Disclaimer: I do not own Narrator, or any of it's characters, although if I get a dog and name it Akamaru who could blame me. Just to play it safe I don't own SANDMAN either, although one of the characters was inspired by mister Gaimen's Robust worlds inhabitants.

AN: I was going to make this a crossover with SANDMAN, but decided it was simpler not to, on with the story.

My Japanese Sucks, My Style is Rough, And I am unforgivable in many ways as an author, that having been said, I am seeking Beta/s, and any tips, tricks, or pointers are more welcome than a slap to the head by a two by four. Arigato. ;P

Chapter One: Um, I-I Love Your Son Very Much, and I Think I Can Make Him Very H-happy.

Hyuuga Hinata was surprised that she wasn't dead it had been a close thing she was sure, and what was Naruto going to think, she didn't even make it to the end of the fight. No she was going to be strong, she had to be, she was almost the only friend the 'Acting Hokage' had left and if she couldn't even stand up to the jackals that made up the rest of the remaining council on a stupid title, the two remaining members of what had been called 'The Rookies,' were closer than Hinata had ever dared to hope, and she would trade every bit of their closeness for the return of everyone who should have been sharing their friendship still, but laying around woolgathering wasn't going to get her anywhere, she had to get up and maybe find out who had been left to drag her away from what probably should have been the final battle for the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

She opened her eyes and was very surprised to be faced with a world that was completely still, unnaturally still. She looked down at her front, and was whole, her jacket was wrecked, and the shirt beneath by a seared where the Chidori had pierced her, ripping upwards to leave her only the tattered remains of her tops, over what should have been two halves of a torso, but beneath that she was untouched entirely, she wasn't even sore. Not to say that she felt good, no looking around she could feel nothing but despair, she heard nothing, and felt no heat or cold, smelled nothing, but oh what she saw.

She was standing in the village square at the foot of the Hokage Tower, looking a perverse diorama of the last of Konohagakure's forces with the remainder of the coalition, she could see the frozen forms of most of her comrades dead or dying, and those that weren't being forced back both by the forces of Amegakure, and it's allies, falling to her knees she could only try to feel some relief that they had already implemented Naruto's new initiative for civilian evacuation, and that at least they would be safe, for now. With that thought she quickly made her way over to Naruto, and raised onto her toes to kiss his frozen form directly upon the lips, feeling the tears run down her face, "I'm sorry I wasn't enough, strong enough, brave enough, never enough," she laughed hysterically through her tears, "I guess father was right first," she cried falling to her knees, she noticed the hand of Uchiha Sasuke, charged with the same attack he'd used on Hinata, covered in her blood, and heading directly towards Naruto, even as he was frozen in place. She grasped his opposite shoulder, and attempted to change his trajectory, she pulled her own weapons, but they couldn't hurt him, her gentle fist wouldn't hurt him, and her kunai left him unmarked, she didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, the only one in sight who could move at all, and she couldn't make a single difference. She settled on crying.


"Eh-hem," a throat was delicately cleared behind, the pathetically crying figure of Hyuuga Hinata. Hinata turned towards the crystal voice to see perhaps the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, not much over twenty the fiery redheaded woman held herself with a confidence that Hinata could only imagine, and wore red and black shin obi armor, she bore on her forehead a Hitiate bearing a symbol faintly reminiscent, of the red swirl found on all of Naruto's clothing, and worn by various Jounin through out the village.

"Oh, E-excuse me Miss?"

"Uzumaki, Uzumaki Kushina dear," the woman said kindly, not mentioning the strangeness of the situation, or indeed anything else while Hinata tried to compose herself.

"Kami," Hinata gasped in realization.

"Yes?" the woman claiming to be Uzumaki Kushina asked with a hint of amusement.

"You're moving," she gestured to the woman, "You're moving too, you're not stuck like everyone else."

"That is true, if there is one thing that can be said about Uzumaki Kushina, it is that she is seldom faced with the prospect of being stuck," she smirked.

"Uzumaki, Uzumaki, are you related to Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked excitedly, "Can you help me save him?" she continued walking over to the remaining Uchiha's arm, and once again beginning to struggle against the unnamable force which held him immobile.

"I thought you'd never ask," Uzumaki Kushina smiled languidly raising her right hand into position level with her ear, almost right in front of her perfectly formed face and snapped her fingers, the Universe threw up.


Hinata Hyuuga once again found herself waking up under odd circumstances, where as before she had been trapped in the frozen tableau of a battle field she was deceased on, now she was sitting at a beautifully appointed tea service, on a plush cushion, a cup of well made tea was steaming before her, as though the person knew the moment she would rouse herself, and across from her was the woman she had met before, in traditional garb more suited to a princess than a shin obi, her armor gone, she wore perfectly done makeup over her delicate face, accenting her beauty perfectly, and looking down Hinata found she was appointed similarly. "So, what is your interest in my son?" the amused Kushina asked pleasantly, causing Hinata to begin a blush at the very tip of her nose, and turn a horribly deep maroon, which was translated nicely by her traditional makeup into a delicate, and rather attractive light pink, "Oh, I hit pay dirt, I knew I made the right choice, I mean logic says Tsunade, she loves him madly, and is in a perfect position to help, I mean a Sannin, Hokage, Hello, or Shizune, or Anko, maybe Kurenai, but she has Asuma, had maybe, well we'll see what happens, or Sakura, there was a huge base for Sakura, Ino, TenTen, even Temari, or Haku, did you know that there is even a huge push towards Shion, or Princess Kayuki, or even Inuzuka Hana, but seeing you jump in front of that Chidori sealed it for me, no matter what happens I know you'll do your best to help my son, I'm sure you'll be able to develop past any problems you might have, and after a brief sit down we'll send you on your way, and abrakablooie better world, though I feel bad about the instant trip to grownups Ville, I think you can handle it, and it should be easy enough all told," she finished breathlessly.

"I don't understand," Hinata said slowly, the amount of unnamed information hanging in the air after the woman's few brief sentences striking her quite suddenly.

"You're right, synopsis first, then I'll give you details, you're such an organized little first wife," Hinata blushed prettily again, "Hello, my name is Uzumaki Kushina, I'm Uzumaki Naruto's 'deceased,' mother, and was known as the Red Death, and I am also among less personal circles referred to mainly as 'The Shinigami."

Hinata fainted again.