Natural Beauty
A/N: A Ron and Hermione moment during DH.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" she murmured softly, standing at the door with her arms crossed over her chest for warmth.
The snow fell slowly, lightly dusting the earth with its dream like appeal. The wind howled and swirled the flakes in an utmost glorious fashion. The night's sky was quickly engulfing the scene, the sky moonless- shadowed by the thick mug of cold clouds that would soon be the marvel of shivering girl in the tent. She watched one float down from the sky and stick to the ground, where it was quickly dominating its pure like colour from the dirt. Her face was starting to get cold, her nose for sure will soon turn red and her lips were chapped to the peeling extent. A few flakes dusted her sweater, and angelically placed themselves in her hair. A few fell on her eyelashes. The snow and her hair colour contrasted magnificently. Her dark frizzy hair is wild, and seems to find its way out of her quick plait. Her skin is almost the same colour as the falling snow. Her eyes shaded a dark glow underneath them, but tonight they have a flicker of a spark, the luscious chocolate brown momentarily appearing back in her eyes. A spark of interest in the snow, something she finds an immense beauty in, as if it was the only good thing about their escape so far.
He never did see the snow falling that night though, just the wondrous effects it imprinted. He stood across from her, watching her observe the phenomenon that would probably kill them. He blinked his blue eyes quickly, feeling them sting as he did so.
"Yeah," he said quietly. His eyes could get used to the dryness. "Beautiful." He whispered, his eyes never leaving their spot.
A/N: Okay so this one is by far my favourite, you know favourite couple and all, and the description melts my heart. Hope you liked it!