"What a way to go", Blair thought as she walked the street to get to her favorite part of of Central Park, as she balanced her coffee cup in one hand and a packet of papers in her other, her purse hung on one elbow, and her red coat flapping in the breeze. She made her way to a park bench, where she sat, spreading the paperwork she had out beside her to assess the situation at hand.

Suddenly she heard someone walking by, seemingly talking to himself, but obviously with a blue tooth ear piece in his ear. The tailored cut of his coat, his suit, and his designer shoes caught her eye right away, and Blair was still trying to place him, when she caught the scent of his distinctive cologne.

"Could it be?" she wondered to herself as she stared at him curiously. He'd certainly cleaned up and gotten himself straightened out since the last time she'd seen him, if he was who she thought he was.

Throwing caution to the wind, Blair quickly rose from her bench and followed behind him, until she called out his name. "Chuck Bass is that you?"

Suddenly he looked back at her with a brief smile on his face and said "Yes but it's Charles Bass now. I'm busy, so what do you need?"

"Chuck, its me, Blair!" she gasped as she took his arm.

"Blair? Oh yes I remember I once knew a girl named Blair, but she turned me out and didn't want to marry me, so I moved on, created my business empire, and was coerced into marrying Georgina for awhile, until she died in childbirth. Poor thing, more the pity to her. Do hurry up though because time is money." He said slyly checking his Rolex watch.

"You married Georgina and she died? And you don't even remember me, other than as the girl who broke your heart?" she gasped.

"Well to excel in business you must have veins of ice water. I don't really have time for you, unless you need a job. I do have need of a personal assistant and if I remember correctly, you certainly enjoyed working under me before." he said slyly, staring her down into her very soul.

"Working under you? That wasn't work!"

"Ah pleasure then?'

"No! Well..."

"You were always a pleasure Blair. Let's go to my office and we can discuss this further, out of the prying eyes and ears of the general public." Chuck said as he hurried on toward his office building.

Blair hurried back to her bench and gathered the things she left behind, then followed Chuck as he entered an impressive office building, to see a plaque that said that the whole third floor was comprised of Charles Bass Industries Ltd. She walked past cubicals and almost tripped over a potted plant, until she came to the door to Chuck's office and entered.

He was already in a meeting with two other men who only appeared to be a few years older than him. As soon as he saw Blair he told his associates that the meeting was adjourned for the time being and that they would resume at a later time.

When the men left, the one guy who had a similar haircut to Chuck's, but was slightly slimmer, walked past her staring Blair down and giving her a slightly creepy feeling. After they left, Chuck shut the door and Blair commented "Who were those guys? The one seemed to stare right through me."

"Oh that was just Paul Campbell. He's a good chap, even if he is a bit odd, bringing a rifle to work and of course the supposed affair he had with his administrative assistant, Peggy. Perhaps he was eying you to be his next Peggy?"

"You wouldn't let that happen, surely." she gasped.

"Of course not. As I said earlier, you'll be working under me, lover." he said seductively.

"You know that's not why I came here." she eyed him tensely.

"Then why did you come here, Blair? Just to get a position, or was it something more." he asked.

"Just for a position, that's all." she mumbled.

"Ah a position is it? Well I have a number of positions in mind for you that you would do well in servicing me, if memory serves me correctly about you." he said as he stood over her, pressing his hands into the arms of the chair she was seated in.

"And I thought sexual harassment in the workplace was dead!" she proclaimed staring into his hazel eyes.

"Ha well that's not quite true. It isn't harassment if the participant is willing, and from the look I see in those brown eyes of yours, you my dear are a more than willing participant indeed!" he said as he leaned in and brushed his lips seductively across her cheek.

"This is highly unorthodox but...Oh Chuck!" Blair said as she turned into his kiss, his embrace right there in his office, and she didn't resist when he carried her to his couch and they continued their passion there.

Suddenly Blair woke up in her bed at home, when both her alarm clock buzzed and Dorota knocked on her bedroom door to wake her up.

"Wake up Miss Blair. You need to get up on time to be able to get over to the school on time." Dorota said as she shuffled through the bedroom, collecting articles of clothing and dirty dishes Blair had left strewn around her room.

"Oh a few more minutes Dorota...Oh can't you go to the school in my place?" Blair moaned dejectedly, as she flopped back on her bed.

"No I can't. It's your reprimand Miss Blair, so you need to do it. Anyway your father has given me some errands to do at the same time, so I can't help you day." Dorota said as she stepped out of the room with nary a backward glance at Blair.

"Grrr..." Blair moaned as she lay there reflecting on Dorota's treatment of her, the punishment Headmistress Quellar set upon her, and her strange dream about businessman Chuck and his various employees, including characters from a TV drama. "I guess that's what I get for staying up and watching a marathon of the first season of Mad Men." Blair thought to herself in a groan, as she climbed out of her bed and went to her closet to pick out her outfit for the day.

Blair contemplated her choices, then decided on a green tweed skirt with a matching bolero jacket and a white blouse with a bow at the collar. She then slipped on a pair of kitten heels, and for a classic 'Blair touch' one of her infamous ribbon headbands. For where she was going, looking more like a child would only help matters perhaps, and either make the kids like her more, or the teachers believe her incompetent and not ask her back again.

