Chapter I- Changes and New Opinions

A/N: Thanks so much, Lulu, Annie, Lyndsey, Chrissy, Leialoha, and Epequa for reviewing! Please continue to do so, if you like the story.
Basically, my premise for the story is that Malfoy and Hermione have to be partners for this project. Malfoy struggles with his emotions- he thinks he's falling in love with Hermione, but can't give up his old opinion of her. Keep reading for more, and don't hesitate to send suggestions!

"I can't believe you actually convinced Dumbledore to do this, Ginny," exclaimed Lavender as she packed the cosmetics strewn about her vanity into a bag.
"I know! I don't think Hogwarts has actually let us go on field trips before!" Parvati grinned at the youngest Weasley, zipping her duffel bag.
"And just think about where we're going," said Hermione. "I mean, could it get more interesting? Shaelune is a haunted mansion in Ireland! I hear it's really beautiful there, too."
"What'd you have for breakfast, Hermione? Travel brochures and hot cocoa?" Ginny asked dryly. She had already packed her clothes and makeup, and was sitting on the foot of her bed, trying to decide between her three-inch black platforms and her two and one-fourth inch black platforms.
"Oh, shut it, Ginny," retaliated Hermione. Her clothes were neatly rolled and being placed side-by-side in her bag.
Parvati walked over to Hermione's bed and picked up the dress that was lying there, straight from the cleaners in Hogsmeade. "Hermione, is this what you're planning to wear at the mansion dinner tonight?"
"Do you see any other dresses in my bag?" Hermione answered.
Lavender's eyes grew wide when she saw the army-green jumper Parvati was holding up. "You can't seriously be planning on wearing that, Hermione," she said. "I mean, I can see it if it were a different color and without straps and longer, but-"
"In other words, if it were a different dress," interrupted Hermione. "Look, I don't really care how I look. McGonagall said we would need a dress, so I packed a dress. You don't have to worry about me."
"But Hermione," said Parvati pityingly. "You're fifteen! I mean, this is a formal occasion. You looked so great at the Yule Ball last year; we know you can look good if you try!"
"Why should I try?" said an exasperated Hermione. "I had a date for the Yule Ball, and he was a champion. I had to look good. But this is just a field trip with people I've known for four years. I shouldn't have to worry about how I look. No one cares, anyways." At this, she looked a little sad and began once again to concentrate on her packing.
Ginny sidled over to her bed, wearing a sly smile. "If I were you, Hermione, I wouldn't be so sure. I make the Hogwarts social rounds for this house, and I know of at least two..." she bit her lip playfully and looked meaningfully at Parvati and Lavender, who would know who she was talking about. "... male students who wouldn't mind having you be their date for the Spring Fling."
Hermione sighed. "Then what do you suggest? That I use magic to make all my clothes stylish?"
Ginny grinned at the other two girls. "Something like that..."

Whereas four hours before, Hermione Granger had been a pretty girl whose remarkable features had been overshadowed by untamed hair and her nondescript clothes, she boarded the coach also carrying Harry, Ron, and Ginny looking... well... different.
Her brown sweater and black skirt had been replaced by a fitted, dark-red shirt, laced up the front with a black bodice, and a pair of slim-fitting burgundy trousers. A pair of black platforms graced her feet. Her hair had been fixed into loose, "romantic"(or so Ginny called them) waves, and she had darker auburn highlights. A pair of sunglasses (Lavender had provided them to shield her from the bright afternoon sun) sat upon her forehead, revealing her face and pulling back her hair.
Ginny smiled and applauded when Hermione, who was glad that the dim light of the coach hid her blushing cheeks, climbed the steps that had unfolded. Harry and Ron had to squint to finally recognize her.
Harry seemed shocked. "Hermione?!"
Ron was apparently speechless, but his gaze stayed on her. "What happened to you?" he asked rudely when he had regained his speech.
"Ginny," Hermione answered simply. She had been unsure of the effect on people other than her dorm-mates. "What, does it look bad?"
"," answered Harry quickly. "It looks, um, great. What did you do to her?" he asked Ginny, eyebrows raised.
"She doesn't know, so I won't spoil it for her," whispered Ginny. She knew Hermione wouldn't like to know that Ginny had highlighted and straightened, then curled her hair into loose waves.
Hermione pulled a book out of the messenger purse that Lavender had given her to carry instead of the heavy backpack she usually lugged around. Opening it, she gave Ron a glimpse of the title (Ancient Struggles, vol. 891: The Faun versus Centaur Conflict, circa 1280).
Ron laughed and nudged Harry. "Still the same Hermione, though."

