Turned on music, did a drabble for each some I played. Oh! And if you like the pairing, go check out DcatDavis' story 'How Far'. Its pretty nifty. :D

(Just a note, in my weird Lost Boys world, its 2008-2009, Edgar's, what, 37(?) Alan is a vampire and kinda in hiding from his brother, Edgar didn't meet up with Sam (alternate ending to Lost Boys numba two) nor did he fight him (hidden ending). He helped the Emerson kids, then went back to Santa Carla. David is (obviously) alive and all that jazz.)

Wicked Game - H.I.M.

Edgar didn't know how this happened. How he'd allowed David to have such a hold on him. He'd vowed to kill all vampires, for truth, justice and the American way.

For Alan.

But, he'd failed in this attempt, he thought as David's teeth-his fangs-grazed across his collarbone, he'd failed everyone.

A noise escaped him involuntarily as David's breath ghosted over his ear, eyes clenched shut. The vampire chuckled and Edgar turned his face away from the smirk he knew graced the blonde's face.


David's voice slithered through his mind and he growled, eyes snapping open to give the vampire his best glare. His glare faltered, dying out completely as he got caught up in those terribly bright blue eyes.

Shit. When had he changed back?

"Edgaaar." David stared at the young adult pinned to his cave wall.

"Shut up, bloodsucker or I'll stake you right now and be rid of you." The threat was growled, Edgar's temper rising.

The vampire smirked, leaning over to nibble at the young man's ear, chuckling somewhat. "What would you do without me, Edgar?" His mouth slid to Edgar's neck, biting gently at the soft skin there.

"I'd go back to my day job." Edgar gasped out, his ears and neck where his weak spots, and David was using those spots against him.

"Liar. You'd miss hunting. You're a predator, Edgar. You're as much as a predator as me." David's fingers and nails were ripping at his shirt, teeth claiming the scarred skin he discovered. "And you can't say that you don't enjoy our game."

Edgar groaned, arching into the touches and sliding down the wall. "Shut up." His fingers curled painfully tight into fists, his ego not allowing him to hold onto the vampire.

The blonde chuckled, nips becoming sharper, tasting the Hunter's blood.

Nothing more was said. Nothing more needed to be said. David was right. Always had been. Without vampires, without David, Edgar would have nothing to do. He'd be nothing without the blonde vampire and their little wicked game.