Author's Note: thank you for all those who reviewed, favourited and story alerted this fic. Big thanks to Paula and Josie who encouraged me to write this.
"You're going to what?!" Mickey yelped.
"I'm going to put myself into a forced sleep so I can finish of the nightmares" the Doctor repeated calmly while rolling his eyes. "Keep up Mickey the rate you're going, you'll be regressing back to childhood"
"No need to be snippy" Mickey sulked.
"Will the pair of ya stop arguing, it's like having a bunch of five year olds" Jackie grumbled, Mickey and the Doctor looked sheepish and mumbled apologies. "Look Doctor, Mickey is only being concerned about you. Are you sure this is safe? For you know you could end up in the Med-Bay again or worse regenerated and I have to put up with another ugly mug"
The Doctor rolled his eyes again; twice in a minute blimey he hadn't done that in months. "Thanks for that Jackie, glad to know how much you care" he said sarcastically. He sighed and softened his voice; he knew Jackie was just being her usual caring self with a dash of...rudeness. "Both Owen and Toshiko will be overseeing it Jackie. It's one hundred per cent safe and Pete supported me to do it"
Jackie glared at her husband who looked up meekly before picking Tony up and muttered something about putting the baby to bed.
"When are you doing this stupid reckless sleeping thing?" Jackie asked curiously.
"It's not stupid or reckless; it's a self discovery sleep, something for me to work out myself. I have a hunch and if my hunch is correct, well then we really should start cracking on finding Rose if my hunch is not correct...well you're going to have to lock me up because there is no way that I am spending my whole life chained to a desk with Dr Lupus yammering on in my ear, do yo-"
"Just answer the question Boss before Jackie slaps you" Mickey interrupted shooting him a warning look while Jackie looked irritated.
The Doctor swallowed. "Tonight" he admitted.
"And you're only telling us now?!" Jackie shrieked. "Oh I don't know why I bother"
"Hang on isn't it supposed to be Owen and Tosh's first date tonight?" Mickey asked suspiciously.
"Where do you think Owen is taking Tosh? They're great people and Owen might have a bit more of a social life but they're both geeks and both consider overseeing an alien sleeping a romantic date" the Doctor said laughingly.
"Says Mr Geek himself" Mickey muttered shaking his head. "And somehow I don't think they consider this a date not unless they're planning to do something other than watch over you"
The Doctor's laughter trailed off as he looked disgusted. "God you humans can be disgusting sometimes" he then marched off.
Mickey stood there confused. "I just meant watch a film or eat pizza" he said to Jackie who just shrugged.
"It's going to end in the morning" Rose whispered. "The Master won't have the chance to actually conquer the rest of the universe"
"So why are you so scared?" he asked softly, dreading the answer, she could be scared because of him.
"Because I don't know what's going to happen to you" Rose said tearfully, he pulled her in for a hug and pressed a kiss on her temple.
"I love you, no matter what happens" he whispered truthfully.
"I love you too"
They lay there all night, curled up in one another's arms. He enjoyed holding her and enjoyed the many kisses they shared though he knew this was going to be the last time; he can't see himself on the TARDIS with Rose as a human. With some strange woman called Martha tagging along, oh and Jack no one can forget Jack. It didn't feel right and he just couldn't see it happening. When the sun rose guards came in and dragged them out.
The Master had them all in the conference room, stood in the same place before as he destroyed the gun UNIT had developed.
"What a terrible companion" the Master said "useless! Looks like you don't have the Doctor's knack for picking the best Rosie my dear. Oh well can't be perfect can you?"
Martha suddenly started to giggle he had to admire the girl for her guts or maybe she was just plain stupid...ooh he was being rude again.
"What's so funny?" the Master asked.
"Did you really think that, that was it? That I would foolishly let myself be caught out like that?" Martha asked.
"Well you are a stupid ape" the Master said causing both Rose and the Doctor to flinch.
"Do you even know what I was doing travelling round the world?" Martha asked.
The Master shrugged. "Tell me" he said sitting down on the stairs.