Hermione looked out her window to watch the students walking to their coaches. There were Lavender and Parvati and her sister Padma, walking with Seamus, Dean, and PadmaÕs boyfriend Terry to their coach. And there was Neville- Hermione waved, but he didn't see her- with Hannah and Justin from Hufflepuff. A younger trio of Gryffindors walked by, including Colin Creevey, who was waving goodbye to his younger brother Dennis. Everyone was laughing and chatting amongst themselves.
Hermione suddenly remembered that she had lent Mariah from Ravenclaw borrow her copy of Wizards and Witches of the 4th Century. Spotting the 5th-year girl boarding her coach, she yanked down her sunglasses, opened the door of hers and dashed out.
"Mariah?" she panted, her hand on the girl's elbow. "Er, can I have my book back?" Mariah looked at her with a puzzled expression and handed the thick leather volume back to Hermione, who thanked her and began to walk back to her coach.
Suddenly, she heard a stop in the laughter and talking, and turned around. Apparently, the main people who had been chatting were a particularly nasty group of Slytherins, including Draco Malfoy and his cronies.
Malfoy stepped to the front of the crowd. Although it was a cold, breezy February day, his white-blond hair was slicked back and not moving at all. "Who the hell are you?" he sneered at her. "This trip is only for fifth and fourth-years. Sixth-years have regular classes."
Hermione was about to snap back that he knew perfectly well she was in his year, but then looked down at herself and realized she looked almost unrecognizable. Then it hit her:
Malfoy didnÕt know who she was.
And he thought she was a sixth year!
Hermione just smiled mysteriously, turned, and sauntered into her coach, leaving the group of Slytherins staring at her, amazed.

(Malfoy's POV)
Who was that girl?
Malfoy thought anxiously as he stood at the front of the group. She had to be a fifth or fourth year; why hadn't he noticed her before? She had been wearing something tight and red and black, and she was unmistakably model-thin.
Maybe it had had something to do with the fact that she had obviously not cared about him, but he suddenly felt challenged. Turning back to Crabbe and Goyle, he muttered to them, "By the end of this trip, she'll be mine."

(Hermione's again)
Just as the coaches had rolled off across the front lawn, and Hermione had finished telling Harry, Ron, and Ginny about her encounter with Malfoy, Dumbledore's voice boomed into their coach. "What the..." exclaimed Harry, his hands over his ears, as Dumbledore adjusted the voice-transfer spell to a reasonable volume.
"Attention, students," he said good-naturedly. "Now, I assume you all know a little of Shaelune's history. It is an ancient household that was once a routine stop for wealthy wizards and witches, and many of them have put their mark on the place in the form of enchantments. You're going there to study those enchantments and do projects on them."
Hermione grinned, excited about the assignment. "I hope I get something interesting!" she whispered to Ginny, who rolled her eyes.
"The gracious owner of the household, Lady Roestallion, has offered to hold an opening-night dance for us in the mansion's famed ballroom." The students heard McGonagall wresting the magnification device from Dumbledore. "This is what you will need your formal clothing for, so please try to look presentable." She paused, then added menacingly, "This means tucked in shirts and combed hair, please."
Dumbledore chuckled. "All right. However, at the dance you will be partnered with a person who we don't believe you would normally choose to work with. And," he said, becoming more serious, "You will dance at least once with this person. Lady Roestallion is a known romantic."
Hermione humphed and sat back against the wall of the coach. "Oh, cheer up, Hermione," whispered Ginny. "You might get someone cute!" At this, Hermione scowled deeper. She didn't want a "cute" partner. She wanted one who would help her get things done.
"Well, then," continued DumbledoreÕs voice. "In the remaining four days you will be assigned a specific enchantment and notified of the area of the house it usually occurs in. For example, the extremely strong Confundus Charm is located in the north balcony, and quite a few befuddled guests have tried to jump from the railing into the pond below. Fortunately, Lady Roestallion spotted this problem and has put up a magical barrier."
"You and your partner will be expected to have this project complete by the end of the week. See Professor McGonagall after the introduction meeting tomorrow morning if you have any questions." Hermione could almost hear Dumbledore smiling. "That is all- and, if I calculate correctly, we should be arriving any moment now."
After the spell cut off, a storm of chatter broke out. "A project while we're on vacation?" moaned Harry.
"With a girl! With my luck, I'll probably get Pansy Parkinson or some other prat." Ron cried.
"OohÉ" Ginny said dreamily. "I hope I get a really romantic enchantment andÉ likeÉ I donÕt know, Draco Malfoy for my partner."
Hermione narrowed her eyes and swatted Ginny. "You can't possibly think he's not cute, though," Ginny protested, sounding serious.
Hermione thought about it and ended up having to admit that he was handsome, with his shining, unnatural white-blond hair and chiseled, almost pretty-boy features. But his personality was what interested her. He wasn't totally cruel, or so she thought; more influenced by his father. Abusive, probably, she thought, trying to imagine being his girlfriend.
" he's a great kisser," continued Ginny. Hermione rolled her eyes in disgust and turned back to her book, just as the coach came to a jolting halt and the doors were thrown open.