What a strange punishment it was indeed, going to the sister elementary school and doing recess duty for over an hour and a half, right over lunch! And then to not be allowed to have her cell phone on at the school, what torture!

Blair went down to the kitchen where she picked up orange juice and a lightly buttered croissant, then checked her cellphone for the latest gossip on Gossip Girl, but so far that day there was little new. No new parties or anything of interest, despite it being a Friday, but that's the way things went sometimes.

All too soon, it was time to go to the elementary school, so Blair called to have a cab come pick her up outside her building, while she put the finishing touches on her makeup while she waited on the cab. When it did come, Blair climbed in and was soon whisked away to the school building.

The building was an impressive stone structure right along the street, with a gate outside the door, a brick walkway, and two somewhat ominous doors. Blair swallowed the lump in her throat and was momentarily transported back to her own first days at the elementary school, back when she was just a scared little child, and definitely not the Queen Bee of her high school. Shrugging off unpleasant memories, Blair entered the school, and by memory found the office, where a secretary sat behind a desk filing papers and answering phones.

When the secretary got off the phone, she looked up at Blair and asked "Hello, and you are?..."

"I'm Blair Waldorf and I'm here to do recess duty as part of a program through sister school Constance Billiard..." Blair began.

"Oh another one, well you can sign in, grab a whistle, and wait over there with the other one from Jude's." the secretary said as she handed Blair a clipboard with a paper to sign and a whistle on a nylon braided strap.

Blair signed the paper, grabbed the whistle, and walked over to toward where the secretary had pointed to. To her surprise, someone sat there who she'd never guess to be there.

"Chuck what are you doing here?" Blair gasped in surprise as she took a seat on one of the hard wooden chairs in the corner.

"Hello beautiful. Surprised to see me are you? Well, after everything that's gone on in my life lately, Lily decided that it was best to finish my education and graduate, but Quellar had one more trick up her sleeve and assigned me this." Chuck said in his sly, seductive way.

"Oh well I'm surprised you didn't get your nanny to help you with this matter, Chuck. I've heard that she's very experienced, if you catch my drift." Blair said.

"Well, Elle and I had a falling out of sorts, actually she disappeared, so of course she couldn't help me." Chuck said.

"Elle is it now? I should've known. Love 'em and leave 'em isn't that your style Chuck? Though I bet you never had them leave you before." Blair said angrily.

"Well let's just say that Elle, although beautiful, never meant to me what you did..." Chuck exclaimed softly.

"And what do I mean to you?" Blair passionately asked.

Suddenly the secretary peered around the corner and in a reprimanding tone, exclaimed "All right you two enough of the lovers quarrel, its time you both met the children outside and do the duty you were sent here to do. There's another lad out there already, so you'll have company."

"After all of this, Blair, I need to talk to you." Chuck whispered as they walked out of the school and onto the fenced in playground.

The playground was filled with almost a hundred screaming children ranging from kindergarten to third grade. As the children ran and played, Chuck and Blair were separated from each other to see what the kids were up to.

Chuck was nonchalantly standing over by the fence wearing designer shades and trying to look cool, when suddenly he felt something bump against his leg and saw a brunette little girl who looked barely more than five years old.

"Hello, do you need something?" he asked.

"I wath thrying to run away and I fell down and hurt my knee." the little girl cried.

"Well let me look at your knee." he said as he glanced down at her slightly skinned knee. "Aw see its not so bad." he chuckled.

"Bwut it hurts! Kiss it and make it bwetter!" the little girl sobbed in her babyish voice.

"Oh all right." Chuck said as he leaned down and kissed her knee.

"Fank oo Mister! Hey oo look like my daddy? Are you my daddy?" the little girl suddenly exclaimed.

Chuck studied the little girl and was surprised to see a slight resemblance in her wide brown eyes, the shape of her face, and her brunette hair, so he cautiously asked "No I'm not your daddy...By the way, what is your mother's name?"

"Mwary, my mommy's name is Mwary, and my name is Jenna." little Jenna exclaimed.

"And when were you born?" Chuck asked cautiously.

"Novemba 22, 2002." the girl exclaimed.

Chuck did some mental calculations, then admitted "No Jenna, I don't think I'm your daddy."

"Dat's okay Mista! Oh oh I fink my knee is bweeding! Can I go to the nurse?" she pleaded.

"Okay if you want to, you can go." he said nonchalantly.

"Care-wee mwee!" little Jenna pleaded.

"Oh all right." Chuck sighed as he picked up the little girl and carried her back into the school.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the playground, Nate Archibald, who had also been requested to perform recess duty as penance for an infraction through school, suddenly found himself surrounded by a pack of eight or nine year old little girls.

"You're him aren't you? We bet you are coz you look just like him!" one girl queried.

"Who? Who do I look like?" Nate asked.

"You're him, aren't you? Oh you know who! Xathon from Tattle Tale!" the girls exclaimed with delightful glee.

"Xathon from Tattle Tale?" Nate asked, more than a bit amused.

