick her up, "You need a doctor."

"No, Dean." She pushed him away, "It's temporary."

Dean grimaced, "You know what—"

"Castiel told me this was temporary."

Dean blinked. He swallowed and sat beside her, "In your dream?" Dean grabbed a few tissues from the brand-name box on his side of the bed. He passed them to Bela, "I just saw him."

Bela wiped her hand, "You left me?"

"I..." Dean glanced at his phone, "I was—"

"Worried about Sam," Bela nodded. She began shaking again and put her head on her knees. "No, that doesn't—"

"Wall's good support," Dean helped Bela rest her back against the pillows cushioning the wall. He shuffled up to the wall too, and put his arm around her shoulders. "I'll take you to the hospital when you feel stronger."

"Dean," Bela swallowed. "Cas meant that—"

"I get what he meant." Dean's throat was dry. He peeked at what remained in Bela's bottle and wet his lips.

Bela breathed in quickly as the shaking continued. She coughed again, this time into a tissue. "I'm sorry," she turned to Dean, "for being such a bitch."

Dean held her closer, "You were just—"

"No excuses."

Dean stared at the television across the room. He looked down at his phone, and then back at Bela's lap where the water bottle lay. He breathed in deeply and then whispered, "Bela?"

"This is better." She snuggled into his shoulder, "Much better."

Dean smiled. He looked down at her content expression, and then felt her collapse into him. Her head slipped onto his chest, and he tightly grasped her shoulder. Dean blinked. A tear rolled down his cheek. He put his lips to the top of her head and closed his eyes.