Sesshomaru sat at his desk working on paper work for two villages that were at odds. He was taking a break when a flash made him look over. There under glass sat the jewel in a swirl of black and pink. In two years Sesshomaru had kept the jewel safe from those seeking to use it.
Sesshomaru kept his promise he would make the right wish and end this. The only problem was that every time he thought he was close the fear that he would never feel Kagome again made him stop. He was stuck he didn't know the right wish. He knew that it had to be the one wish that made the jewel gone forever.
Sesshomaru was still in thought when there was a soft knock on the door. When Sesshomaru allowed the door to be opened and found Mizu standing in the doorway.
"My lord you have guests." Mizu spoke.
"I will meet them in the garden." Sesshomaru spoke.
Sesshomaru stood taking the jewel and placing it in his pocket.
Sango sat in the garden Kirara on her lap. Miroku stood behind her as the wind blew against them.
"He's added so many flowers in just a year." Sango spoke as the wind carried on it the scent of so many flowers.
"Seems each year he adds more." Miroku spoke as a sound from behind made him turn.
"The more I add the closer to Kagome's scent I get." Sesshomaru spoke a faint smile on hsi face.
The group stood in silence for a moment before Sango stood. She faced Sesshomaru and handed him papers.
"Reports from the outer edges or the western lands. Any demon who is after the jewel that we could find was taken care of." Sango spoke looking over to see the jewel in Sesshomaru's pocket.
'Nice work. Any news of that idiot brother of mine and his little priestess?" Sesshomaru spoke taking the papers.
"We heard that they were taking to some springs in the hopes to help Kikyo gain some more power. She plans on taking that jewel and purifying it." Miroku spoke.
"I see their still being foolish thinking I would let this jewel out of my sight." Sesshomaru spoke with a smile.
The three walked into the great hall where they sat and ate. Sesshomaru knew that his brother would be showing up so enough.
"Inuyasha if we just explain to him I am sure he will hand it over." Kikyo spoke walking next to Inuyasha.
"I told you before he wont hand that jewel over not as long as he believes Kagome is alive in it." Inuyasha spoke looking at the ground.
"We will just have to explain to him there is no way she could be alive after two years in there." Kikyo spoke as the castle came into view.
Sesshomaru waited at the gate doors as Inuyasha and Kikyo walked up. Kikyo smiled and Sesshomaru could see the aura Kikyo was trying to push out.
"Welcome back it's been a while." Sesshomaru spoke as the two walked in.
"We had a lot to think about." Kikyo spoke as she walked on.
Once inside the great hall Sango and Miroku watched as Kikyo walked right up to Sesshomaru.
"You need to hand over the jewel. It's time for me to purify it and then seal it." Kikyo spoke her hand out.
"This jewel will be sent away by being purified. You will not have this jewel for I will be making the wish that sends it from this world." Sesshomaru spoke.
"That's fine, then do it. What's keeping you from just doing it?" Inuyasha barked.
"I want to make the right wish that let will free Kagome as well." Sesshomaru spoke the jewel giving off a warm light.
"Come now it's been two years the girl is nothing but a soul inside that jewel now." Kikyo spoke.
Sesshomaru waited as Kikyo took a fighting stance and was about to charge. Kikyo placed her hands together her aura filling around her and then sent it flying. Sesshomaru pulled two hands forward stopping the power with his own. Inuyasha was open mouthed his brother had two arms.
"This happens when he is close to the jewel. Kagome seems to give him back the arm that was taken." Sango spoke standing.
"We should go to the great tree and I will show you all what truly lives in the jewel." Sesshomaru said his arm fading as he walked out the door.
Deep in the western woods stood the demon tree. He smiled as Sesshomaru walked up to him.
"Old friend its been a long time how may I help you?" The demon tree spoke.
Sesshomaru and the others stopped right before the tree as Sesshomaru pulled out the jewel.
"Show them. Please show them inside the jewel." Sesshomaru bowed presenting the jewel.
The tree reached out took hold of the jewel and before them a huge screen appeared. The group was in shock as two figures appeared.
"Kagome..." Inuyasha spoke.
Kagome sat on a large rock her hair long and her eyes bright while she sat the world around her turned dark and Naraku jumped from the darkness to attack.
"Come on we do this all the time." Kagome spoke jumping from her spot.
Naraku's arms grew following Kagome into th air. Kagome's aura covered her as she pulled a sword cutting the arms from her. Kagome landed and the darkness turned to an open field with flowers.
"I will kill you!" Naraku yelled as he attacked once more.
Kagome pulled the sword to the front one foot on the floor the other pulled up to her knee. Kagome once more closed her eyes and as Naraku was about to cover her she sent the sword forward and Naraku froze. The sword was through his chest.
"I've won. You are now one with this jewel it's fate is yours. As long as I keep you at bay My fate is not with you!" Kagome's aura filled the space between them sending Naraku flying.
Kagome stood she had grown into a woman inside the jewel and with it a sense of peace.