"You know the guy from the TV show Tattle Tale!" the girls exclaimed.

"I don't watch much TV." Nate admitted.

"You've never watched Tattle Tale?" the girls gasped in surprise.

"No...maybe you can enlighten me..." Nate sighed, half distracted by the girls' attentions.

"Oh Tattle Tale is this show my mom doesn't want me to watch because she thinks its too racy, but I still watch it with my older sister sometimes. Tattle Tale's this show about a bunch of rich kids in high school who spread all these rumors about each other on the Tattle Tale website, but mostly its about them partying too much and hooking up. And they keep switching boyfriends and girlfriends, cos first it was Xathon & Clair, then Xathon cheated on her with Serephina, so Clair cheated on him with his best friend Dick, so then it was 'Dick & Clair' all in love, then Xathon got with Ariel, and Serephina got with David but they kept breaking up...then Dick's dad died and he got all upset until he realized he was the head of Richard Seaman Enterprises, so he ran off to China or something. Then Clair got upset cos she thought Dick abandoned her, so she broke up with him and got back with Xathon cos he'd broken up with Ariel, then Serephina and David broke up and David got with this girl named Lisa, so Serephina got with Count von Krause or something, but the Count is trying to become rich by selling fake mine shares to Dick's company." the girls babbled on recounting the plotline to Tattle Tale.

"My...that sounds like quite the TV show!" Nate said as he mentally tried to piece it together. He then went onto to ask "Let me get this straight, one of the characters on this show Tattle Tale is called Dick Seaman?"

"Yes...that's his name." the girls responded.

"And what does this guy, Dick, look like?" Nate asked, nonchalantly bemused.

"Oh he has dark hair and dresses like my grandpa, really posh, and he wears this scarf like Freddy from Scooby Doo. My sister says he's suave and she loves Dick's love scenes with Clair because they're really sexy, and she was sad when Dick & Clair broke up." one little girl giggled then continued "But I like Xathon because he's hot, just like you!"

"Oh uh thanks for the compliment, but I think you're a bit too young for me." Nate laughed sympathetically.

"Aw that's okay cos Brice is already my boyfriend. Anyway it's too bad you're not Xathon, cause I though you could give us the latest scoop on Tattle Tale. When I saw you and your friends all here, I thought I could tell my sister that Xathon and Clair broke up and Clair got back with Dick, all right here at my school!" one girl exclaimed.

"So 'Dick & Clair' on Tattle Tale sorta look like my two friends here?" Nate asked, bemused.

"Oh yes! Well sort of, although they're skinnier on the TV show, I think." the girls admitted.

"Ha ha, funny...I'll have to tell them that sometime." Nate commented, as the girls ran off to play with their other friends.

Eventually the recess hour was finished and the children marched into the school building and on to the rest of their day, while Chuck, Blair, and Nate met up outside the school. As Chuck was waiting on his limo and briefly chatted with Blair, Nate approached them and commented...

"Hello 'Dick & Clair'!"

"You didn't just call me what it sounded like you called me, did you, Archibald?" Chuck nonchalantly seethed as lit a cigarette.

"No...Ha ha hmm, have either of you ever heard of a TV show called Tattle Tale?" Nate asked.

"No...I have no time for television. I would rather use my time for other pursuits." Chuck sighed.

"Well...I might've seen an episode or two..." Blair nervously laughed.

"Oh so then you'd know about 'Dick & Clair and Xathon and all the rest'?" Nate asked.

"Yes...oh I love to watch it for Clair's latest schemes, especially when she schemes with Dick. They always have such good ideas! I cried all night when Dick & Clair broke up. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a fan..." Blair admitted.

"Hmm, inspiring you say, Blair? Only you could find inspiration from the characters from a teen soap!" Nate chided.

"Tattle Tale isn't a teen soap! Okay maybe it is, but still..." Blair exclaimed.

"Anyway Chuck, that show apparently has a character that's much like you, but you wouldn't believe what his name is. He must be the ultimate womanizer because his name is...Dick Seaman...ha ha ha!" Nate broke out laughing.

"Ha ha, very amusing Archibald. I can't believe they'd allow that on television!" Chuck chuckled along with Nate, then added "Perhaps I should change my name to that?"

"No you don't Chuck Bass! Your own name is a fine name, you don't need to change it to something as silly as that!" Blair exclaimed.

Suddenly, simultaneously, Chuck's limo pulled to the curb while Nate received a call on his cellphone from Vanessa. "Uh Chuck, Blair, I need to go meet Vanessa so I guess I'll catch you later then." Nate said as he bade them farewell, slipped his cellphone into his pocket, and sprinted down the sidewalk.

Continuing their conversation, Chuck joked "Oh so you don't want to be associated with someone with that name?"

"Well I'd rather not be..." Blair replied.

"Ah I see my limo is here, why don't I give you a ride home, for old time sake."

"Yeah old time sake for you is..." she said.

"Well nothing like that right now. I have a proposition for you, for this weekend anyway. Come along and let me tell you." Chuck pleaded seductively.

"All right, I'll hear you out at least." Blair said as she allowed Chuck to help her into the limo.