A month...


A half...


Oh my god!

I'm so so so so so so sorry!!

I am SO sorry!

I'm not going to give you excuses because bottom line, it took me WAY to long to update, sorry!!

Thank you all so much for your support, here's the update!


To answer some of the questions from the last chapters reviews...

1. They are eleven.

2. They did NOT have sex, they just fell asleep on the same bed.

3. I am changing the older persons view to * instead of (O)... ex: Natsume* Said, Means The 30 year old Natsume said.

I am sorry and hope this doesn't offend any of you but I'm getting really pissed off with some things, I'm sorry for my grammar, I DO double even triple check it every time I post an update, I also find that there is some really bad grammar in other stories, but no one posts bad reviews about it on theirs, I try my best, I really do. And also the amount of sexual things in it are just as bad as other stories on here, and I can't mark it to M because it isn't lemon, so... I have to keep it T, so I'm really sorry to those of you who get awkward reading it, but it is rated T, and T is for teens, so...



Mikan sat awkwardly in front of Natsume*, she was on Natsume's bed in his room, her older self was gone due to the fact that there was food available in the cafeteria. It was breakfast time but Mikan surprisingly couldn't even think of food right now. She had to ask Natsume * what happened to his Alice, she didn't want him to die! So she had cornered him just a few minutes earlier and dragged him into his bedroom.

"What the hell do you want little girl?" He looked irritated.

Mikan twitched, angry at the fact that he was actually able to call her little girl since he was at the moment, so much older than her. "I need to know..." She trailed off, afraid of the answer. Maybe she didn't want to know weather or not her future husband was going to die young, that's kind of not a thing to look forward to.

He rolled his eyes, why did he have to love her so much, even so much that he was willing to put up with her stupidity. Once he wondered if it was worth it. But then Mikan smiled at him, and he looked down at his daughter, which gave him the answer without a second thought that yes, indeed, it was worth it, it was all worth it. "Spit it out." He snapped, pushing aside his mushy mood.

"Natsume... are you going t-"

He cut her off, "Die? No."

Mikan was shocked at his bluntness, even for Natsume, that was blunt. He usually wasn't that strait forward. "But how? Do you still have your Alice?" Come to think of it, she hadn't seen the older Natsume use his Alice in front of her yet. "Or did you just drop the habit of setting my hair on fire?"

He scoffed, "I stil have my alice you moron, you'll just have to find out how I lived yourself."


"If I tell you it could screw everything up, and then we may both end up dead," He quipped at her, looking even more irritated than before, "So shut up and live with my answer."


"What!?" He yelled, he hadn't meant to be so mean but he was hungry and this was to much stupidity for first thing in the morning.

"You don't have to yell!" She got up off the bed, tears stinging her eyes, "I don't even know why I asked! Sorry for caring!" Tears spilt over her face, it was hard to take so much drama right after getting up, she couldn't handle it anymore, "I don't see why I would ever marry you! I hate you!" She screamed, and stormed out of the room.

Right then he knew something very wrong had happened, and that it was going to effect something, he just hoped it wasn't anything big and she'd get over it.

She ran down the hallway to go to her room and think, she wanted to get there as soon as possible. Or at least before anyone caught her crying, but luck wasn't on her side as she felt a hand tighten around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

"Where are you going?" The stotic voice questioned. She looked up forgetting her tears to see Natsume with a shocked look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He sounded worried and cradled his arms around her as a force of habit.

She quickly pulled out of his grasp and tore a few feet away from him, "You!" She yelled, "You're my problem! I don't want to marry you! It's like I don't have a says in anything! I don't want this! Stay away from me!"

He watched silently as she ran down the hallway and turned into her room. Still, even though he 's heard them before, the words stung, he felt a throbbing in his throat but pushed it away.

Where is that girl? Was the thought running through Natsume's* mind as he carefully searched each row of chairs in the cafeteria with his ruby eyes, none of the familiar faces belonging to his daughter.

She had been gone with her mother for hours, he couldn't find Mikan either, and he was beginning to worry about both of them. A lot.

A voice was screaming in his ear that something wasn't right, something was different, that this was bad. But Natsume* being Natsume* pushed it aside and decided to ask around to see if anyone knows where his family might be.

"No." They had all said. All of them. That Pink haired girl, Potion freak, Koko, Mochu, Naru, even both Ruka and Imai's didn't know where they went. He sighed as he entered his old room and sunk down in the bed, he rested his eyes only momentarily before a small voice was heard at the door. His eyes flew open and there stood his daughter. Looking very different.

"Dad?" She squeeked, choking back tears.

He took one look at her and his eyes widened with disbelief.

"Oh. Shit."

Haha I know it's short, but I had thought up such a good cliff hanger... although you can probably guess what's wrong. But still! Review Please :3