"That brat half-demon with make the wrong wish." Naraku started to laugh.
"Inuyasha is not the one who will make the wish...He is not the one who holds the jewel. Kikyo does not hold it either." Kagome spoke as a large pond appeared. Kagome started to walk into the water.
"If they do not hold it then who does?" Naraku spoke now sitting by the edge of the water.
"Sesshomaru of course." Kagome spoke a large smile on her face as she pulled water over her face cleaning it of dirt.
"That demon then you fate is to die. He will make the wrong wish." Naraku started to laugh.
"Really. When we were fighting and I finally killed you how do you think I did it. It happened when he just so happened to be holding the jewel. He will make the right wish and you and the jewel will be gone!' Kagome was screaming the water turning to steam.
"I doubt that girl." A darkness spoke as it took hold of Kagome pulling her to the ground.
Kagome pulled trying to break free as Naraku was now above her.
"You will join me forever." Naraku spoke now face to face with Kagome.
"Never." Kagome spoke as a spark of light shot from nowhere and set her free. Naraku slowing started moving back as to avoid being purified.
The tree pulled the jewel free handing it back to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru took the jewel placing it back behind his spike plate. He turned to Kikyo and Inuyasha.
"Now that you see that Kagome is alive now do you see why I will not hand over the jewel. " Sesshomaru started to walk back through the woods towards his castle.
Sango and Miroku walked next to the man they now looked at as their lord. He was kind when the time allowed but never was one to let what was right get in the way of what he wanted. They came to the field that lead to the great castle when a hoard of demons appeared.
"Move out of our way! Hiraikotsu!:" Sango yelled as she released her weapon.
"Take this you monsters." Miroku released his scrolls as he spoke.
Sesshomaru felt a pulse from inside his shield. He knew his other hand was back but he still pulled his sword with the hand that was truly his. He pulled back letting go of the dragon strike.
Demon after demon fell in front of the group till those still alive ran for there lives for life meant more to them than the jewel. Sesshomaru walked to his hall the others right behind him
"Those demons will only be back and when you fail they will take the jewel." Kikyo spoke standing a little taller acting more like her old miko self.
"Who says I will fail. This Sesshomaru has been planing for these last years." Sesshomaru spoke as Miroku and Sango stood by his side.
Inuyasha felt a chill run down his spine and then it hit him that Sesshomaru was ready.
"Jewel... I want to make my wish." Sesshomaru spoke taking hold of the jewel.
The jewel started to shake and then the world around them went black.
Kagome was in a world of flowers when everything around her started to shake and before she could move Naraku wrapped his body around hers.
"He's finally called to me... he will fail you and then you will belong to me." Naraku spoke as he held tighter to Kagome.
Kagome knew that since the jewel was called that her power was weak and to fight now was not smart. Kagome felt Naraku start to pull her high as a group of people started to appear.
Sesshomaru found that he was standing inside the jewel once his eyes could see again. He looked to find that the jewel brought the others as well.
"You called on me." The voice of malice spoke.
"I did." Sesshomaru answered.
"You want to make a wish?" The sweet voice of the great miko asked.
"I am ready." Sesshomaru spoke.
"Are you really?" Naraku spoke as his face appeared. "You really think you know the right wish?" Naraku started to laugh as he brought Kagome down into view.
Sango wanted to run to Kagome but Sesshomaru stopped her. Miroku felt a dark chill around them. Kikyo wanted to use her spiritual power but a wind knocked her over Inuyasha ran to catch her.
"This is our world and in it you all have no power." The malice spoke.
"Sesshomaru are you ready to make your wish?" The great miko spoke as a light cut through Naraku and Kagome landed on the ground.
Kagome stood as she smiled as she walked up and touched Sesshomaru's face.
"I am ready/" Sesshomaru spoke. "Now I know why you brought the others. You think I am going to make the wrong wish." Sesshomaru spoke while looking into Kagome's eyes.
Naraku was sliding through the dark he was waiting when he made the wish he would return to the world of the living.
"My wish...Kagome...My wish is...jewel dissappear." Sesshomaru spoke and there was silence.
"NO!" Naraku screamed as his body was starting to be pulled into darkness. "How dare you!" Naraku then was gone.
"I see you made the right wish. Thank you." The great miko spoke as she stood her soul was breaking free.
"I wont leave without making you pay girl." The malice spoke Kagome standing a smile on her face.
The darkness broke into light as the jewel in Sesshomaru's hand turned to dust. Sango blinked as Kagome stood before them.
"I knew you would do it." Kagome spoke running to Sesshomaru and placing her lips to his. "Even if you didn't get what you want." Kagome smiled as she stood before her true love.
Kagome let a tear fall as from nowhere a hand took hold and she was gone.
"Kagome!" The group screamed.
Sesshomaru sat as he pulled a piece of paper from his chest plate.