"I told a story" Martha said simply. "That's all, no weapons just words. I did what Rose said and travel round the continents and found people and then I told them my story. I told them about Rose and everything she has done and then I told them to pass it on so everyone would know about her"
"Faith and hope, is that all?" the Master asked smiling in disbelieve.
"No" Martha said. "Because I followed an instruction just like Rose said" the Jones family stared at Martha in disbelieve. "That if everyone thought two words at one moment then-"
"Nothing would happen" the Master said loudly interrupting Martha. "Is that your weapon, prayer?"
"Right across the world, two words, one thought, one exact moment with fifteen satellites" the Master rose up slowly with his eyebrows high in his hair line.
"The Archangel Network" Jack said grinning.
"A telepathic field where every human is thinking the same thing at the same time at the right moment and those two words areā¦Bad Wolf"
The countdown reached to zero and suddenly a silver light caught his eye, he turned round to see Rose glowing silver. He had seen her glowing in gold once and silver suited her well but not as well as the gold did. Then again he might just be biased because he loves time and that was what the gold was.
"No, no, no, don't you dare. Stop it" the Master said.
"Bad Wolf" Jack said grinning insanely.
"Bad Wolf, Bad Wolf" Francine and Tish whispered under their breaths.
"Bad Wolf, Bad Wolf" the crowds below shouted.
"Bad Wolf" Martha said smiling widely.
"Bad Wolf" he whispered in Rose's ear.
"Stop it! Just stop it!" the Master shouted.
Everyone kept chanting the two words even Lucy the Master's wife joined in.
"I had a whole year to tune myself into the psychic network and to integrate myself into the matrixes" Rose growled, he had to admire her for thinking up a crafty plan like that.
"I order you to stop!" the Master bellowed.
Everyone kept chanting the two words.
"One thing you can't do is stop them thinking" Rose snarled. "Now you seem to have forgotten that I am connected to the TARDIS, I have been since I was nineteen. Using my connection with the TARDIS and the new connection with the Archangel Network I can break the paradox machine"
"NO!" the Master held up his laser screwdriver at Rose who merely waved her hand and sent it flying our of the Master's hand.
"I am Rose Tyler, Bad Wolf and I break the paradox machine" Rose shouted waving her hands in what he thought was silly gestures but then again once upon a time those silly gestures saved his own life.
Inside the TARDIS the paradox machine slowly snapped away, breaking off. Suddenly everyone else was flung to the floor and everything began to spin round quickly.
He took one of Rose's hands and laughed. "Time is averting!" she shouted as they began to spin faster and faster. She laughed gleefully.
It was the last thing he heard before everything went black.
He opened his eyes to see Owen and Tosh leaning over him in concern.
"What happened?" he whispered.
"Nothing major, you were just talking in your sleep" Tosh said soothingly. "Something about a bad wolf" He nodded and sat up, Owen rushing to check his vitals. "Would you like a cup of tea?"
"Yes please" the Doctor croaked his throat felt dry all of sudden.
"You think it is all over?" Owen asked.
"It's over" the Doctor said with a mixture of sadness and relief.
"My nightmares have stopped" the Doctor said firmly two months later since that last dream. "It's over"
"Have you finally accepted that this is your life now?" Dr Lupus asked.
"No this will never be my life" the Doctor said firmly.
"The thing is Dr Lupus" the Doctor interrupted loudly. "Your firm or clinic or whatever you call this place is called Slikts Lupus-"
"Yes and I explained about that" Dr Lupus said rolling her eyes.
"Slikts is Latvian for bad" the Doctor interrupted. "Slikts Lupus translates into Bad Wolf. Rose is Bad Wolf she's telling me something"
"And what is that?" Dr Lupus asked.
"That I can go back" the Doctor said firmly. "Those dreams weren't some fantasy world I made up, good theory by the way, completely and utterly wrong but good theory. It was a telepathic lash back, somehow, some way the Master was really alive and really had created a human clone and Rose was really there"
Dr Lupus sighed heavily. "So what are you going to do now Doctor?"
"I'm going to find my way back to Rose of course" the Doctor said simply.
A year later the stars started to go out.