"The jewel will grant the wish you ask but the malice will always mess it up. That is why wishing for simple things will grant nothing but trouble. If you can truly wish the right wish you may never see me again." Sesshomaru stopped reading.
"You made the wish even if it meant Kagome was taken from you?" Sango spoke.
"Kagome would have done the same. The malice feared her and thus would do what it could to get rid of her" Sesshomaru spoke.
The group was in shock where was Kagome this time for the jewel was gone.
"The well." Inuyasha spoke. "He sent her to the well I bet it sent her back home." Inuyasha spoke.
"Then let us travel to the well and see what Kaede can tell us." Sango spoke looking over to Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru nodded and the group started to pack for the three day trip.
Kagome found that she was in a world between worlds. She was trapped in the well. She smiled the malice could only do this which meant she was alive at lest. Kagome froze for she was not alone.
"How are you here?" Kagome spoke as the great Miko appeared.
"I too have the power to give and take. You and that boy were able to look past what you two wanted but do what was best for the world. I can grant you this gift.. I can only open one side of this well. You can pass through but once you do the well will explode and be no use." The miko spoke and Kagome was left with a choice.
Inuyasha landed with Kikyo on his back to the open ground where the well sat. He froze for the well was in pieces. Sango and Miroku landed next on top of Kirara and Sango held in her screams. Sesshomaru landed and a part of him was broken he was holding on that there was a loop hole that he could have used.
The group looked on for a while in a soft breeze the well was gone that was true.
"We should go ask Kaede." Kikyo spoke a part of her happy this was over.
The others walked on as the small hut came into view. The towns people worked in the fields as the group walked passed. Sesshomaru was lost in thought he had given these people peace but at what cost.
Kikyo walked in first to find Kaede at her pot mixing what looked like soup. The sweet elderly priestess looked up and smiled at the group.
"Now it's been some time since I last saw all of you. How may I help you all?" Kaede asked as Kikyo and Inuyasha sat down. Sango and Miroku sat next but Sesshomaru stood he felt like there was something in the air that he knew.
"We came to ask what you know about the well?" Kikyo spoke.
"Oh yes the well. It exploded about two days ago. It was very loud and caused many of the men to run to the woods. We came to find the well in pieces." Kaede spoke.
"Do you know what caused the well to explode?" Sesshomaru asked.
"No, I haven't a clue. You can ask her though." Kaede spoke pointing outside.
The group looked out the door to a girl standing in the fields talking with a group of children. Her long raven hair blowing in the wind. She started to laugh and her voice lifted everyone's soul. Kagome turned as she heard Kaede call her name. She smiled at the kids as she walked back towards the hut.
"Kaede is every... " Kagome froze as she saw the group inside the hut. Kagome smiled as she was about to open her mouth again.
"Why are you still here?" Kikyo spoke her voice harsh. "Inuyasha is mine so why are you here?" Kikyo moved closer to Kagome this time.
"Kikyo stop. Kagome what happened?" Inuyasha asked as Kagome seemed to be in shock.
"The malice sent me to the well. I was stuck in between the two worlds. I was lost and alone. I was about to let go when the great miko appeared. She smiled and gave me her last gift. She could open one side and then the well was sure to close forever. I would have gone home but I have been gone for so long now that going home held nothing for me. Here I could start a life learn a trade. I came to be with..." Kagome was cut off by Kikyo now in her face.
"Inuyasha does not need you to be with him. You think just because..." Kagome put her hand over Kikyo's mouth.
"I came to be with the great lord Sesshomaru. I know that I have no future with Inuyasha other than a good friend. Kikyo he is your great love and I will never get in the way. Sesshomaru I came back so that I could be with you. Even if I just work as a healer in your castle." Kagome turned as she spoke bowing her head to Sesshomaru.
"You came back for me. Kagome..." Sesshomaru was taken back this girl was willing to do anything to be with him.
Kagome had her head down when she felt a pair of hands pull her into a body. She felt Sesshomaru's heart racing.
"I thought I had lost you forever even though I made the right wish. I want you to come home stay as my mate help me rule the western lands." Sesshomaru held tighter to Kagome.
"I hate to brake this happy moment but Kagome what happened to the well?" Sango asked as Kagome turned to her.
"That. Well I opened my eyes to find the open sky and was about to climb out when I heard laughing and the well just exploded and I was sent flying. Kaede found me and I have been resting and waiting for you guys since." Kagome spoke with a smile.
"Wait how did you know we would come?" Miroku asked.
"I figured one of you would like to check the well and the others would join." Kagome spoke.
"That's was smart. Now we should be heading back soon." Sesshomaru spoke.
Two days had past since the group found Kagome and it was time to set out on their new paths. Kikyo and Inuyasha were going to stay and make a new home near Kaede's small town were they could raise children and just be normal. Sango and Miroku wanted to fight for Sesshomaru's army and so were joining him back home. Kagome got more than she ever wanted as she took Sesshomaru as her mate and would help him rule over the western lands for as long as she could.